Friday, January 26, 2024


(Editor's Note: It didn't take long after the Charro Days Inc. unveiled its 2024 Charro Days poster than commenters to this blog began to compare it to the stereotypical sleeping Mexican clay figurines and post cards of the past that established the image of lazy Mexicans taking a siesta under a cactus, a tree, or passed out against the wall of  a cantina. 

Now, we know that Dan Breeden has never been known as a bigot, a racist, or even ethnocentric, as some commemters imply. But admittedly there is a certain appearance of the latest Charro Days poster to the stereotype on its face. The beard posse, for example, is composed mostly of local anglos dressed as peons with week-old scraggly beards picking up local residents, mostly Hispanics, and releasing them from their mobile hoosegow for a small fine. Ethnocentricity showing a bit?

We have in the past complained about the stereotypes of poor whites (hillbillies) in national  advertising campaigns. They are portrayed as ignorant, lazy and  simple-minded. We thought they were highly unfair to the group. 

One can't ignore the similarities of the elements in the poster between the sprawled out charro and the peon below with the wide sombrero and down to the hole in the boot, or huarache. We get it. The charro is tired after performing the Charro Days week. The Saturday Evening Post- Norman Rockwell-like cover-mast appearance is elegant.

We just wish that Dan would have reconsidered the poses of his subjects and the other elements in his drawings, but, well, what's done is done.) 


Anonymous said...

Now, you dumbass pigfucker, now you will vote for Mayra Flores! Whitey has been looking at you in this fashion for centuries. Why the outrage?

Go Mayra!!!

Anonymous said...

Mexicans are so thin-skinned. That's why the lashings they got from the Border Patrol scarred them for life.

Breedon for Mayra?

Looks like it.

Anonymous said...

Bro even drew a chihuahua on the poster! Que mas stereotyping do we want? Fraude!!! Dees ees no good for Mexicans.

But I am Mexican-American!!!

- Eldelasprietas

Anonymous said...

No wonder that poor mariachi is pooped. He's been wearing two right-footed botines. Haha. And no, I don't think it's a racist depiction of Mexicans. Like most races, we too plop down on a chair after a long day out in the mayhem that is charro daze.

Anonymous said...

Government warns funeral homes to stop misleading bereaved customers about pricing.
So now its either a funeral or groceries from HEB. No wonder the price of stainless-steel ovens is skyrocketing.

Anonymous said...

Trump, the Republican Party’s likely presidential nominee, again wants the border to be his main election issue. He’s opposing any sort of compromise between Republicans and Democrats, especially one that could give President Joe Biden a legislative victory
Again pawns of all the stupid gringos specially the racist republicans. Get rid of a meskin and get my vote GRINGOS ARE NOT, I SAY, NOT YOUR FRIENDS, LEARN IT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!

Anonymous said...

This poster is for real?
If so, it might be profetic.
Brownsville getting tired of Charro Days.

Anonymous said...

incase you didn’t know, breeden is part of the Beard Posse too

Anonymous said...

Charro days is the time of year when all the gringos and gringo wannabes come out and play. Bunch of fakers. Time of the year when all these fakers think they are all important (jefes). Just look at all the Mr Amigo/Sombrerofest/Charro day fiesta "officials" walk around like they are all high and mighty. They are all a bunch of posers disguised as charros and charras, when they are all really a bunch of bandidos. My friend says those beard posse fellas are a joke, no longer a novelty (ie Beaner Ayala) LOL. Note: for all of those that still remember the good old days during this fiesta time :go out with your families and have a good time and play no mind to these clowns. Viva Brownsville Viva Mexico!!!

Anonymous said...

A print of a gay, drunk, and lazy Mexican. Wow! Why do white democratic supremacists treat their brown counterparts with so much disrespect? They could have easily printed a charro on a horse. And since when is a charro a mariachi? Confused!

Anonymous said...

Bad poster, bad Mr. Amigo Guest and hopefully we have good weather: sunny, not too hot, not to cold.

Anonymous said...

Esto es un pinche nothing burger, or in this case un nothing taco.


Anonymous said...

Don. Don Breeden, like it matters.

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2024 at (11:19) AM January 26, 2024 at (11:30) AM January 26, 2024 at (11:47 AM)

It took your brown ass 35 MINUTOS to say NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Breeden is reflecting his feelings towards creating the Charro Days poster. It is time to find someone else. It is that simple.

Anonymous said...


First pedophile painting children now just racism

He should paint the bald gringo that wears a mexican costume once a year riding in the wife's convertible down Elizabeth Street

We don't have that stuff in McAllen

Anonymous said...

So, there is corruption in every office. I was hoping for something different

Anonymous said...

