Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Consideration and ACTION to approve action required by Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code and approval of a contingent fee contract for Municipal Court Collection Services with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins and Mott, LLP as special counsel to perform all legal services necessary to collect delinquent municipal court fines and fees; and authorize the execution of such agreement. (Municipal Court)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Only a month after City of Brownsville staff recommended that the city enter into an agreement for the collection of delinquent property taxes to perennial collection law firm Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP that stretches until December 2024, a term contract to hire competitor Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins Mott LLP to collect municipal court delinquent fine collections starting today until September 2026 is on today's agenda.

I the past, the city collected its own delinquent fines and had a 90 percent collection rate for delinquent accounts less than one year old. The contract to be awarded will cover all accounts.

A procurement analysis released as an agenda attachment states that six collections firms responded to the cit'y's Request For Proposals. They were Evergreen Professional Recoveries, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, MVBA, Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins Mott LLP, Debt Co LLC, and Midwest Municipal Services LLC. 

Proposals submittals received were submitted to the Evaluation Committee members for review. Members were: Alan Guard, Cynthia Davis, Veronica Deaton, Erica Garcia, Perla Langley, Kelly De La Colina, and Marina Zolezzi.

After initial review, the committee invited the top four vendors to make a presentation and clarify  questions for our evaluation committee. The top 4 vendors invited were: Evergreen Professional Recoveries, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, MVBA, and Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins Mott LLP. 

The procurement analysis sates that "after thorough evaluation, Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins Mott LLP emerged as  the recommended vendor for the Municipal Court Collection Services and the committee recommends awarding a Term Contract for Municipal Court Collection Services for the City of Brownsville to Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins Mott LLP.

The term of the agreement consists of a base period (primary term), which shall commence upon approval by the City Commission and end on September 30, 2026. City of Brownsville reserves the right to extend the life of the contract for two (2) periods of one (1) year terms, thereafter, making a potential ending date of September 30, 2028, if mutually agreed by Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins Mott LLP and the City of Brownsville.

Perdue replaced Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP as the delinquent tax collection firm at the Brownsville Independent School District last April on a contract potentially worth close to $1 million annually.


Anonymous said...

What was the determining fact in selecting Perdue over Linebarger? How much will it cost the taxpayer?

Anonymous said...

Easy money!

Brownsville is gold mine for greedy collection agencies.

Wonder if the City could just hire staff to collect rather than line the pockets of outsiders.

Poor choices.

We have lots of hungry people wishing they had a job.

Next we'll have robots running everything!

Just doesn't make sense!

Anonymous said...

Dump all these carpetbaggers and do the collections in-house.

Anonymous said...

Thé réal questions asked should be…. How many people does Purdue employ locally? And how many does Linbarger employ locally? Who has a brick and mortar building in town? Who has a make shift office?

Anonymous said...

Juan you need to consider that the municipal courts weren’t doing that great of a job recovering the fees. This may yield more recovered fees which in turn will increase revenue for the court system. This is a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is a sad situation. The taxpayer doesn't pay because he/she doesn't have money....the City sends the debt to a collection agency. Now. the taxpayer is told to sell his/her property at auction to collect the money it is owed....

The Mayor of Brownsville needs to talk to the taxpayers that need help in paying their taxes....in person with his assistants...to solve the issue before it becomes a BIG issue.

Some taxpayers do not pay because they do not have money, others are sick, others have issues....so they need help. But not a collection agency with lawyers and rules, and fines....

The City of Brownsville and its residents need to figure something out....in fact, the money the City of Brownsville pays this collection agency, can be used to help the money it is owed by taxpayers.....FIND A SOLUTION.

Anonymous said...

juan this collection scheme has being going on since 1988 lots of mulah for elected candidates every time they run be it city county of school districts all over the valley. mulah, mulah, mulah. thats all folks. Porky Pig.

Anonymous said...

Haber ke esta pasando?

Was this just a kickback scheme?
Did tye old company not do their job?
Did they charge too much?
Why the change?

Anonymous said...

Why not share the wealth. There’s a new player in town. As pointed out in many stories/ rumors, its all about the Benjamin’s. Lets see what comes out with this new agency.

Anonymous said...

My better half passed away three years ago and this stupid agency is still billing her. I sent a message to los pendejos to go to roselawn to collect the fines due, I think they tried!!! pinches idiotas

Anonymous said...

Juan can you please inform the readers how much they pay you monthly to have their sign on this website? Whether you like it or not you’re apart of their payroll buddy.

Anonymous said...

All these collection agencies leave owning half the properties here. They buy the property themselves and exempt themselves from paying property taxes. Just ask la flaca otro pinche mamon...MAMONVILLE TEXAS 7854141

Anonymous said...

City of brownsville should create their own central collection dept for all depts of the City and collect these funds, will be done cheaper and better at a lower cost instead of all these greedy attorneys Period, this robbery scheme has been going on for too many years since the mid 1980's.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how it all played out. The city had a committee of employees that deal with those collection fees. They made the recommendation based on a series of presentations. It appeared that the recommendation was going to be blocked. TinoVillarreal really stood out. He didn't speak out all night, except at this point and he didn't make any sense. It appeared that he was COACHED, but didn't know how to ask or what to say! Lineburger really tried and brought political players like Mark Moody and Eddie Lucio III. How much did that cost Lineburger. How many $$$ envelopes? They've lost SPI, BISD, and City of Brownsville. Guess entities are waking up and ready for change.

Anonymous said...

Linebarger Goggan it's time to say goodbye to playing dirty politics. Trying to bring big guns that misfired like Eddie Lucio III and within the City Commission Tino Villarreal. Voters are watching and tired with change happening.

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2024 at 1:42 PM
Que te importa jotito como chingas la Madre guey don't like open your own blog estupido pinche maricon

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2024 at 1:42 PM
Jotito open your own blog como chingas guey. anda y cuida a tu madre par de jotitos

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2024 at 1:42 PM
Vi tu madre en las cantinas con unos negrasuras they all looked like you hmmmmm? uvo chango o que?

Anonymous said...

Oh it’s crying time again or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of fking lazy shitty Attorney's who can't make a dollar in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

It's crying time again by Linebergar Goggan. Who will they be paying off in the commission. There's a couple of commissioners that stand out. Why create a committee, if you're not going to accept recommendation. Those SJ are $ hungry! Se tapan y se rascan y no paran. Por eso la comunidad no avanza pero el raterismo, ni se diga!

Anonymous said...

January 16, 2024 at 2:45 PM

Haber is the new astros's pitcher, tonto...

Anonymous said...

Trumputo sounds like that pendejo coco that used to work at the port pinche mamon wanna be white gringo joto
