Saturday, January 13, 2024


Everything We Know About Elon Musk’s Drug Use
From La Cebolla

1. He Has It Totally Under Control. If he didn’t, he’d likely be behaving erratically, right?

2. Ketamine Isn’t A Big Deal. Plenty of reputable horses take it.

3. Musk Is Too Much Of A Pussy For Fentanyl. Sounds like cocaine is the hardest thing his delicate constitution can handle.

4. He Thinks All Of His 420 Jokes Are About Quaaludes. No one has had the heart to tell him that the number is actually more commonly used in reference to marijuana.

5. He Launched A Car Into Space. He launched a car into outer space.

6. He Will Snort Anything You Put In Front Of Him. Cocaine, fiberglass, dirt, bread crumbs, anthrax, sugar, sand, anything that can go up a nostril.

7. The Cybertruck Idea Was Born During a Horse Tranquilizer Trip. In fact, many of his groundbreaking achievements came from those moments of ascension and brain clarity found only via his weekly xylazine-and-vitamin-B-12 drip.

8. He Dug First Boring Company Tunnel Himself While On Coke. 
He didn’t get more than 100 feet and has no recollection of ever doing it.

9. Meetings With Musk Last Hours Because He Has To Battle Hallucinated Ghouls. An extra two hours are usually built in to compensate for the shrieking.

10. He Has Been On Same Acid Trip Since 1997. Relatively new to drugs, Musk licked an entire sheet of LSD tabs and has not come down since.


Anonymous said...

Ójala que explóte todo el pedo allí en la Boca Chica y se váya a la verga ese pinche marihuáno.

Anonymous said...

Later he'll built a bridge to cross into meskco, any bets????

Anonymous said...

Democrats and liberals hate him because he's successful and speaks the truth.
Stay woke my friends.

Tax payer said...

How could he do this if there's no running water I haven't been able to build a house because there's no running water and this guy's going to open up a restaurant and a grocery store wow corruption money can buy anything

Anonymous said...

Governor Says Texas isn’t Shooting Migrants Because Biden Would ‘Charge Us With Murder’
In other words if biden wasn't president the 2 wheeling texas governor would give the order that it's legal to shoot meskins in texas.

y myra has the weapons to do it buttttttttt she's meskin!!!!!!!!
Y de mejico!!!!

Anonymous said...

To the psycho whose stating that the governor would give the order to shoot illegals. No one is going to shoot anyone. We have a problem with illegal immigration because the democratic party deliberately created this chaos in search of additional votes. Democratic voters like yourself could see this if you weren't so indoctrinated. If you think that the democratic party cares about you, your family or all these illegal immigrants you are in serious need of mental health treatment. Democratic politicians would sell their own mothers to stay in power.

Anonymous said...

January 13, 2024 at 1:27 PM
Money makes water and everything that los pobres can't have. Verdad elected officials here? RATAS

Anonymous said...

comes with a 30-06 bullet hole.

Anonymous said...

pub outage number 983-6300 or the mayor el gringo or the city commissioners los cocos... CALL THEM ALL THEY GET A SALARY ALSO 350000 DOLLARS PARA NADA NADA Y NADA

Anonymous said...

6:57 thanks for your opinion. Our country’s immigration policy has been broken for a long time. DO YOU AGREE ?? If YES then read the following small fact check: since i can remember ( lets go back to 1970 to the present) We have had approximately 10 different presidents 6 REPUBLICANS AND 4 DEMOCRATS , so the way i see it , it ( immigration issue) has been a BI-PARTISAN CLUSTERFUCK. for decades!!! So my suggestion has always been to stop the fingerpointing and the backstabbing and work together as true Americans to fix this chaos. The solutions to all them ( both parties) has always been to patch up the” hole in the dam” with a piece of chewing gum. Yes its a temporary fix but not the solution. And now the dam is burst and “ we the people “ are the ones that are fucked. My opinion. Have a wonderful day

Anonymous said...

January 14, 2024 at 6:57 AM
The two wheeling' texas governor did say that and later he walked it back but he had already said it AND YOU PENDEJO COCO YOU ARE NOT WHITE AND NEVER WILL BE WHITE NO MATTER HOW MUCH WHITE ASSES YOU KISS - MAMON COCO...