SO many "atta boyz" over the years, and all it takes is ONE "oh shit" and doomed for life.

Anonymous said...

No Aguantas un pedo. Dime que no es cierto. tu dale gas Dan Breeden. It's hard enough to get it right. Ask Mark Clark and see what he thinks, I'll go with his evaluation. It's about the Art Ese.

BobbyWC said...

herald article on VA is a complete joke. This is a classic Herald story. There is no confusion. For over a year the original PCP clinic waiting area has been vacated. This is when I learned of the contract dispute. Now the VA limits family to enter the clinic because of a new very small waiting area. Clinics have already been moved out to the second leased building - mental health and at great expense the dental clinic. Had the Herald simply sent a reporter to look inside the original clinic they would have seen how entire sections have been emptied out. The VA is currently looking for a free-standing area to rent for all mental health. This will be a mess because it separates them from the other clinics. Veterans will be forced to drive around town if they need to be seen in multiple clinics on the same day. Also, each free-standing clinic cannot afford its own lab services. This is all about the VA not building a teaching hospital for UTRGV and Cameron and Hidalgo County refusing to build a county hospital. Also, Congressman Gonzalez is unaware teaching hospitals provide the worse care. In all specialty clinics you must see a doctor in training with no clinical experience. If you demand to see the actual specialist, it can take months and then they tend to get angry because it means leaving their office at the medical school. The fact is they should be in the clinic with the specialists in training, but they are not. What we need is a fully functional high-quality clinic, where in the VA pays local hospitals so their doctors can have privileges. It is the malpractice insurance issue. Unfortunately, when UT built the second building with the day surgery clinic no one told them it had to be designed by a medical architect. It had to be redone at great expense and delayed its opening by two years and the VA lost the specialists they hired because they could not do day procedures. The VA cannot hold a cardiologist because the day surgery area is not authorized for things like angiograms, which is a day procedure. The VA will not pay the malpractice insurance for the cardiologist to do the procedure across the street at VB. So, the VA pays private cardiologists instead of using VA cardiologist. This is a mess because no one wants facts and while I like Congressman Gonzalez and fully intend to vote for him, he does not have a grasp of the problem.

Anonymous said...

BROWNSVILLE Police Chief Felix Sauceda forces all of Brownsville Police Officers to acknowledge that one of his female Officers now identifies as a male. Hmm what about Lt. CALDERON who harrased and dated a female police cadet then had her terminated when she refused to carry on a relationship! CHIEF Sauceda did absolutely nothing! Yet having the whole department acknowledge this female/male???
what about his own Lieutenant Calderon who also hazed,harassed, and made a hostile work environment for the other female cadet!!
But yet Chief Felix Sauceda did absolutely nothing!!!!!!!!
City of Brownsville needs to rid themselves of Lieutenant Calderon and Chief Felix Sauceda who is protecting his best friend Calderon!

Anonymous said...

Yup Chief Sauceda is nothing but a finger pointer! The guy can't take responsibility! Terrible Chief!

mission's finest said...

1:03 Wanted to add that Trump wants the economy to fail as well. A true patriot wants America to flourish regardless of politics. This ideology is the epitome of self-centered greed. The GDP is consistently exceeding expectations, job creation is at an all time high and a low unemployment rate persists . Let’s be clear. I don’t want my tax dollars used to assist a Zionist government to oppress and eradicate Palestinian civilians. But, expect the same mentality from the GOP, or worse, should they be successful this coming November. ✌️

Anonymous said...

I knew Whitman was going nowhere. As I have said before, he is always leaving but he never goes anywhere. Or else he plans to illegally vote in Cameron County. Which is it, Bobby?

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2024 at 11:19 AM

estupido the more you insult people (voters) the less votes she will get keep, on doin' it PENDEJO.
MAYRA YOU ALREADY lost my vote, my family votes, my friends votes and am passing all this info to the voting public.

YOU WILL LOOSE you can bet on that one. Cause your buddy here insults everybody.. gracias for the info on yourself...

Anonymous said...

Dan (charrodaysmyincome) time to move on, your racist billboards stink. enough is enough, go look for a job, its about time, pinche gringo mamando de los pobres.
On your next billboard glorify your camote el governado en llantas, another racist gringo but he's republicans they are all racist even los cocos...

Anonymous said...

It seems like police chief Sauceda is a real prick by all the negative comments. But i believe the secret to his success is that he is the perfect puppet for our cowardly city commission and city manager. Shameful!!

Anonymous said...

January 26,2024 at 10:58 PM
You are right it is about the art. In this case the art should have put a positive spotlight on Charro Days. Unfortunately the art in this case leaves most of us feeling embarrassed and cheated.

