Wednesday, January 31, 2024


(San Benito school district officials are considering taking steps including launching a re-construction of a $40 million bond funded project as a result of foundation flaws while finding its contractor in default of a contract as an 11th-month shutdown pushes the project at least a year behind schedule.) myRGV

By Tomas Montemayor

Dear Editor,

Time after time, board member Rudy Corona is quoted in the newspapers as "committed to relaying as much info as possible" the status of the building construction project. 

But then at the meeting executive session after the board was completely brought up current about the exact status of construction, and where he should have told the public all of it, he cops-out and reads a prefabricated statement that was not written that night by the board, saying that a statement would be coming soon about the disaster under the water tower. 

Like Bandits in the night that steal while people are unaware of circumstances, this board keeps the taxpayers unaware of the circumstances regarding the incomplete buildings and just keep us waiting, contrary to Rudy's past statements in the newspapers.

But that's not all, what about the cost of these unfinished buildings? How much money has the district misspent on this project? I feel like I've been robbed. Again like a Bandit, our money has been taken.

In one quote, Corona says "geopiers might not be as big a problem" And that "Our attorney is saying he doesn't think its as bad as they were saying." Is this the same attorney who might have written the letter Rudy read at the board meeting?

Rudy is quoted in the newspaper that he "vowed to keep taxpayers updated on district's biggest construction project" When? He missed a great opportunity last Wednesday. So much for his vows.

In the newspaper Corona says "originally, the board was led to believe there were major issues with the misalignment (of geopiers under the foundation), which is not the case." He sure was sure of himself when he made all these statements to the newspapers. Did he back out of telling us the truth on Wednesday night because there ARE major issues with the misalignment like former Supt. Theresa Servellon insisted there are and that's why she stopped construction?

A friend of mine said, remember when the SpaceX exploded their rocket in a controlled detonation and all of our houses shook? Well, imagine how a building full of water, built on a flood plain, with misaligned geopiers under a faulty foundation would be affected when another rocket explodes and shakes the very foundation which is at this moment under scrutiny? Imagine if there are children in that shaking building?

I feel like I've been robbed. I feel that a Bandit has entered our district and taken all we believe in and run off with our trust.

How do you feel?


Anonymous said...

sanbene hahahahahaha, you gotta do better than that! Instead of launching an investigation that will make corrections they will launch a reconstruction of the structure. How sweet it is. I will be heading to sanbene to rob, oooopps I mean to do business there. BOLA DE PAYASOS.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t the SBCISD Attorney the same one that was with BCISD ?

Anonymous said...

If he was he didn't learn much. Se le paso la bola al guey

Anonymous said...

There’s proof floating around that Servellon and Sandra Tumberlinson are the one’s behind this blog. Sandra should expose herself as the terrible hateful person she is. On the other clown, Servellon hired the construction attorney Balta Salazar via the recommendation board member Mario Silva recommendation and she hasn’t been open about it! So keep posting Sandra Tumberliison and Servellon. Everyone know it’s you two!

Anonymous said...

bandits? Here we call them RATAS. In english and in spanish RATAS

Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder how many people are still trapped & alive in corrupt San Benito, for a while but never rescued. Oh, tierra del sol...suspiro por verte.


Anonymous said...

This is not a case about feelings.

This is a person that deposited the money in his bank account, the money he was supposed to use to build a good foundation that will last for centuries.

San Benito deserves better than this. The people of San Benito are good people and they will find out a way to protect their children from a collapse that will bring death and pain and suffering to their community.

I say: boycott the building. Invent that it is EMBRUJADO. Nobody will go close to the building.

Asustan. Es la casa del chamucho.

Anonymous said...

Sell it.
As is.

Anonymous said...

No nomas en Brownsville hay ratas de dos patas. El dinero es cabron. Yo estoy convencido que existe una universidad donde aprenden a robar y a echar mentiras estos pinches cabrones.

Anonymous said...

No nomas en Brownsville hay ratas de dos patas. El dinero es cabron. Yo estoy convencido que existe una universidad donde aprenden a robar y a echar mentiras estos pinches cabrones.

Anonymous said...

Ok so secret it’s out it Sandra Tumberlison and of course Servellon bc her previous district emails prove it! Servellon and Sandra are both self serving hateful idiots who try to ruin peoples lives! But enough is enough we all know their game.. but hey, keep trying you low hanging fruit because everyone knows who u r! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Sanbene, Sanbene you'll never be like browntown. Here we have a university for ratas but to attend you have to be nominated by a special board located at Rogelio Sancho State Prison, 4141 Carcel Road El Masson, TX 79991-4141, just in case you want to attend.
The local university even has a football team, but they never practice and don't have uniforms only the striped ones, black and white stripes.

Anonymous said...

So the board puts Supt on leave then goes on record saying the buildings have minor defects and construction should have never been stopped. NOW “out of an abundance of caution SBCISD stopped construction and it isn’t feasible to remediate.” So that means they have to start all over. Let’s keep it real. There is a lack of transparency and we’re just getting half of the story. Good luck San Benito, let’s see how much you get out of the insurance co.

The Truth said...

Don’t look any further than the SBCISD school board! Everyone is out for what they can get. They are all involved…they either participated in hiring the contractors or they looked the other way! No one spoke up, period. The good citizens of SB still continue to put a revolving door of lowlife in the schools board positions. Good luck.
They even elected Janie to a higher office! Duh. 🤪
