Friday, January 19, 2024


(With apologies to Gil Scott-Heron)

You will now be able to stay home, carnal
You will now be able to plug in, turn on and cop out
You will now be able to lose yourself en la soda and
Skip out for birongas during commercials
Because the meetings of the Brownsville Municipal Development District will be televised

The BMDD meetings will now be televised
They will now be brought to you by HEB
In four parts without commercial interruptions
The BMDD meets will not show you pictures of Musk
Blowing a doobie and leading a charge by Trey Mendez
Helen Ramirez and Mayor Cowen
To eat tamales and asado de puerco from a Palm Boulevard bistro

The BMDD meetings will now be televised
The meetings will not be brought to you by the
Guinness Book of World Records and Resaca Fish  Awards and will not star
Linda Macias and Rosie Gowen or Sponge Bob

The BMDD will not give your mouth sex appeal
The meetings will not get rid of the nubs
The BMDD meets will not make you look five pounds thinner
Because the meetings will now be televised, carnal
There will be no pictures of you and Pete Cardenas
Pushing that coffee shop on Washington on the public dime
Or trying to slide that BCIC grant into subsidized Mendez real estate 

El Rrun-Rrun will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
Or report from 29 precincts 
The BMDD meetings will now be televised
There will be no pictures of our chotas in blue shooting down
Batos over a six-pack on the instant replay
There will be no pictures of placas in blue shooting down
Batos por un seis on the instant replay

There will be no pictures of Helen Ramirez, Totally Aligned,  
Being run out of Browntown on a rail 
There will be no slow motion or still lifes of Erasmo Castro
On a scooter gliding down Jefferson in a yellow, blue and green
LGBTQ jumpsuit that he had been saving
For just the proper occasion

Imagine Brownsville, GBIC and BCIC 
Will no longer be so damned relevant
And women will not care if Juanito  finally got down with Lupita
On "La Reina del Sur" because nosotros 
Will be at la pitada looking for a Cowboys brighter day

The BMDD meetings will now be televised
There will be highlights on the eleven o'clock news
And pictures of hairy-armed men in drag
Y las viejas de la piedra picking at their nose

The theme song will not be written by Kris Kristofferson, Juan Gabriel or El Buki mayor Marco Antonio Solis
 nor sung by Intocable 
Los Temerarios, Grupo Firme, Rigo Tovar, o Beto Quintanilla

The BMDD meetings will now be televised
The meetings will not be right back
After a message about a Nana Pow Pow, Payne Motors, or white people

You will not have to worry about la rata in your bedroom
The vivoron in your septic tank or the mojon in your toilet bowl
The BMDD will not go better with Coke

The meetings will not fight germs that may cause bad breath
The BMDD will put you in the driver's seat
The BMDD meets will now be televised, will now be televised
Will now be televised, will now be televised

The meetings  will be no re-run, carnales
The BMDD will be live...


Anonymous said...

It won't last long, remember when the city commissioners and mayors canceled the public forum because there was group of people who gave them hell for the stupidity of their actions in running the city government and city? Rose Gowen doesn't like it when she is criticize for doing nothing to improve the city for the residents of Brownsville. Tell her about bike and hike trails and her ass gets bigger on her bike? Still waiting for the bus shelters and improving our traffic lights system that never is working. I saw the traffic department fixing the traffic lights that didn't need fixing but these idiots show up to mess the lights system to make drivers suffer for the fun of it? Has anyone seen Rose Gowen in the streets or visiting the poor subdivisions of Brownsville to see what are the needs of the community? NO!!!! There will be no bicycle trails or bus Shelters when she visits hell!

Anonymous said...

A new District, sounds like just the beginning of a new taxing entity to take more money out of our pockets for their agendas, just watch, politics at it's best.

Anonymous said...

One of the requirements to work for the city as a manager or director or even assistants should be or MUST BE to acquire a home or purchase a house. Para que se frunsen y pagen taxas. Who has homes and works for the city? The lowly employees those that are paid $7.50 an hour.

These are the people that pay for bike trails and murals downtown, and other pet projects to get votes.

Anonymous said...

Must Demand Dollars = MDD
All these boards are instructed by the elected RATAS that they must make money (dollars) for them. Do whatever it takes, is another motto!.

Anonymous said...


and at the taquerilla stands outside all the NFL stadiums. they are getting close

Anonymous said...

How about a new district and name it after a nazi

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a miracle round, property taxes go to the city the city distributes these taxes to benefit certain entities like cdbg, section 8 and other programs to make sure the poor stay in housing units they can't afford, and if you want to open up a business and don't have the cash well there is a program for that too. Now they turn to fees. Now there are fees just like taxes. They take the same route, round and round, when they stop NOBODY KNOWS. The local education here on purpose does not train the locals for jobs that are available here, this creates forced poverty, and who benefits? The mexican working force and matamoros. The mexican politicians also benefits, so no one complains.
Free housing, free groceries, don't have to work, so everybody is happy. Fees replace the unemployed worker that once paid taxes here.
