Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 The Great Guyanese Grub Grab: A tale of culinary misappropriation.

By Michelle H. Davis

LoneStarLeft's Newsletter

Congressional Candidate Mayra Flores and her kin gathered around a warm fire on New Year’s Eve in South Texas. They used a cast-iron skillet to cook their food on an open flame. Flores exclaimed, “La vida Ranchero en familia es lo mejor.” Life on the Ranch with family is the best. Then she posted this picture to social media:
What are they eating, you ask? Are those street tacos? No. Actually, you’re looking at a popular Guyanese dish, Mutton (sheep) Stew and Flatbread.

In fact, this yummy meal wasn’t from Flores’s family ranch; it wasn’t even from America. As Twitter user Ben Anderson discovered, the picture Mayra Flores used on New Year’s Eve, claiming it was a family meal on her family ranch, was a STOLEN picture from the Guyanese Facebook Page, Visit Guyana

And in 2024, Mayra Flores finally learned about reverse-image search.
When Flores was called out on her photo-stealing shenanigans, did she recant? Did she apologize? Did she blame it on an intern?
She panicked. First, she changed her name on Twitter from @MayraFlores_TX to @MayraFlores4Tx. Then, she locked her Twitter account and put the whole thing private.

She deleted the tweet about the yummy Guyanese food and blocked everyone who tagged her or mentioned it. (Including yours truly.)
It’s rumored that in the past 24-hours, Flores has blocked hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of Texans all curious about her family’s Ranch meal recipe. This story quickly changed from her stealing a picture from the Visit Guyana Facebook page to her fragility in handling dissent.

It’s hard to call Mayra Flores the biggest liar of 2024 since we’re only on day two.

She makes it clear that she’s willing to lie, just for the sake of lying. She is lying because she can. This was a ridiculous lie. Maybe Republicans’ lives are just one giant, continuous cycle of lies and deceitful behavior.

As the dust settles on what could be the most sizzling scandal since Watergate turned up the heat in the political kitchen, Mayra Flores might find herself stewing in a pot of her own making. While she hasn’t been cooking up policies, she’s been roasting her credibility over an open flame of internet infamy.

As for that secret family ranch recipe? Well, it seems the only thing she’s managed to concoct successfully is a recipe for disaster—served hot and fresh to her followers. One thing is sure: if politics doesn’t pan out, Flores might have a future in culinary arts.

So, here’s to the political chefs of the world: may your dishes be authentic and your photos your own. Bon appétit.


Anonymous said...

Me and my family are voting for her.

Anonymous said...

racist republicans is she claiming she is anglo? Perhaps that's why she got elected le pico los ojos a los gringos. Hahahahaha butttttt........esta mas prieta que yogas!

Anonymous said...

The president of Harvard resigned yesterday because of her plagiarism.

Mayra Flores Vallejo needs to resign because of her plagiarism.

Anonymous said...

Mira Myra la Mentirosa the triple threat ,M

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2024 at 7:05 AM

Can Mayra the McAllen resident vote for herself? Vicente can vote for himself.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Mayra la mentirosa ha ha ha, new hit single by los demo ratas.....

Anonymous said...

Where it reads "Mayra Flores might flame of internet infamy" is right! She doesn't need anybody to make her look bad, she can do that all by herself...with her "mandilon y mantenido" by her side.

If she were my wife and I caught her posting that rubbish le meto unas cachetadas gujolotonas. The people who still believe and eat her shit are very ignorant. Her children are going to need a lot of mental therapy.

At the end of the day she thought "to hell with transparency, they can all see my lies. If I block them, it's like closing my eyes, they can't see me."

Handlers she needs handlers.

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2024 at 7:05 AM

You and your can go stir her salad bowl and eat whatever you find there. Nobody gives a rat's ass what you do or don't.

Anonymous said...

Le dicen la M&M


Mayra Mentiras

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2024 at 7:05 AM

You and your can go stir her salad bowl and eat whatever you find there. Nobody gives a rat's ass what you do or don't.

Anonymous said...

