Saturday, January 6, 2024


First winning office in 1988, Yzaguirre, the county’s longest-serving elected official, helped computerize the county’s tax collection system while expanding its branch offices to 11, including six drive-thru stations. Photo Valley Morning Star

San Benito News 

Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector Antonio “Tony” Yzaguirre Jr. officially announced his re-election at the Oak Hill Event Center located at 1780 W. Expressway 83, in San Benito, selected due to it being the center point of the county.

He was joined by over 400 supporters in attendance which included citizens and elected officials from throughout the county.

Early in the beginning of his career in office, Yzaguirre said he understood that taxpayer convenience was the way to improve customer service. His ultimate goal was the consolidation of property tax collections for all taxing jurisdictions so that taxpayers across the county could utilize one centralized assessor-collector to pay their property taxes and receive motor vehicle registration services.

“Cameron County collected for thirteen (13) taxing jurisdictions and only had three (3) office locations county-wide when I first took office in 1988," he said. "Our growth over the years created a greater need for service and our partnerships have allowed us to expand services while remaining fiscally responsible,” said Yzaguirre.

The county’s tax assessor-collector’s goal became a reality in 2021 despite being caught up in the height of theCOVID-19 pandemic. The result is a 100 percent tax collection consolidation of taxing districts (17 cities, 10 school districts, 18 special districts, and 42 street light districts). Has able to establish 10 offices including several with drive-through option, and will soon add the new location in Brownsville’s sprawling Southmost area in early 2024.

The office has also added seven additional office locations with drive through lanes by partnering with Lone Star National Bank, the county’s depository bank. This partnership allows taxpayers to pay their property taxes and renew their vehicle registration at all of their bank locations at no additional cost to the county or the taxpayers. This is in addition to the implementation and improvement of the vehicle registration program at all HEB stores countywide. The possibility of collecting property taxes at HEB locations is being evaluated.

The office has gone to great lengths to offer the services provided by the office online. At this time, 100 percent of franchise car dealers have transitioned to an electronic submission system also known as webDEALER program which allows new car dealers to submit title work electronically. The office is now working toward making all used car dealers utilize this same electronic submission for titles in 2024.

While the tax office doesn’t set property or tax rates, the office works closely with the Cameron County Appraisal District to comply with Senate Bill 621 passed during the 66th Legislature (1979) which created centralized county appraisal districts in all 254 counties in Texas.

Taxes were first levied by the new district in 1982, eliminating duplicate appraisal of property by counties, school districts, cities, and special districts. Each appraisal district is led by a Chief Appraiser who is appointed by a board of directors and is solely responsible for valuing properties.

The appraisal districts provide taxing districts with property values and the tax assessor-collector is responsible for calculating a bill and distributing this information to the taxpayer in the most efficient way possible.

“Throughout my career, I have been a strong advocate for a fairer property tax system which I have pushed for, through our legislators, to introduce changes to our property tax code,” Yzaguirre said. “We can do our part to inform taxpayers of exemptions they may qualify for. I am proud of all we have accomplished through for our residents through our efforts.”

The tax assessor-collector’s office has fulfilled its duty to inform and assist taxpayers on benefits of tax exemptions like Homestead, Homestead over 65, and Veterans exemptions. An appraisal district is responsible for approving exemptions in Texas. However, the tax office has also provided trained staff on
 the requirements and benefits of a homestead exemption and held multiple workshops throughout the county to assist taxpayers to complete and submit their applications, and some taxpayers who qualify for a homestead exemption could see savings up to $1,000.

“My office created a customer service call center in 2022 to keep up with the large volume of calls we receive. At this time, we have a group of fully trained personnel answering questions regarding property taxes, and motor vehicle related transactions,” added Yzaguirre. “Future plans call for the ability to pay by phone with the use of a checking account, credit card, or debit card. I am very proud of all we have accomplished, and of our staff’s commitment to provide efficient services and further improve our services, security and transparency.”

Yzaguirre said the office is currently working to:
*Launch new customer appointment systems in most offices to reduce waiting time
* Extend the continuation of homestead exemption workshops countywide
* Open he eleventh (11) tax branch office within Cameron County which is currently being built in the Southmost area in Brownsville.
* Remodel the San Benito Bank and Trust building. This building will house the Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office, the Constable’s Office, and the Justice of the Peace Offices in San Benito, Texas.

