Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Retired San Patricio County District Judge Joel Johnson has ruled that the Brownsville Independent School District must hold an election May 4, 2024 for voters to determine whether Place 6 Minerva Peña or challenger Marisa Leal will remain on the board.

Leal initially won the Nov. 3, 2020 election by one vote. Pena asked for a recount and prevailed by eight votes, 16,552 to 16,544 for Leal and 10,575 for Joe A. Rodriguez. The vote was canvased, Pena was declared the winner and was sworn in Dec. 9, 2020 to her fourth term on the board.

Leal sued but the case didn’t go to trial until Jan. 6-7, 2022, with state district judge Johnson presiding because under state law the challenge had to be heard by a judge outside the county where the challenged election took place.

Johnson ruled that 24 illegal votes made it impossible to determine the election’s true winner and ordered a new election for May 7, 2022. Now, almost a year after the ruling, Johnson has ordered the election be held May 4.

That election never took place May 7, 2022 because of continual delays, Leal’s attorney Gilberto Hinojosa, of Brownsville, told Gary Long of the Brownsville Herald.

“So all this time it’s been one delay tactic after another,” Hinojosa said Tuesday. “The decision came down almost three years to the day after the election. So now the only time the court can order an election is the date of a uniform election date set by the Legislature. We thought we were going to be able to get the November election but the Supreme Court took a long time to rule on the petition and so now we’ve missed the Nov. 3 deadline, so the next uniform election date is in May of 2024."

The Texas Supreme Court  rejected an appeal by Pena to overturn her November 2020 election loss to Leal.

In a decision, the court declined to review a decision by the 13th Court of Appeals upholding the result of a January 2022 trial in 107th state District Court in which the judge voided the original election and ordered a new one for May 2022.

After the trial, Johnson issued a finding that Hinojosa had shown by clear and convincing evidence that 16 voters cast ballots who were registered to vote at an address other than their residence, a commercial warehouse at 225 S. Vermillion Ave. near the Brownsville-South Padre Island International airport.

Hinojosa said under holdover provisions in the Texas constitution “if the election that they were elected in is voided, if they were already serving in that position from a prior election, then they are allowed to remain in office until the governing body replaces them or until there’s a new election.”

Between now and May 4, the BISD board could vote to replace Peña with someone else or wait until the May 4 election.


Anonymous said...

I managed the switchboard, not just for the motel, but for all the V.I.C.C. homes and condos, connecting callers with a long-distance operator or another room, condo or the restaurant or bar. In the morning we gave verbal "wake-up" reminders, using a mechanical timer to remind us of the guest's request. (If someone in one of the condos left their phone off the hook, I had to drive over there and knock on their door as they had tied up a line.)

Anonymous said...

How long will the winner of this election serve?

Anonymous said...

Remove Pena now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Leal is just a not so younger version of Pena. The difference is that BISD will also be getting Leal's husband if Leal wins. May the best perra win.

Anonymous said...

The release stated that Pinto charged Puente “knife in hand,” so Puente fired his duty weapon, hitting him in the upper body.

Puente then provided first aid to Pinto and called in EMS who then transported him to a local hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

At least first aid is provided by the cop who shoots your ass. I now feel comfortable, but the thing here is that they are ALL trained to shoot fatal shots. GOOD LUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

Bite force are called newtons, a tyrannosaurus rex has 45,000 newtons (bite force), a dog has 1000 newtons, humans have 700 newtons, elected officials have between 50,000 to 75,000 newtons. NO WONDER

Anonymous said...

What's The Difference Between A Bar A Pub and a Cantina?
Is's black, white and brown in that order. any more questions???

Anonymous said...

This woman is a STAIN on our community and city. She does not deserve to represent us in any manner, shape or form. Let's be done with this STAIN!

Anonymous said...

Y la Not-so-Minnie Winnee she sale con la de ella y se sigue burlando de los
"P" en el school board (And P does not stand for Porter Belle.

Hechen fuera esa falsa dicipula de Jehova, golpes de pecho, y besos falso's.
Otro gandarello en BISD y nadie hace nada.

Anonymous said...

The board should appoint someone who is not running for the board in November. Also, don't appoint someone who just lost in the last election (Drue).

Anonymous said...

Oyes chata, tu no me hechas mentiras! Tu no fuiste Porter Belle. Tu fuiste la moscota, la Porter Cow. Di la neta, la bell la trais tu en el cuello!


Anonymous said...

After witnessing today’s board meeting (12-12-2023) Sorry!!! time for true competence If these board members cannot discern the word deficit plan for the future wonder how these board members’ -budget -looks like, scary!!! hypocrisy remains obvious with two board members(these board members are not conscientious as they come across to the community, social media report on these board members go back to the time when they were recklessly voting on vendors, staff promotions, etc. etc. and questionable items and would not interrogate as they do today) the other board member with due respect just tags along(you call it a puppet, your puppet?)