Lying is a disease, or maybe a state of mind or even perhaps a way of life. Whatever it is , it can control a persons life and sometimes even ruin it. But for some in the political arena, it can become a weapon. GEORGE SANTOS ,perfect example. He lied exponentially all the way to Congress only to be booted out later ( pending criminal cases in court) . And it seems Mayra ( whatever last name she wants to use) is following the same pattern. Unfortunately for her, she’s to stupid and her campaign people are failing to capitalize on their “lying strategy “. Instead of learning from her mistakes she keeps sticking her foot in her mouth nonstop. Quick story: i had an uncle who was well liked but had the ugly habit of lying. We all loved him and was the life of the party. He had a kind heart and was always willing to lend a hand. BUT, we could never really believe anything that came out of his mouth. So for that huge reason we couldn’t rely or depend on him for important matters. We couldn’t trust him to speak for the family on any subject. His CREDIBILITY was shot and it plagued him all his life. So the moral of this story, we may like a person very much but if that person has no credibility then that person is unreliable, untrustworthy and whats worse a LIABILITY !! So keep up the “good work “ Mayra, you seem to be digging your own grave with so much DECEIT.

Anonymous said...

Whatever's in the pot looks ugly.

Anonymous said...

La pescaron en otra maroma a la vieja. Por decir mentiras la volvio a cagar. Ya no sabe que hacer para tratar de quedar bien. Y tu , el esposo mandilón, jalale la rienda a tu vieja que está poniendo a tu familia en vergüenza. Ah pero se me olvidaba, si hace eso se acaba el DINERO $$$$. Muertos de hambre, mentirosos, pura gente falsa.

Anonymous said...

Fact, as a people, community, or demographic we deserve better than Mayra Flores.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What’s missing from your xmas card Mayra? Where are the ranch hands that work for you? Pictures of the barn, the horses, cattle and any other “ranch animals “ ? We want to see more pictures of Rancho La Mentirosa. Maybe you can set up some tours and the lucky visitors can savor your ranch delicacies ( gorditas, the stew, pan de campo, barbacoa etc). C’mon Mayra don’t be pinche, we all want to see/feel what its like to live” the ranch life” like you and your mandilón husband live. After that you may want to wake up from your fantasy/make-believe world and stop lying your way through life.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if she posted some carne from the internet. It's the thought that counts. I post Internet pictures all the time of steaks or cookout that aren't mine to get the point across. Give me a break. Sensoring and negative propaganda for a pictures.

Anonymous said...

No que No Chiquita ? Le das competencia a el Trumpudo. Estas cortada con la misma tijera. Bola de mentirosos. Chente con la jente.

Anonymous said...

juan must be a very slow day for news when you dont have any other articles, did v gonzalez pay you for this too? just asking for a friend?

Anonymous said...

She was at central library giving out pictures of tortillas she claimed she made and the packages were stamped with HEB logos.
She had a big sign with, "Next week I will be giving carne asada (fotos) and I will cook it for ya al' ".

Anonymous said...

Myra means "sweet-smelling oil" (cooking oil).

Myra was invented in the seventeenth century by a poet called Pancho Pistolas as a short form of Margarita--or perhaps an anagram of Juana Maria-- and it quickly caught on with other borrachos and street bums, particularly popular with the Meskins. There were leading characters named Myra in Josefo's novel Babbosse and in Theodoro Chanclas's A Ranchero's Tragedy. Later it was the name of the central character in Pepito's 1968 Myra Mentiras, and plays a minor role in the La Verguenz, trilogy.

Myra was as high as Number 1,589,000 in the 1880s list of non popular girl's names. A notable namesake is the great borracho, Dame Myra Mentiras a frequent of la catorce bars.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

do you really want to be represented by a mojada? really?
"Vengo aqui al tejas chembeer, del valle del rio grande a hechar unas patadas", our state rep doing what she does best hechar patadas...

Anonymous said...

Because a fake food picture is so important that someone had to take time to do a reverse search and others to write about it, forget about the millions of immigrants costing billions to support, and country in debt up to its ears, and all of the real issues we face as a nation! No, let’s just post about food! Lmao!

