Wednesday, January 31, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: After we posted the WTAW story below on the four St. Joe grads attending A&M arrested for burglary and assault, an investigator for the family called to say that it was a case of mistaken identity and that when the parents were shown the surveillance tapes, they told police they were not their sons. He said that one of them was in Dallas with his parents watching the Thursday Cowboy game [December 30] and was still in Dallas Tuesday night [January 2) when the parents  allege the crimes occurred and didn't return to College Station until day later [January 3]. 

However, the WTAW story states that the alleged crimes were committed sometime in December, but doesn’t say what date. A parent who spoke with Brazos County prosecutors claims he was assured the DA there would be working to dismiss the charges over which the four were jailed January 23 and issue a public apology. Until we aquire the court documents, the dates and alibis remain in dispute. We will report developments as they occur.)
Photos of (L-R) Santiago Vidaurri, Marcelo Masso, Pedro Cardenas, and Francisco La Garza

Four College Station men went to jail Tuesday night (January 23) on charges of breaking into a Northgate district high rise apartment in December 2023 and assaulting a man. 

(Ed.'s Note: All four are St. Joe Academy graduates, including Pedro Cardenas Jr., son of COB commissioner Pedro Cardenas and Santiago Vidaurri, brother of Juan Pablo Vidaurri, who was injured in an accident which killed another St. Joseph grad last August.)

CSPD arrest reports say the 18- through 20- year-olds-were knocking on doors at three in the morning.

When the victim opened his door and told the group to stop, the victim was pushed back into his apartment and beaten where he fell several times to the ground.

CSPD investigators were aided by video from a security camera that was directly facing the attack.

The four who were arrested for burglary of a habitation are out of jail after each posted an $8,000 bond.

They are identified as 19-year- old Santiago Vidaurri, 20-year-old Marcelo Masso, 20 year-old Pedro Cardenas, and 18--year-old Francisco LaGarza.


Anonymous said...

Brownsville is in spot light again. Brownsville is suffering from stupidity and now the kids from the political rats of Brownsville are doing their thing. Not to worry about these idiots, they will be clear of chargers because money talks while you and me go to jail for life. These idiots can get out of jail if they belong to black lives matters and voted for Joe Blow Biden!

Anonymous said...

Lock them up!!! LOCK THEM UP!!! Son cuatro pendejos. No mercy!!! Estoy avergonzado de ser Mejicano, Juan. Estos cagapalos merecen la carcel!!! Eh, chotas, parenlos en el City Limits!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ah come on kids will be kids but only en el valle up there you face the gringos terror of hating meskins regardless who their papi is. IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they already had a record before. No worries Daddy Commissioner will call his friends to shake this off!


Anonymous said...

No que nomas La Porter tiene idiotas.

Parents try to give kids all they can to put them in the path of success but you can't fix stupidity.

Who is going to come out to defend these characters?

Lack of kick in the ass, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Up there you are a gardener or an illegaI, regardless if your dad is a racist republican coco. THERY HATE MESKINS UP NORTH LEARN IT NOW.

Anonymous said...

Bloodhound's best

Anonymous said...

Were they going to rape the man? If it had been a lady, would they have raped her?

Protect the victim so that they can overcome this abuse.

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget to add the part where they were falsely incriminated and the real suspects are still out on the loose living their best lives. It’s a shame that College Station PD failed the futures of these young men, and it’s an even bigger shame that their own city continues to fail them. Get facts straight before posting bull online, how about that?

Anonymous said...

Todos son Mexicanos chuecos. Shit even their grandparents are crooks. It is in their DNA.

They are like Donny and think the law does not apply to them.

Son Mejicles corrientes con dinero.

Anonymous said...

They blamed these kids for looking different. Those white folk up there don’t like our kind!! The police wont look into it because they’re Mexican. You can tell there was no investigation if one of the kids was not even there when it happened. Can’t wait for them to find the real criminals!!

Anonymous said...

They probably picked the mexicans that lived closest to where the crime happened!!

Anonymous said...

St. Joe is a special place. Seems to be a breeding ground for criminals with politically connected parents.
You people at the school really know how to represent Catholics.

Anonymous said...

Crack cocaine kills

Anonymous said...

Pinches ratas chiflados.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. The Brazos County District Attorney is going to issue a public apology to four Mexicans from Brownsville for breaking into an apartment? I knew Donald Trump didn't start that riot.

