Monday, January 22, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: No sooner does Republican U.S.  House District 34 Republican candidate tries to put out a brush fire that she is embroiled in another. The brouhahas have been cascading since her last campaign where she claimed she was going from the "cotton fields to the halls of congress" only to have to admit that by the time she was 13 and could have not have picked cotton by hand because it was all harvested mechanically for at least 30 years before she was a teenager. 

Then she was caught fibbing about the great Mexican food she enjoyed with "family on the ranch" and then researchers discovered she had lifted pictures of the dishes of Mexican food - and some from Guyana- she claimed to have cooked and enjoyed "with family on the ranch," of course, abuelita. GrubGate is still simmering like an olla de barro filled with cooked frijoles that she happens to enjoy just like her fellow Hispanics in South Texas who just might vote for her based upon their shared cuisine and culture. Ok.

Then the Federal Elections Commission demanded that she pay back $15,000 she paid herself as "salary" in three increments of $5,000 a month before the election filing deadline, a violation of the federal elections rules. She has until February 12 to answer or contest the finding. 

And earlier today she was caught placing campaign signs asking voter to"re-elect" her to District 34, only to have local political watchers say that only an incumbent can ask to be re-elected, not someone not holding that office currently. It's a subtle, but important, distinction. It's  called misleading the voters. 

The latest – and we're still trying to confirm this – is that she had been endorsed by Kleberg County Sheriff Richard Kirkpatrick, a claim that was quickly withdrawn from her Facebook page when it was questioned. Now you go the page and there's no mention of Kirkpatrick and there's a blank on his alleged endorsement. Will other cyber sleuths jump into the fray and look for other suspect "endorsements" like they did in Grubgate? Never a dull moment with God's gift to Fact Checkers.)


Anonymous said...

You guys giving her free publicity pendejos. This keeps her name out there. More coming

Anonymous said...

Ya callate el osico, bastardo! Caminas con el culo todo abierto, Guey!

Go Mayra!!!

Anonymous said...


not copy-righted free to use...

Anonymous said...

A lot of things happen to our bodies after death, but sitting up is not one of them.
Brains usually end up in the belly after an autopsy. Returning them to the skull is like trying to put handfuls of Jell-O into a bowl that's tipped on its side. It's messy and impractical. If the brain isn't kept for further investigation, it's placed inside a plastic bag along with the rest of the dissected organs. The bag settles into the chest and abdominal cavities, and then the skin above is sutured together to seal it in.

Pacemakers are removed prior to cremation, or they'll explode, potentially damaging the cremation chamber or injuring the operator. Since the FDA has only approved pacemakers as single-user devices, they're prevented from being reused by other humans in the United States. The devices don't go to waste, though. They're recycled or implanted into dogs.

People are not required to wear formal suits in their caskets. Bras aren't mandatory either. There aren't any fixed clothing rules unless your culture or religion dictates otherwise.

Be happy you are going to a new place or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

Go Mayra Go, you got my vote anyway vicente con la gente still has money in that Chinese bank. o NO? just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

You can tell Vicente Gonzalez is shitting bricks, she is threat to la cabaza de barbacoa.

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Mayra because her words are better than the words this county has been hearing for the past 80 years of broken promises from the county control democrats. Millions and millions of dollars taken by the democrats especially in Brownsville. Brownsville the laughing stock of the RGV in been stupid and dumb with a little bit of been idiots. So Mayra, you have done nothing compared to the blood sucking democrats money hungry elected officials of Cameron County. Every 4 years during election time, the democrats tell the voting Mexicans, the Republicans will take your food stamps,free rent money, your social security check, free cell phone, you will live in streets because Republicans want you to work! What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Don’t get upset with the comments people post exposing this moron. If she is your candidate, fine good for you, but if your gonna get upset , direct your ire at her( Mayra) for being so careless and ignorant. Furthermore, it is obvious that she has a serious problem telling the truth!!! So if it upsets you that she gets criticized and mocked ,reach out to her and her people and have them refrain from being so stupid. All her mistakes are SELF INFLICTED!! Thats what happens when you lie nonstop and get caught—- you get ridiculed. Mayra and her lies are digging her campaign an early grave. Ni modo.

BobbyWC said...

II. Misrepresentation of Office Title.
"A candidate may not represent that he or she holds an office that he or she does not hold at the
time of the representation. If you are not the incumbent in the office you are seeking, you
must make it clear that you are seeking election rather than reelection by using the word
“for” to clarify that you don’t hold that office. The word “for” must be at least one-half the
type size as the name of the office and should appear immediately before the name of the office.
For example, a non-incumbent may use the following formats:"

Reelect is a clear code violation.

Anonymous said...

OTRA VEZ MIJITA !!! Pos que no entiendes??? Y

Anonymous said...

She is not running against Vicente, mensos. And she won't either. To say Vicente is shitting bricks.haha.she has to win the primary first. Don't you see he would love it. She is such a pathological liar, grifter and steals and cheats that the people will not vote for her No way. Who wants the George Santos of the RGV in congress. She will embarrass us and humiliate us. She had her chance last year and she lost. When she was thought to be a decent, nice person. But now we know who she is. We don't want.her.. Nope not at all. Digan NO A la mentirosa. Ademas es Bien PENDEJA no sabe ni siquiera hablar.

Anonymous said...

Vicente does not have money in the Chinese bank. He had it in the USA and he took it out in 2019. Check your facts before you accuse him. You Mayra people are really stupid. You defend all her stupid lies, mistakes and arrogance. You don't realize she uses you all. You are all too dumb to see it. She is using thousands of campaign dollars and you all kiss her a$$. She knows she is going to lose so she and her family and friends are milking it. She turned out to be worse than many democrats. Your in a trance like when they worship these con artist ministers on TV. I can't wait until we don't hear about her. I'm sick of her lies. No?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vicente, Vicente do not let your panties get in a wad. Remember how and who set you up for the Cameron County District. The question is why Filemon Vela and Henry Cuellar did such an honor?

Anonymous said...

Mamasita, que culote tienes!!

Anonymous said...

Vicente supports the legalization of same sex marriage. Now I understand why you democrats are supporting him.
