Monday, January 8, 2024


Sponsored by Alpha Chapter - Phi Beta Mu
Robert Vezzetti - Class of 1998

Robert Vezzetti was born on March 25, 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, the oldest son of Joseph and Catherine Vezzetti. He attended schools in Chicago and graduated from Fenger High School in 1950.

He was attracted into the music field and started school at the famed VanderCook College of Music. It is reported that Bob was something of an accordion whiz; he did perform on that instrument to help defray expenses of education.

He received a B.M.E. from VanderCook in 1954 and accepted a job in the Brownsville ISD as band director at Cummings Junior High School until Uncle Sam accepted his services as a tuba player in the 384th Army Band. 

He graduated from the U. S. Army Band School in 1956. Following that musical experience, Bob returned to Brownsville as the assistant high school director, working with Texas Bandmasters Hall of Fame member, Jim Murphy, until he succeeded him as Director of Bands in 1958.

Bob held that position for 16 years, and his bands were awarded the UIL sweepstakes each year as well as appearing twice at the Midwest National Band Clinic in Chicago and twice at the Mideast National Band Clinic in Pittsburgh. His band was twice named the Outstanding Band at the Buccaneer Festival and the 1965 band was selected as the Honor Band of TMEA. The band performed a brilliant concert in Dallas at the TMEA Clinic-Convention.

During his tenure, the Brownsville High School Band had 43 members selected as All-State members, over 200 as All-Region bandsmen, and they compiled an impressive record of over 1,000 medals in UIL Solo and Ensemble competition. The Brownsville Golden Eagle Band made numerous concert tours in Mexico as well as presenting radio and TV programs in our neighbor to the south. A highlight of those sixteen years was a concert tour in Europe. Bob also found time to serve as a clinician in Texas, Mississippi and Illinois.

Bob married Isabel Garcia, daughter of a longtime Brownsville family, and they have three sons, Robertino, Michael and Joseph. Following being named as Teacher of the Year in 1969, Bob was selected for the Brownsville and Texas Knights of Columbus Outstanding Educator award in 1972. He served on many TMEA and UIL committees, and in 1974, Bob became the Director of Music Activities for the Brownsville ISD. His administrative skills were like his podium skills and in 1978, he was named Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, a position he held until his retirement in 1990.

His civic contributions to Brownsville are many. He served twice as President of Charro Days International Festival, he held a position on the City Planning and Zoning Commission, and was two times President of the Historical Society. He published a book on local history that is now in its third printing and continues to write articles on local history.

Bob currently manages his ranch in Kenedy County, fishes in his spare time and travels for business and pleasure. With his typical humor, he says that with the current drought, he may sell the cattle and buy camels.

Brownsville, Texas and the band world are proud that Bob Vezzetti came our way.

Copyright 2024 Phi Beta Mu - Alpha Chapter


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

January 8, 2024 at 11:55 AM
Who the shit do you think you are IDIOTA? YOU don't like it open up your own blog PENDEJETES

Anonymous said...

I still remember the thrill of watching the great Golden Eagle Band spelling EAGLES on the football field. The announcer calling out each letter and the student section answering back. What an emotional experience that was. Thank you Mr.V for such a memorable time.

Anonymous said...

died young, but no one lives forever.

Anonymous said...

January 8, 2024 at 11:55 AM
tenia que salir un cagapalos. estupido

Anonymous said...

condolences to his family.

Anonymous said...

Toya, these are rich people that have nothing to do with us. If they would even bother to look at us it would be with contempt. La pura neta.

Ben said...

My Best Friend Alfredo " Freddy " Gonzalez and I would awake at 5 in the morning get a pint of milk and some sweet bread and make our Saturday trek to Mr. Vezzetti's house from Wilson St to Calle Cenizo. We would cut the yard and turn over the dirt and clean up the mess for $5 total. He was happy, we were happy. Only problem was we did get stopped several times by Brownsville's Finest as to what two Jr. High kids were doing walking along Boca Chica Blvd that early. He always was demanding as a band director and employer. Good Man. Strong influence.

Anonymous said...

what he die of?

Anonymous said...

Did he die? Or what?

Anonymous said...

Good band director but I didn’t liked the way he yelled at the students… worst than athletic coaches do today .. RIP

Anonymous said...

He is living the life....he wants....... Bob currently manages his ranch in Kenedy County, fishes in his spare time and travels for business and pleasure.

read towards the bottom....he is alive.

Hopefully, he will not read the comments in this blog....

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but this article does not mention that Mr. Vezzetti has passed. However, this article finally brings some light to the accomplishments of this young man at age 90. He was so handsome when we first met him at Cummings Junior High, and he was still as handsome when he attended our 60th class reunion in April of last year. He and his wife were at all of our reunions and always enjoyed sharing the memories we all had with him. He was a gentleman of gentleman and when he spoke, everyone listened! His long hard drawn-out band practices on the field before the game were vigorous but we were so proud when HIS band would perform at its best on the football field. How proud we were to yell out the letters E A G L E S as the band marched off the field and played the fight song for us to sign - Go-Fight-Win!

I am so proud to call myself a friend of his and his wife, for they have never, never used their position to think they are better than anyone else. On the contrary, they have pushed us to always do our best.

So, Mr. Vezzetti, kudos go your way for this recognition you so deserve and
may we see you at our next reunion.

Anonymous said...

He was a mean instructor and abused (punished) a lot of students. I know it for a fact. physical like spanking, very straight etc. not the other stuff

Anonymous said...

I was in one of his music class and he threw the stick they use to count music, at me, I got it back and threw it back to him and all hell broke loose. I quite and went to play football. I always threw my finger at him during football games. He hated it, but couldn't do nothing. I had forgotten about this incident.

Anonymous said...

his meaness never made right his wrongs. he knew he had an abundance of talent here in brownsville and took advantage of it. anybody else would have done the same with the talent available here FACT FACT AND FACT.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Once you get to Middle School music is an elective. The kids that are there want to be there. If discipline problems are happening contact the parents.

Oscar Salinas said...

I am a former band member and Mr V. Was tough but he was damned good at what he did. We were all proud to be in the band and win all kinds of awards. In 1972 we went to Europe on a 16 day concerts and tours. We saw 11 major European cities in 16 days.
