Thursday, December 7, 2023


1962 | Shot for LIFE by photographer Bill Ray in May 1962, this now-iconic image of Marilyn Monroe singing "Happy Birthday" to John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden
Shot used in El Rrun-Rrun story November 22. 
(Ed.'s Note: One of our eagle-eyed eight readers who lives in Houston thinks he spotted something shady in the bottom shot of Kennedy and Marylin often used in many publications and passed off as real. On reflection, it does appear that the top photo was merged with a photo of Kennedy that never happened. In 1997, a cache of documents were discovered, purportedly proving an affair between President John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, as well as other illicit relationships, but were later determined to have been part of an elaborate hoax. Good catch, Rick.)


Anonymous said...

In the second picture the middle finger and ring finger of her left hand look different from the first picture.

Anonymous said...

They call that 2 different pictures.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a flying fuck!!!!!

losers all of you.

Anonymous said...

JFK was getting him, some of that. No doubt in my mind.

Anonymous said...

its because it was used for aaaahhh

Anonymous said...

They could have fixed her sagging ass while they were at it.

Anonymous said...

At 11:52 am

It’s the same picture used on different dates.

Anonymous said...

No wonder she was seen several times smelling her finger and wiping it with toilet paper. QUE PESTILENCIA FUUIII

Anonymous said...

he only did what most married state judges do here in our county. Have affairs