* Add drive-thru lanes in Brownsville, Harlingen, San Benito, Los Fresnos, and Port Isabel
* Remodel the Los Fresnos Tax Office which will include the addition of two teller windows in efforts to enhance customer service and alleviate congestion during peak periods.
*Establish new tax assessor-collector’s office to replace the one on Wilson Rd. in Harlingen as we have outgrown the existing office, a recommendation made via letter on November 23, 2023 to the Commissioners’ Court
* Introduce legislative initiatives through area legislators to make it mandatory that realtors, financial institutions, and title companies provide a Homestead Exemption application at point of sale.

The Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office has been recognized and received multiple awards from various associations. In 2022, the National Association of Counties (NACo) recognized the office for accomplishing 100 percent tax collection consolidation countywide through the implementation and use of drive-up lanes.

Likewise, he Texas Association of Counties has awarded a Best Practices Innovation Award to this office for the establishment of the county’s street light district program for areas or subdivisions outside incorporated cities, as well as the Best Practices Innovation award for the Occupation Tax Enforcement Collection Program and another Best Practices Innovation award for the Automobile crimes Enforcement Task Force.

Yzaguirre was first elected as the Tax Assessor-Collector for Cameron County in 1988. Prior to this, he worked for the City of Brownsville as a tax office real estate appraiser and City of Brownsville Tax Assessor-Collector from 1976-1987.

The office annually collects more than $557 million in property taxes for the 44 taxing jurisdictions and more than $507 million for motor vehicle-related services. It has established a new employee training and development policy to help deliver a consistent level of quality services.

“We have utilized lessons learned during the pandemic to revamp processes, modernize legacy applications and create a more resilient office through cross-training and technology," Yzaguirre said. "Our customers will see the benefit of the knowledge sharing as our office utilizes these new technologies to improve our in-person, and online services,” he said. 

"Being the county's assessor-collector requires a thorough knowledgeable of the tax assessing and collecting profession and an unstinting commitment to the taxpayers of Cameron County."


Anonymous said...

Just how old is this Tony Vanpiru?

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look as old as his tocayo Tony Garza. We need s change but Edelmiro and skippy como que nomas 👎 no.

Anonymous said...

La flaca is running pants full of shit. He's revealing all the discounts that are allowed and kept secret by the tax board. Investigate why they tell all tax employee NOT to divulge what discounts the public gets.
TELL US FLACA IF NOT YOU'RE OUT. AND TELL THEM TO STOP DOING THAT. If an employee devulges how many discounts are allowed that employee will ger fired.


Anonymous said...

35 years of pocketing and unfortunately for Cameron County Citizens he got away with it, but his ride is over. There's three candidates and one of them will be taking over and hope new Tax Assessor brings transparency to the office!

Anonymous said...

Too many satellite offices.
Clerks are left by themselves sometimes and easily het overwhelmed.
In some cases, a simple transaction can take as long as a doctor's office visit.
Some clients are elderly and need assistance as the system is sometimes crazy.
For instance, without much help during the protest sessions my personal homestead property taxes nearly doubled despite homestead laws.
So if I had known it was gonna be proposed to increase 5x I would have been sure to have the homestead exemption properly posted.
Instead the dismissive Board who heard my protest didn't help at all.
The appraiser during the protest did acknowledge some over estimated evaluation and an adjustment.
But my property taxes still doubled.
I tried to present some similar properties nearby with lower property values too.
My submission was squashed.
Bad, bad, bad.
Now let's see o if the Commissioner's court lowers the tax rate.
I doubt it.
They should all be ashamed for abuse of the taxpayers.
Most of these elected officials should just resign.
Let some young bloods manage take charge,

Anonymous said...

I appealed my propert valuation
Was approved a lower appraisal
And this guy has yet to send me my statement!

Anonymous said...

It’s a big job and the little man cannot do it. He has no experience in administration and he is not well educated or prepared or has the temperament for it. We need a change but to change just to change no thank you. Just look at the change in the Sheriffs office. Big mistake, big mistake. Don’t do it.

Anonymous said...

Tony the big taxman rat of Cameron County. Winner of been part of democRATS. When this rat dies, he will tax Jesus in heaven too.

Anonymous said...

