Thursday, January 25, 2024



Anonymous said...

200,000.00 feel lucky.
I have paid 234,000.00
And I have 5 years more to pay, 3 kids. As for the dog, buy or adopt another one. You only think of the smooch 😘 when you have to feed it. YOU NEED NOT TO WORRY ABOUT ANYONE ELSE AND FOCUS ON YOUR CHILDREN. CONTINUE PAYING CHILD SUPPORT, STAY HEALTHY AND KEEP YOUR TONGUE CLEAN (NO BAD WORDS OR INSULTS). ACCEPT WHAT LIFE HAS TO OFFER AND MAKE THE BEST OF IT!

Anonymous said...

Long, long ago he may have been a promising young legislator, but he drugged it all away and became a menace on the roads, and in family courts.

Anonymous said...

Robert Sanchez is despicable. Anyone who talks badly of another like he plans to do about Rene Oliveira is the scum of the earth. Who is Robert kidding. The guy who has a history of multiple DUI's. He himself had an accident drunk and injured a woman if I am not mistaken. A chronic alcoholic, who also does drugs. He is drinking now and that is why he has no idea how to be civil. Robert wants to defend his honor please get a life. You are not that important. Behave in a civil manner than maybe you would get respect. If your ex wives sleep around with other men blame your ex's not the men. Robert has no respect for people. He calls the mayor a clown well he is the clown.The mayor is an educated man. Grow up Robert. When you die many will have alot of negative things to say about you. Your are one of the most uneducated, drug and alcoholic man in town. Your own kids don't like you. And that ridiculous show of his is nothing more than a laughing stock. Serious people don't go on it. Only loosers.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, Bob please stop. These are the guys we use to battle in the courts on our behalf. It sucks, I knew Rene (RIP). Airing out dirty laundry is not cool. I feel your pain as most men do but fuck you know when you’re fucking with a psycho. That’s on you bro. All you had to do was get yourself fixed, your old as fuck too. Your talking about your empire your honor like your a valiant soldier your a fucking shrimper. You got played bro, girdle up your loins and raise that precious little girl. I’ve been there done that but you have to be civil. Fellas from one man to another if you see your son going down a spiral 🌀 and you can foresee where this is going, son go get yourself fixed (snipped). You already have kids theirs no need to fuck your life up. If you truly meet the right one you can always reverse.

Anonymous said...

Sanchez is clearly an idiot. Most of the community is not in on his problems and "mistreatment" but I guess he feels bad news is better than no news so he is gonna put it out there to bring everyone in on it. He doesn't understand that most people don't care. About him, his ex-wife, her companions after him, Olivera or any other part of his life. This is a guy who, as a member of the PUB board commented on the internet, with photos, about taking a trip on a vendor's dime, who suggested that there was no need for city libraries as most schools already had them (I guess the last book he picked up needed to be colored). This is a guy who made a public apology because his cocaine use got out of hand and, about whom it is said, when his anger at his wife and children spun out of control, voluntarily terminated his own paternal rights to one of his children. And didn't he get in trouble for assaulting his former father-in-law? This is not a person to be taken seriously. And now he wants credit for supporting his children, something an honorable person would recognize as a duty and not to be commented on because it should go without saying that he supports them. And that's just the shit I have heard and believe me, I do not seek it out. What a dick.

Anonymous said...

Now that Olivera is dead Sanchez feels safe in attacking him. What a chicken shit even for a coward.

Anonymous said...

Impossible to respect Rene when he was alive. Absolutely no reason to respect him just because he is dead. Fuck him. He was an abuser and a thief. Karma's a bitch, and you've got a bill to pay, you piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2024 at 9:25 AM
Sounds like you got tangled up in his web, your mom/pop should have warned you about the real world. Don’t be mad, he’s passed. That’s on you! Just like girls gone wild then later they regret, you should have called Sal.. he had an appetite!!

Anonymous said...

This Rene issue isn't just about Sanchez, by the way do not know him or anything about this Sanchez man, but Rene was and continued to be a CORRUPT money hungry Bastardo attorney. Why didn't he ever give recognition to his wife and mother to his two children? Did he commit his wife to a crazy house? Why didn't he ever mention his children? You can see the arrogancy for yourself, fuck everyone else family life, but not my family life. The truth is the truth. life is bitch when YOU GO BEFORE THE ALL-MIGHTY GOD. You CAN NOT BRIBE OR CONCEAL CORRUPT BEHAVIOR FROM GOD. THIS IS MY OPINION

Anonymous said...

Pinche Captain Bob is pulling a Trumpian move, attacking the dead just like Trump did with Sen. John McCain.

Anonymous said...

To quote Winston Churchill: Are you not entertained! Oh wait, that was The Gladiator.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to the family of the man who just died. The life stories of these two men involved in this drama are eerily very similar. Both very “ successful “ men their early years but that unfortunately succumbed to the ravages of addiction. The only difference between these two men now is that one is deceased. For that reason, I believe that all this social media BS(about their feud) is disgraceful !!! There’s always two sides to a story, but now is not the time to revisit this one. We ALL have our demons and maybe a few skeletons in our closets but we all don’t display our dirty laundry in public . Both these men enjoyed doing that and personally i found that repugnant. Now, one is paying for his sins and the one still on earth NEEDS SOME SERIOUS HELP. My advice to Rene is may he RIP and to Bob, its time for you to learn to keep your mouth shut and get some professional help!! Enough is enough bud !!

