Friday, January 26, 2024


By Alex Kasprak

Claim: In November 2016, Donald Trump stated that a candidate under federal investigation (Hillary Clinton) "has no right to be running" and that it would be "virtually impossible" for a president under indictment to govern.

Rating: Correct Attribution

Statements made in 2016 by then-presidential candidate Donald Trump about the impossibility of governing as president while under indictment came to life again after 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump was charged with "91 criminal offenses in four criminal cases."

On November 3, 2016, in Concord, North Carolina, Trump made similar comments. “If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said.

“She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.” [...] “She has no right to be running , you know that,” Trump said. “No right.”

Trump added at a November 5, 2016, rally in Denver that as “the prime suspect in a far-reaching criminal investigation,” Clinton’s controversies would make it “ virtually impossible for her to govern."


Anonymous said...

We have to remember that what he says doesn't apply to him. It definitely applies to us and everyone else but not him. He believes he has devine right privileges.

Anonymous said...

Trump's the most corrupt stupid idiot ever.


Anonymous said...

Chapulines anyone?

Anonymous said...


The early Mexicans used them as a sustainable source of protein that was harvested during the rainy season in the summer. Perhaps the best-known region in Mexico for Chapulines is Oaxaca state. There, they are for sale in street markets, piled high, and sold by the scoop.
In te de jas its illegal to eat chapulines it turns the skin a dark brown color. Gringos hate them...
TexCocos don't like them either.

Anonymous said...

Trump the most corrupt? Really? You guys are so indoctrinated its pathetic. At least Trump didn't sell our country to China for a few million. Let's never forget about the Russian Collusion that all you morons fell for and harped on for years. Bottom line, Trump already has billions he doesn't need to steal like the hungry Biden's.

BobbyWC said...

You have to try and do an open record on stolen trucks. It has been about two months since the news reported Silverado being the number one truck being stolen in Brownsville by the cartels. This week one person down the way had theirs stolen, and my neighbor the other night had the lock removed but then they were caught and fled. Because I am living in two places, I upgraded the security on my home. For now, my truck is still in Brownsville. I hate I had to upgrade my security system. But it is not just here. Costa Rica a county without a military just voted to adopt El Salvador's process to the cartels and gangs. They have significantly damaged the gangs and drug cartels. Ecuador which has been known as safe is now in open war in the streets with the gangs and cartels.

When you have a corrupt judiciary and people saying they will still vote Trump if criminally convicted I think it is fair to say we are at a point no one cares about the law anymore. This is a worldwide.

Anonymous said...

Liberal retards are so worried about trump. Worry about the dumbass you'll voted for and him ruining our country you dumb fucks. Fuck Biden and all his voters

Anonymous said...

Estupidos racist repulicans just don't know when to shut da f**k up. The devil's handpicked prodigy will never win.

Anonymous said...

Trump, the Republican Party’s likely presidential nominee, again wants the border to be his main election issue. He’s opposing any sort of compromise between Republicans and Democrats, especially one that could give President Joe Biden a legislative victory
Again pawns of all the stupid gringos specially the racist republicans. Get rid of a meskin and get my vote GRINGOS ARE NOT, I SAY, NOT YOUR FRIENDS, LEARN IT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!

Anonymous said...

Latinas for TRUMP!

Anonymous said...

Trump was the worst president of the USA. Biggest liar and instigator, in fact, about the only thing he's good is instigating people against each other. No Russian collusion? How soon have some people forgotten his public plea to Putin during the 2016 campaign "Russia if you're listening " He has zero values or morals.

Anonymous said...

Yada yada yada. Two different group of jurors made up from all walks of life( Rep, Dem and independents) just ordered Trump to pay an excess of 88 million $$ for sexual assault and defamation of that lady Carroll. Tip of the iceberg for whats in store for the orange con man. Some will agree and some will disagree but these are the facts. Let the excuses begin.

Anonymous said...

All you pendejos, like Montoya, and especially ese half coco transgender rats who voted for soupy brain Biden can go fuk yourself! I blame all you cocksuckers for making the United States a laughingstock to the whole world. You are so stupid that you would vote again for this vegetable! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

People need to realize that there's no longer a Republican party, it's a Trump cult. American democracy is at risk with this person with no values or morals whatsoever charge of the greatest country on earth. We only need to see what he did on January 6th, 2021 to fully understand what he's capable of doing if things don't go his way. To this day he still claims of a stolen election but the one caught red-handed trying to cheat his way was himself "Georgia find me 11k votes "

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2024 at 2:19 PM January 26, 2024 at 10:25 PM

Hispanics will be a thingy of da past, trumputo will send you and all your familia back to your hometown including you mayra and all cocos. ese estupido coco that adores todos los gringos esta mas prieto que el color negro (10:25 PM) wiil be el primero.
Church ain't gonna help either trumputo beat all of you cocos, he there praying (llke at the pic) he wins and as a token sent all meskins back to mejico. Hahahahahaha!

wetbacks and braceros are not included they do manual labor. So you're safe pinche pendejo mojado at: January 26, 2024 at 10:25 PM

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2024 at 2:19 PM

latinas for trump hahahaha jajajaja what a joke bad grammer should be latinas mojadas but you people can't vote and besides he DOES NOT WANT YOUR VOTES PENDEJAS...hahahahahah!

He wins all you mojadas will be history. adios adios bye bye fact

Anonymous said...

who will vote for trumputo: hillbillies, rednecks, racist republicans, cocos wanna be white, meskins with gringo names, pendejos, babosos/a, idiotas, estupidos, inutiles, retardaos, gueyes, mamones, lambiscones, winos (borrachos no),
anybody wants to add to this list is welcome.

Anonymous said...

2:19 PM

I beg to differ it is "Pendejas for Trump." He is going to grab you by la panocha.

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2024 at 10:25 PM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump sucks.

Anonymous said...

@10:40,10:51,6:54. Ya pinche niño llorón! Quien te quito la paleta o verga qué te gusta chupar! Ese guey el half coco transgender dumpster rata le gusta hablar y hablar de Trump! Tanto que le chupa la verga a el, ya le dejo sin cabezita! Hahahahahaha! Pinche guey can't accept Trump will be our next President and will clean up all the mierda qué hizo el número novio de ese guey el half coco transgender rata, Joe gravy brain Biden! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

GOD, please send him to prison. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Trump is being persecuted by pro criminal negroe prosecutors.