I can't believe that the people in charge of Charro Days approved that poster. Does anyone know how much they paid for that pitiful and embarrassing poster? The boots even have holes. Por eso we can't have nice things.

I wonder who the model was. Maybe it is suppose to be Ben. If Breeden didn't know what to draw he could have drawn the face of a beautiful young woman with hibiscus flowers in her hair. Se le durmio el gayo al wuay. He is an old fart after all. Now even his posters stinks. I would not hang that poster in my business. FTP!

Anonymous said...

This is a depiction of Breeden's limp d!(<. The chiuaua is Mexican love patiently waiting for the Viagra to kick in. BTW he shoots blanks and there we have our gringo charro.

Anonymous said...

Holy hell there are truly ignorant, uneducated "natives" still living in the valley. Hey "Anonymous" A pinche "Gringo" is the one that started Charro Days you moron.

Anonymous said...

In regard to the comment made by Bobby C. addressing the issue of the VA not willing to pay for the Medical Malpractice of Cardiologist that practice and perform procedures at Valley Baptist. First and for all the VA is a government entity and you should know you cannot sue the United State Government. Therefore, they do not need to pay for the Medical Malpractice Insurance. Valley Baptist is not an entity of the VA run by the United State Government therefore, their cardiologist physicians, preforming procedures at Valley Baptist are getting paid by what entity? These physicians should pay and be held liable for screwing up a patient while working at Valley Baptist. Congressman Vicent Gonzales should be able to address this issue but is he willing to tell the truth?
How much is he making for keeping the truth from the people of Cameron County. Yet you are willing to vote for this piece of shit, oops maybe he will get a free colonoscopy. Maybe they will give you a deal two for the price of one.

Anonymous said...

Breeden's latest poster shames the history of Charro Days. This poster is a better cartoon for El Occidental de Guadalajara after las Chivas win. Mr. President, tear down this cartoon. Put together a poster with highlights of posters of the past that brought dignity and respect for the culture.

Anonymous said...

Many of you are claiming that it's all about the art. Since when do you Mexicans know anything about art. Now Hunter Biden on the other hand is a Pablo Picasso in the making!

Anonymous said...

January 28, 2024 at 9:05 AM


Anonymous said...

Well…I find it a bit selective. I understand one commissioner is upset over mr. Amigo selection. Now this poster…
Meanwhile sombrero has a “celebrated” booth called “cool arrow” that everyone accepts as “ok”

Anonymous said...

for one uno charro days poster he charges what everybody else make in a year, $275,000,00 dollars. The rest of the year se la pasa mamando. He's a gringo what you expect an honest person.


The city should rent the chairs not this mamona charro days asssss. stop doing it make money to pave and fiX the potholes bola de idiotas city commission STOP EL RATISMO NOW!!!!


Anonymous said...

They pay some pinches gringos 275,000 dollars, for a so call drawing, that they makes over at that gringo cantina on central, OVER NIGHT AND DRUNK. Sell it to the pendjo city commission.


Anonymous said...

Can we all agree om perma-banning the "COCO" AND "MESKINS" troll? In most instances he doesn't even make sense and his use of profanity doesn't add clarity to the point he is attempting to make.

Anonymous said...

WORST POSTER EVER BREEDEN. YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ARTIST OUT THERE! You've made so much money off the official painter. Who hired him in the first place? and who says we have to have a Charro Days poster?
change it up Brownsville. Make it fun again.

Anonymous said...

January 29, 2024 at 12:49 PM
If it was your blog maybe but it ain't, meskin/coco y mamon.

better yet do it to the one that insults the blog owner constantly or is it YOU. meskin/coco...

maybe the teacher that keeps correcting ever-body here, or it it you meskin/coco?

or the one that thinks he knows everything.

could be done to the one that keeps suggesting stupid things to do meskin/gringo. IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

January 29, 2024 at 12:49 PM

Is this another teacher, or otro pendejo meskin/coco that can't figure out the story? go back to bisd just maybe you can accidently articulate your frijoles brain to pick up some pointers. profanity is a given here this is not a children's nite nite story blog, (suggest google blog). IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

How about banning sensitivity or hurt feelings, profanity, not adding clarity nor making any sense, trolling and of course redundancy, or complainers?

Anonymous said...

The poster should be made a co test for public school students. Students could win a nice cash prize, or a scholarship for college. Anything would be better than what Breeden came up with.

Hell, start the competition in September and open it up to the public with a deadline of December 15th.

It would be awesome to see what the citizens would come up with.

How much did they pay Breeden for the $lap in the face? Ya esta vegetable come Brandon.

Anonymous said...

The Illegals are this years Mr.Amigo

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the NY Times picture of a man next to a ropa usada store in downtown McAllen a few years ago. The city people complained about the imagery as well.