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell gave him the title of captain… Bob has been arrested 3 or 4 times… once for beating up one of his former wife’s’… David Oliveira is other dirtbag he moved to McAllen where he thinks his shit don’t stink

Anonymous said...

Uh, how many years did he serve in public office? He’s not a saint! You kept voting for him the dude is gone we all know the pearly gates he ain’t passing. But get your panties out of a wad.

Anonymous said...

Pobresito ya dejenlo he's got his brain in his belly and heading to a new place. rip

Anonymous said...

As it stands, prison officials plan to begin the execution around 6 p.m. Central time. Mr. Smith, 58, is one of three men convicted in the 1988 murder of a woman whose husband, a pastor, had recruited them to kill her.

The protocol released by prison officials calls for strapping Mr. Smith to a gurney in the state’s execution chamber in Atmore, Ala., after which a mask will be placed on his head and a flow of nitrogen will be released into it, depriving him of oxygen. It would be the second time the state has tried to kill Mr. Smith, after a failed lethal injection in November 2022 in which executioners could not find a suitable vein before his death warrant expired.

Anonymous said...

Nothing good to say about neither one of these two men. I saw Mr. Olivera at the Flying Pig once. He was downing a few and fast. He soon left but not before saying good bye to everyone politely. The other one, Mr. Captain Bob, I have seen a couple of times at his place. He has never acknowledged anyone when I have been there. He has walked in and out and he minds his own. I have only seen him talk to people sitting with him or if people directly talk to him.
I figure some of the folk are right, no need to talk about a dead man, He is dead already, he can't hear you.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Male Chauvinistic chose to make your kids. Children don't ask to be born. How did you like you wife giving her rail away. Now, go eat yourself.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that can't believe two local Attorneys died recently at a relatively young age and are connected to this crazy ass shit story?

Anonymous said...

Pinche Male Chauvinistic chose to make your kids. Children don't ask to be born. How did you like you wife giving her rail away. Now, go eat yourself.

What a man...yeah right!

Anonymous said...

This man is not well. He needs help. I would re considered his rights as a father. He’s not well. There’s q reason why his adult children do not speak to him. And, who is that woman next to him? What and why is she there? His bruja? Disgusting. Both are disgusting.

Anonymous said...

The pain and the hurt of a man that faced a man with power and powerful friends.
Most people do not want to know more about this story of a broken man.
Broken pero "no rajon".

It takes guts to tell this type of story. This will bring peace of mind and a form of closure (50%).

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2024 at 7:02 AM
por calentura guey sigele

Anonymous said...

Rene is well know as asshole from Brownsville. Everyone who knew him, knew he got away from going to jail. Birds of a feather fly together. Either you were with him or not? He was no angel in Brownsville like the other assholes who got their names on public buildings and streets. He truly didn't help the community but only his friends and family. I knew what he did and if you want to protect him go ahead. I am not crying over his death or Ben. Again, birds of a feather?

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2024 at 11:38 AM
He picked a good place Mcallen, shit don't stink in that escusado de poso.

Advertise, just maybe toda la mierda se va pa mcallen el escusado de poso... FACT

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad my ex husband paid full child support and then some and he's never had to make it public or cry about it. And he too was a small business owner. Never used his business to sit and gossip with losers.
Stop blaming a dead man. but i guess you're all brave now cuz he can't sue you for slander and defamation of character. It's not his fault your ex wife wound up with him. It takes two to tango. That's why you should've satisfied her so she wouldn't feel so lonely and deprived. If you were such a good husband, she wouldn't have left you. Get the F over it, and all you people saying Oliveira is paying for it buy dying, I think he's better off than being here on this horrible earth and Brownsville, bola de chismosos y flojos. Go mow your mom's yard or help her fix her house! She dead? Well, get off your damn butt and go clean your house or study on how to satisfy your wife, so you won't wind up like a miserable loser. Yea I'm talking to all of you men. the most gossipers. bola de tamaleros! Those are the ones with the most comments, freakin haters. LOL
It's time for me to get back to work. Robert, grow the heck up! It's not too late to restore your relationship with your kids and apologize to your ex. that's what you should be typing or talking. You act like you're the only person in the whole world that's been hurt. Well, let me let you in on a little secret. You're not. Stop defamating a dead guy. Shame on you! YOu get all excited when you fuel up tow or three comments that agree with you. Why do you get off to that??? You strange little man!

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2024 at 1:01 PM

Can't find the broom, oh well back to gossip and beer drinkin', don't mind if las viejas care, they'll get their check and spent it on la movida, makeup (gotta do that) lo nesitan, pantaletas que se quitan at ^&* during the day. Gotta keep workin during the day and on weekends.
Y carlotta, keep up with your requirements which now include blogging. Vieja antigua!

Anonymous said...

HUEVONAS Y PIDICHES hahahahaaa jajajajajajaa pidichas
gimme gimme gimme gimmeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

January 27, 2024 at 6:58 PM

A marriage license ensures that the one a man professes to love is cared for. Said license also provides for the children of the marriage. It is amazing what the in laws will do or try to do if the paperwork is not done.

Teachers work hard. For you to think that they don't is ignorance at its finest.

In this day and age many men look for cash cows to provide for the home. The man then claims that he is disabled but has no medical paperwork to back up his statement. I knew of a MANtenido who not only had his wife working but also his daughters.

Both men and women need to be on the lookout for the freeloaders. Lookout for Moose Miller.

En esta Vida hay de todo.