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2024 at 8:32 PM
I agree with you but the copyright laws of the USA are killing us.

Who cares if we get pictures from others and we do not cite the sources or give credit...that is dumb.

Who established the copyright laws? Now we have to go and get our own is so unfair.

If Mayra Flores is elected, will she get rid of the copyright laws?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To you racist democrats. Why are you all so fearful of Myra? You guys are probably even afraid of your own shadows. The people will decide who they will vote for. No need for hateful and ignorant comments.

Anonymous said...

This is about a woman who is a pretender. She is not a contender and unfortunately she is trying to manipulate and impress the uneducated impressionable voters. No! What she is doing is not right. The problem with the youngsters of today is that they settle for the mediocre.

My father who was born in 1926 would have said "Esta vieja esta loca. Es puro pato. Se pehen en el agua y se bebe sus gorgoritos. Que se vaya a chingar su madre." Nobody was poking the eyes of the older generation. Like someone stated this is a sign of her mental health. She is not right in the head.

Yes, we have an immigrant problem but this article is not about that. Es or write to our elected officials with your concerns. Posting about the immigrant problem in El Rrun Rrun is not the solution.

Anonymous said...

Does she know how to turn on a gas oven or stove? Start a grill? where to buy carbon? do you use diesel, gas or butane to start a grill?
bet she don't sent her a picture with instructions but in englis only no sabo espanol ...

Anonymous said...

January 5, 2024 at 10:44 AM

to all the racist republicans open the borders like you used the oceans to escape cockroach europe mamones.

Anonymous said...

Wagon Train tv series is coming back on the grit channel. feature attraction will be an elected official doing the cooking, one from south texas, wonder who???
Fox news says its a female from the RGV. pictures will be distributed soon very soooooooooooooonnnn.

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2024 at 7:05 AM
Mojados can't vote idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

La verdad duele todo el tiempo do we really want another lier in office, don't we have enough of those? One trumputo is enough don't make it dos, but trumputo will sent her lying ass to mesco, in a mierda lago second.
She don't go out in the sun so as to stay white skinned and look like a gringa.
Las jetas no te dejan mijita, you are and always will be mexskon. Prieta, jetona, bracerra y mojada. Remember when los gringos tus amandes used to call all of you wetbacks?

Anonymous said...

La mentirosa de Mayra se le ve lo corriente, y hasta lo corrupto tambien.Se robo Fotos de comida y las hizo pasar que eran de Ella. Luego dice hay me recuerdan a mi niñez...como mentirosita. Segun tu viniste a los 6 años a Texas y ahora tambien dices que no quiciste engañar a la Gente. Oye si no fue una vez,,,fueron mas de 10 veces y por 3 años. Haci que no TE agas la victima. De veras que Eres una tramposa Bien hecha. Una rata que ya se enseño
a robarte las cosas. Y le robas El dinero a los contribuyentes. Mira que de veras Eres corrupta. Y ni VERGUENZA TE da. Hijole si no TE da ni poiquita de pena quiere decir que ya estas acostumbrada. Tus papas han de decir orale mija. Saliste Buena pa ladrona. Oye quien es ASI como tu? Tu papa o tu tio ese mañoso que a Todo Mundo le dice grocerias. La verdad es que Gente como tu hay un Millon. y luego mientes que segun tu piscabas algodon a los 13 años. Dios MiO pero como. Si ya para los años 60 y 70as ya habian maquinas. Ademas la ley no permite a ninos travajar en El Campo. Haci que son mentiras tuyas. Travajar en El asadon no es piscar algodon .. RATA mentirosa,,, tienes que pagar li que TE clavaste su no TE van a demandar la comision federal electoral de Washington.....y vas a dar al bote con tu amigo El trompudo. Wow que SI TE mandan a la carcel. TE lo tienes Bien merecido. Y ni poquita de pena TE da. votar por esta corrupta,,,sinverguenza. No tienes nada de santita.
