Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

More than seven months after the newly-painted rainbow sidewalk on 10th and Adams in Downtown Brownsville was vandalized on Saturday, June 17, 2023, the Brownsville Police Department has responded to a citizen's information request for the recordings by the city's surveillance cameras to discover the perpetrators.

The requester who received the recordings says he will make them public after review. 

The recordings, delivered in a DVD just this week to a citizen's request will be reviewed to ascertain the perpetrators.

In the past, an anti-Islamic tagger was identified, not by the city's $500,000-plus downtown surveillance system, but by cameras located on a a nearby business after graffiti appeared spray-painted on the walls of downtown businesses. He turned out to be a preacher who ministers to an evangelical church congregation downtown. 

Could the two be related?

The lag in time of the release of the tapes that might show the identity of the crosswalk was criticized by local LGBTQ members.


Anonymous said...

Chase crimminals not pavement painters! Screw los maricones que pagen sus taxas. Nobody cares about los maricones

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there was that many fags and dykes in this town to make crosswalks such an issue. They must be democrats.

Anonymous said...

@ January 30, 2024 at 7:08 AM

Be careful who you hate, because it may be someone you love.

Anonymous said...

TSTC instructor offers tips for preparing home ahead of winter weather

First its kinda late to do this, we're half way winter season.

My tip: money talks, bs walks.
What can you do if you don't have any money? NADA NADA Y NADA. verdad mayor????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Be careful who you hate, it may be someone you love. Peace

Anonymous said...

Ke se agan los putazos

Anonymous said...

This blog is gay.

Anonymous said...

January 30, 2024 at 7:05 PM
das why you're here gueygay

Anonymous said...

9:28 takes gay to recognize gay…. =)

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2024 at 10:31 PM
WOW never heard that one before! el gueygay es gueygay

to say you are here is not a recognition, no seas guey-gay

Anonymous said...

So who was it, ex commissioner William Billy Garza? was he wearing any clothes? Is he running again? I mean from Los Fresnos to the City Limits?

Anonymous said...

OMG! Who the F**k cares!!!!!!! This city has bigger problems to deal with than rainbow painters.

Former RGV LEO said...

And, who cares if rainbow crosswalks are damaged? Really, who gives a flying shit about this?