There were no 400 people in attendance, Mr. Editor. The regular ribbon cutters seeking attention, Sofia Benavidez, Ediberto Treviño… etc. I was there, the turnout was very light. Tony Yzaguirre has served and has been compensated millions in tax dollars for his salary. Time waits for no one…. And it seems Tony’s time is up. After all, it is not a monarchy.

Anonymous said...

Buy a axis No. 49 writing pen not a cheap paid by the tax payer plastic pen. NO TIENENS VERGUENZA you don't even know how to write. What college did you graduate from????

Anonymous said...

Ya suelten la chiche Tony
I agree de matamoros candidates are no better

We are doomed

Anonymous said...

Democratic corruption and voter ignorance is what has kept our city and county from progressing.

Anonymous said...

Eddie is a con artist politician with no experience in running an off as big and important as the tax assessors office. Eddie Garcia is another Eric Garza and will ruin an efficient office and hurt the county .

Skippy is too loyal to Matamoros and is only now pretending to be a UNITED STATES citizen for this election . He is running to help his compadres buy up as much of Cameron County as possible.

I'm sticking with the only logical choice and that's Tony .

Anonymous said...

January 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM

This is true employees att he tax office are instuctured NOT to tell the taxpayers what discounts they are entitled too.

Anonymous said...

La RATA de dos patas…

Anonymous said...

Little Eddie and skimpy lack what it takes to be TAC. First you need knowledge of the tax code to help the people - homestead, agriculture, business, veterans, disability, churches, and OV 65.
Second, you need to know how to manage people and services - over 70 employees (clerks, license registration, supervisors, managers, bookkeepers). Third, you need experience working with a business budget - payroll, expenses, building maintenance, scheduling and future growth. Fourth - need to be able to work with all govt agencies - comptroller, cad, cities, schools, water districts, special service districts to provide services and tax code knowledge to each. And fifth - you need experience and knowledge with substantial training in all things tax code and motor vehicles.

Anonymous said...

Me vistes? tony has managed to survive all these years by using peple, making them think he is helping them out and then stabs them in the back, many folks have gone thru this road with him and he knows who he has doubled-cross along the way. Tony think on your sins and all those you have hurt along the way, remember you got to pay the price one of these days whenever the Lord says its time. Anyway many folks are right i dont think this Eddie Garcia or Skippy peanut butter guy can beat tony? Maybe if start their attack on tony, it could be a stragty I dont know could be or it could be a long shot? Guess we shall wait and see? However i am not sure who that republican candidate is or what credentials they might have? But thats another whole story. later gator.

Anonymous said...

It will be Tony again in a landslide! Remember, if it ain't broke leave it alone.

Anonymous said...

Surprise surprise I didn't know Eddie's name was really EDELMIRO hahaha. El "hot and spicy" aparte de calenton, tiene hombre feo. Y porque Skippy ?? Parece que Tony va a ganar otra vez, con competencia tan chafas no creo que piedra. Ni modo

Anonymous said...

It would take an act of God to remove this man. He’s a permanent fixture.

Anonymous said...

He lists all these accomplishments but fails to disclose that his office is closed to the common citizen;if a person goes there with a concern or to ask for advice no one will attend them.

Anonymous said...

He is not mentioning in his press release that if someone is unable to pay their current tax bill he will put them on a payment plan and charge them hundreds of dollars extra for Attorneys fees which in essence only contributes to the citizens losing their home. He fails to realize that some people come across emergencies for example medical and sometimes are not able to meet their obligation.

Anonymous said...

For Jan 6 7.30 am tony is 70 years old esta viejo y apesta too. me vistes? That is his famous trademark slogan. CHON

Anonymous said...

Everything that he has done with the great help of the staff has a gone down the drain. All of the great employees have left the tax office due to ignorance and shity attitude he possesses. This guy is a big fake to his employees and the tax payers of Cameron County. He only acts nice when he wants something from you. Don’t believe anything he say.

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget Tony was in jail for corruption, but with all the money he has made in office, he was able to get out !! Now they want us to forget that he was arrested.
BISD wants to investigate little Eddie for a sexual scandal . But his compadres of the board voted against the investigation 🙈!

Anonymous said...

Me vistes? It's time to go as people demand change. He had not had challengers until now. You have "Skippy" and "Little Eddie" to choose from. Definitely time for change.