It is so so so obvious these board members’ political agendas and so so so disrespectable during board meetings and so so so sad that the community is blinded by these so call ethical reborn board members and so so so sad to hear some Teacher Associations engaging in political agendas

Apparently this was shared on one of the social media outlets after the Caballero recount disappointing to see so many ballots that the BISD elections was left blank especially the 2000+ for the Caballero/Garza race do not know how accurate this person’s information is but if true does this means that the other candidates (CE/DB/PC/FO/PRT) who won were bubbled in 2000 + ???? is this questionable

Anonymous said...

De Guatemala a Guatepeor is la midma K K

Anonymous said...

Juan just wondering hpw much tax dollars have been wasted on this matter with teh overwight Minnie Mouse Pena, , lets see elections BISD or special attorneys etc? Do you know? Need to share that info with the public becasue at the end of the day, it is tazpayers monies that pay for all of this mess. just asking for a friend. chon el taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Carlos, Pena, and Ortiz, is this how you balance your finances, spending money you don’t have? 1500 You three knew it was not doable, yet you still went ahead knowing that the district is in a deficit. If I heard correctly, when I was watching the meeting, the superintendent said all board members received information about financial concerns. Yet, Carlos and Frank recklessly recommended an amount that they knew was not manageable. You continue to look bad, yet you try hard to make the others look bad. You don’t care about anything other than getting your votes for the next election. BROWNSVILLE, don’t be fooled by the ring leader, Carlos, who is the biggest loser! He steals and lies all the time. He is constantly setting up meetings with vendors and promising BISD business. Insurance was one of the many deals he was doing. He made it seem like he cared, but it was because he knew he did not have the votes to award his buddies. BISD SHOULD NOT HAVE RECEIVED ANY STIPEND!! DEFICIT! Be happy $750 was approved based on what the interim said was doable. As of now, BISD this school year gave $1000 in August, now $750 total of &1750. If people complain they can’t afford bills, honestly, that is not a BISD problem. Maybe you need to relook your financial priorities. Maybe stop living above your means. Many teachers have kids in private schools and drive expensive cars, yet they aren’t paid well. Send your kids to the district you work for and drive a Toyota instead of a BMW. Thank you to the other 4 who have been voted to do what is right for the District. They are not looking at what is before them but beyond that. That is a true leader. Please remove Pena and appoint someone!!!

Anonymous said...



ya que se valla a su casa.....

you can stick a fork on it, its done, vote her out.

She went from 1500 to teachers and staff to asking for it to be 500

Its not your money lady, its in the budget. Give it to the workers.

Anonymous said...

La cabbage patch es terca. No quiere soltar la chiche y menos la comida gratis. Vieja arguendera, chismosa le encanta el drama. Ya nadie la quiere en el distrito escolar señora!! Ya deje su sueño cuando era DPS y Porter Belle( fea) . Para la comunidad usted a sido una pesadilla!!!

Anonymous said...

UNACCEPTABLE IS FOR TEACHERS TO CONTINUE ASKING FOR STIPENDS!! You all must be the dumbest individuals to want one-time payments vs continuous raises. UNACCEPTABLE is for Mr. Carlos Elizondo not to do his homework and understand the district's finances. It's UNACCEPTABLE for Mr. Carlos Elizondo to mislead the community with an amount he knew was not good. It is UNACCEPTABLE that Mr. Carlos Elizondo does not understand why the district is in a deficit. People wake up! He promised things he knew he could not do and is using you to think he cares. He only cares about the money he makes from helping his buddies get contracts. Teachers do their homework and see what causes the deficit. Nothing our district did. We, as a community, can blame the state for raising our property appraisals. The appraisals affected our district funding received by the state. UNACCEPTALE that teachers do not understand. Maybe parents need to reconsider who is educating their students. Unacceptable that Mr. Ortiz is Carlos Puppet.
2015-2018 how much to Carlos and Pena give you in raises and stipends? Not over $5000 that these other have given since in office. Simple math and facts!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will throw filth on you And make you vile, And set you up as a spectacle.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jesus Chavez...you are my hero from la southmost. pero pongase los pantalones y haga algo para fix el distrito. Usted puede per lo veo desganado sin querer hacer decisiones. No se me vaya de hero a zero...porfa.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the majority four board members are not there for the students, teachers nor the employees. They are there for themselves. They are all hurting for money. On another note, how is it that a non profit organization, like the Mitte Foundation, is paying a high salary to their consultant Daniella Lopez Valdez, the BISD board member. I thought that could not be done from the Mitte nonprofit foundation. Does anyone know if this is correct? Asking for a friend.
