Thursday, December 14, 2023




Anonymous said...

Better than resisting, you should move to a Libtard state which is more inline with your personal beliefs. Texas is a conservative state and will always be one. That is why our great state is so successful. Pack your bags, California is calling you.

Anonymous said...

Why resist? It's one of the best strip clubs in Austin.

Anonymous said...

Now there's a real strip club
The yellow rose
You member
I member ...

Anonymous said...

Stop the killings! Make the correct decision and quit blaming everyone for your mistake(s).

Anonymous said...

According to The National Center for Biotechnology Information Women’s reasons for seeking an abortion fell into 11 broad themes. The predominant themes identified as reasons for seeking abortion included financial reasons (40%), timing (36%), partner related reasons (31%), and the need to focus on other children (29%). Most women reported multiple reasons for seeking an abortion crossing over several themes (64%). Using mixed effects multivariate logistic regression analyses, we identified the social and demographic predictors of the predominant themes women gave for seeking an abortion. In my personal opinion these are not good enough reasons to take the life of an unborn child. Women need to make better decisions and quit looking towards MURDER as an easy way out of a poor decision.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk is funding a new school planning to open in Austin, Texas
As if austin needed money. Well elected officials give him something else like your asses or your properties. Your kissing his ass didn't help the locals here any. Maybe your kickbacks, did but only to yourselves

Anonymous said...

Prosecutors Refuse to Drop Charges Against Cameron County Texas 11-Year-Old Put in Solitary Confinement.
He won't prosecute his friends but wants to sent an 11 year old to PRISON. WOW!!! He needs to be re-elected again and again LET HIM SENT ALL OUR CHILDREN TO PRISON but not his amigos, primos, hermanos y su familia....

Anonymous said...

How to entirely empty your bowels every morning. Top surgeon explains…
Local doctor and cantina enthusiast claims that a hot cup of coffee in the morning will do the job. No need to go see a surgeon nor a curandera. As a matter of fact he has come up with a fool proof recipe, but you have to buy his newly released top selling book, "How I get drunk without spending any money". A top rank book on the browntown list of "WHO THE SIT WANTS TO READ THESE BOOKS", list.

Anonymous said...

Starship launches and other SpaceX matters during an invitation-only presentation Guess what? they want more free land of course, and no citizen was invited of course. WHAT YOU EXPECT FOR LOS VENDIDOS MAMONES ELECTED OFFICIALS HERE.

Anonymous said...

Spaceport in New Mexico Leaves Economic Dreams Grounded

Long a priority of local officials, the desert launchpad is sending tourists into space, but taxpayers and merchants are waiting for the payoff.
SAME THING WILL HAPPEN HERE,just wait and see.....

Anonymous said...

2:16pm Austin.
The red rose is better than the yellow rose.
Sugars, was the best.

Anonymous said...

7:32 am you def know your way around Austin titty joints. What was the name of the one on Congress by St.Edward’s? Sugar’s by Highland Park Mall was my favorite in the late 80’s.

Anonymous said...

The woods cabaret or the stilettos, Jaguars Club, Xoticas or Pleasures Gentlemens club any one if good, any more questions????
