Monday, January 22, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: The recent two-day freeze took a toll on some local plants which could not be protected or brought indoors. That includes this stand of papayas in the photo above that was sent to us by one of our eight readers. We asked around at local nurseries and they urged patience at removing the wilted leaves to see if the returning warmer weather will allow the plants to survive and recover. So for now put away the pruning shears and don't start trimming the trunk. Patience if the hardest virtue to learn when it comes to gardening.
Hardier plants like roses were not hurt and some are actually blooming with the recent rains. The owner of these papayas says that they survived the freeze of 2021 and bore fruit before this most recent cold snap. He advised that you allow the plants to recover on their own and bring them along slowly. Today's rains could aid in their survival and eventual recovery. Temperatures are forecast to reach the 80s this week, believe it or not.)


Anonymous said...

Nope, my plants didn't take a beating. The one that took a beating is Ron de Santis.Now he is going to go kiss orange 🍊 ass.

Anonymous said...

That's my sanchas apt on OPI

Anonymous said...

WHAT? Its mine also, vieja mamona

Anonymous said...

y tambien anda con Toya. What a woman!

Jokes aside 🤣 maybe Toya's mom lives their.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2024 at 7:11 PM
como chingas jotito maricon y tu mama?

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2024 at 7:11 PM
Ya maricon, we know you like men jotito
