Thursday, January 18, 2024



Anonymous said...

One thing Musk has done is purchase a beach for pennies on the dollar.

Anonymous said...

Daren/karen took advantage of the poor and uneducated people WE elected to run cover for us. SIMPLE, there is no excuse, we lay blame on ourselves. We can take care of the local RATAS but when RATAS from up north invade this area 'AGAIN', we might as well kiss everything here GOODBYE

Anonymous said...

When a city has over 80% citizens that are hispanic and they elect a gringo for mayor, something is very wrong. DO YOU THINK FOR A SPLIT SECOND, THAT A CITY, ANY CITY, UP NORTH WITH A POPULATION OF 80% gringos will elect a meskin MAYOR? OF COURSE NOT, NEVER HAPPEN, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS NADA NADA Y NADA.


Anonymous said...

PURO HOT AIR!!! Let me know when we go to Mars.

Anonymous said...

WOW "Space Karen" is buying all the beach front property he wants for pennies on the dollar, while our county /city officials pockets got filled.
Hey Eddie Trevino, you taking Musk to Sombrerofest to buy more papas this year? The only time he went was in the intial stage of him getting here to act like he cared about the area. The other guy who does stuff like this is
John Clown ( oops, Cowen), playing Loteria in Southmost while campaigning. Have you gone back John? What promises that you made have come into fruition?

Anonymous said...

Glad he didn't pay in paysos. One day they're worth un centavo and the next NADA

BobbyWC said...

Electric car batteries in last few days froze. "CHICAGO (CBS) -- By now, you've likely seen the video – Teslas in the Chicago area with dead or low batteries because of the cold, facing charges issues." "After Big Tesla Bet, Hertz Selling One-Third of EV Fleet Car-rental company cites low demand, says some proceeds to be used to buy internal-combustion-engine vehicles." In total Hertz is selling 20k EV cars.

Anonymous said...

Also Jerry Jones: keeps Mike McCarthy as coach, therefore eliminating a chance at winning a Super Bowl 😂😂


Anonymous said...

Sufferin Succotash

Anonymous said...

Election season heating up in San Benito
There are only 50 people that vote en sanbene so what's the big fuss???? There maybe less, 3 or 4 are over 90 years old!!!

Anonymous said...

The funny part of this blog is they hate Musk but they’re advertising bottled “healthy” water …… to be, or not to be, that is the question.

Anonymous said...

US Moon mission on course for fiery destruction
The local DA is contemplating sentencing felons to trips to the moon instead of punishing them here on Earth. Expensive I say

Anonymous said...

I seems Musk and Montoya have the same achievements.. NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

FOREVER YOUNG...I want to be forever young.

Phony said...

You forgot to mention that Musk is the ass clown for the criminal MAGA mental midgets!

Anonymous said...

9:27 you are absolutely right sir/ma’am!!! He may not have founded Tesla/ Paypal and other ventures( as pointed out by the article) , but he sure as hell “found” the perfect idiots/ morons to give away that beach you’re talking about. And may i add, a beach that didn’t belong to them in the first place. F…k these POS!!!

Anonymous said...

Destroying Earth to get to Mars !

Anonymous said...

Let's hate him then.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk just found a way to suck on the government's tit. Es mamon como Trump...but the call it "smart" because they have money.

Anonymous said...

"According to Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker, since 2009, Tesla has received $2.8 billion in government subsidies. About 88% of those subsidies came from states, while the rest came from federal grants. The state of Nevada has given Tesla $1.6 billion across tax rebates and grants from 2013 to 2023.Jul 17, 2023"

La Teta not Tesla del Mamon.

Anonymous said...

Japan is on the verge of a historic attempt to land on the moon today
Y space xyz que, we loose again brought in a looser?

Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for the taquerilla he's gonna open in 2525. Maybe Japan will built one sooooooooooooerrrr.....

Anonymous said...

ESPN+: Prescott is 2023 MVP, 7 Cowboys make Walder’s top-100 ballot
Are they using the same company that awarded that space company an award for exploding rockets? figures

Anonymous said...

ESPN+: Prescott is 2023 MVP, 7 Cowboys make Walder’s top-100 ballot

Walder's should give an award to all the elected officials for bringing a very successful rocket laucher to this area. They hired a local cleanup crew to pick up all the twisted metal from all the exploding rockets. Everybody else is from EL NORTE. gracias for bring us high tech jobs. ya al' deserve that award.

Anonymous said...

La envidia no anda en burro

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Elon Musk knows how to sell himself.

Anonymous said...

The feature dish will be Shrimp Soup with freshly caught sea weed and a few mojones and wait till you see the desert! WHAT A TREAT and for 250 bucks per serving
need to call ahead of time say abt 4 months

El 69 said...

All that you mention makes him smarter, wouldnt u want to be in his place being the richest guy in the world without doing anything!!

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2024 at 8:43 PM
Como las viejas del sumbido some time back, o no se acuerdan mamones