Anonymous said...

This is normal behavior for A and M students.
Whites, minorities etc all of them behave like this and nobody does much to them. Only the poor students study at most Universities. These rich students control the professors, the Teaching Assistants, the Deans, the Chairs..etc The parents are big DONORS.

Students at A and M:

One destroyed the George Bush library.
Another stole property belonging to the City worth two thousand dollars.
Another group of students did the same as this group: attacked a man with knives etc because of drugs.

So, the A and M police know what the students do. Back at home, the parents are there to pay the bonds, bail and keep the record clean of their kids.

Good for parents to deny and convince everybody that these kids are innocent. That is why they have money in the bank.
I say they are innocent. (NOT).

Give them a chance.

Montoya, please delete this blog story and the 4 readers do not take pictures or make a copy of this blog story. It is not in the Brownsville Herald. It is not in the internet.

Just do not open the door when you see a group of kids. Do not call the police. Just pray and light a candle.

Anonymous said...

Last I checked, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. But if turns out to be true , another sad example of our youth making a terrible decision in their young lives. It’s unfortunate, but shit happens and it can happen to anyone. Now , all we can do is wait and for the final results in the investigation.

Anonymous said...

(These idiots can get out of jail if they belong to black lives matters and voted for Joe Blow Biden!)

F_ck you, Trump ass sucker.


Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen.
Boys will be boys.
Besides, we haven't any idea about the victim's previous behavior.
Did the victim antagonize them?

Anonymous said...

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree does it

Anonymous said...

No mercy? Daddy Commissioner? Son Mejicles corrientes con dinero? Why are we including the ethnicities of these children when all of us reading the article are Mexicans? The only difference is one of us has a higher income and the ones that are posting these hateful comments are probably twice the age of these victims. You do understand the boys who were involved in this were falsely incriminated right? Involving a high school is that necessary? A substantial portion of the parents with a financial means to facilitate their children's attendance at this high school began their journey for more modest beginnings, just as the rest of us. Perhaps the origin lies in individuals avoiding a victim mindset, channeling their down time into activities that genuinely benefit their families rather than resorting to harmful speech against these young boys.

Anonymous said...

This blog is gay.

Anonymous said...

Even George W. Bush, during his time at the University of Texas at Austin, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in 1976. He pleaded guilty and paid a fine.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know the whiners are covering for these fuckups.. at three in the morning these dumbasses were knocking or banging on doors. You know they were trashed! They were caught on video and assaulted the victim several times. What is the reader to think happened, (oh) but the Brownsville whiners wants you to believe is that up north they hate meskins ,GET OVER yourselves you morons. Quit trying to GASLIGHT a situation that everyone knows these fuckups we’re doing.

Anonymous said...

Estos inutiles are literally blood hounds. Jajajaja.

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2024 at 3:27 PM
but does it run in la familia??

Indagación de mente quire saber.

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Idiota you want to tell the blog owner how to run his blog, no seas pendejo open your own and run it your way estupido.

Anonymous said...

all you saying they are being discriminated against....they are on video! wtf? don't do the crime.....if you can't do the time.....

Anonymous said...

they need to be taught a lesson, Lock them up!!!!

Anonymous said...

😆 🤣 😂 son ratas comunes y corrientes. Mas corrientes que comun. Es mas son mas corrientes que las gallestas de animalito.

If their families love these young men they will let them face the consequences of their actions.

Personally I find this funny because folk like these people think that they are God's gift to man kind but in reality they are just full of themselves. In reality they are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Puras carritas de St Joe! Losers with money!

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2024 at 10:33 PM

What did he say? That we should not comment. That we should support these students.

Anonymous said...

I heard vet students say “hold my beer” and had a royal rumble at school, one student stabbed and a kitchen lady stabbed with a spork lmao, only in Bville… estos vatos chingos of fights there yesterday. Anyone have the videos??

Anonymous said...

they asked the parents to identify them? OMG! People wake up and smell the coffee. OF course they're gonna say, oh no...that's not my son. Pinches fresitas! demand a public apology from CSPD? oh please!
The only thing they should be apologizing is for giving these demanding mom's the ok to let them take over the investigation. There's just no way they will admit their little Mejicanos (anchor babies) that they do any harm. That's so sad that they represent Brownsville. At least my three kids that graduated from there listened to me. I never spared the rod, that's why their not little assholes.
