Saturday, February 3, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
The treasurer of the Cameron County Sheriff's Deputy Association has resigned citing a lack of transparency and inclusiveness after he discovered that the group's officers had endorsed current Sheriff Eric Garza for re-election without informing him or any of the its members.

Victor Alvarado handed in his letter of resignation January 30 and stated that "the reason I decided to step down was the lack of transparency exhibited by the other board members. A decision was made by the other board members. The decision that was made was the endorsement of the current Sheriff Eric Garza,"

Alvarado said that he learned through other member of the endorsement of Garza was made by the board officers before the item was considered at the scheduled February 1 meeting.

"I was under the impression that it was going to be one topic of the board agenda...but instead the decision had already been made," he stated in his letter. I was so disappointed with the board because no one had the courtesy of informing me so I could be part of the decision or vote on the endorsement."

When Alvarado asked vice president Victor Leos, Leos replied by What'sApp that "he was not aware ad he thought it was a board decision and that he was okay with the endorsement."

Likewise, association president Edgar Rivera sent a message saying that "nobody else asked for our endorsement and that the sheriff was the only one. I've been aboard member forever and hand never known. To vote, it is my understanding, it was up to the board to make that decision on."

"So right there the president and other board members had made the decision without any knowledge, a clear violation of the Robert's Rules of Order and Cameron County Sheriff's Deputies Association bylaws.

"I also explained that in the past boards a lot of decisions were made without the members approving it, but when it came to endorsing someone a candidates forum was held and then members would cast a secret vote that included any candidate running for office.

Alvarado said VP Leon replied and said that "yes, that is the way he would do it, but since he was not the president, all presidents are different." I told him that since was the vice president he has the power of over ruling the president.

Alvardo ends his letter of resignation saying that he had nothing against the current administration, but that the group's board had acted behind his and its members' back and the lack of transparency in the endorsement.  


Anonymous said...

Gato muerto, RATAS are all the same flies on shit. All this means is more deaths at the county jail. You have sons, daughters, family friends and neighbors vote against tyranny incompetence and a fair justice system.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Deaths in the jail prevent deaths outside the jail

Anonymous said...

With most other unions, the members make endorsement decisions, as it should be!!!

Anonymous said...

Much ado....

Anonymous said...

What can you expect from democrats? They continue to vote for the same losers and later complain about the same morons they voted for. Totally confused!

Anonymous said...

Voting for Pancho Villa ,it's a better choice than what is going on in Cameron County Sheriff staff

Anonymous said...

Sheriffs office is a joke you have most of the department working the Harlingen school security detail for $45 an hour and spacex security and then you have the rest of the clowns doing school presentations with four wheelers and armored vehicles and K9s and other toys and you have like 4 guys actually on patrol.... if your a tax payer in Cameron county you are not safe the sheriffs will not arrive on time you will get hurt or killed.

Anonymous said...

Everyone at the Sheriffs Office is extremely underpaid. For years we’ve heard that shift differential pay, being bi-lingual, and basic-intermediate-master certifications, would be an incentive for pay adjustments. The clerks work two or three additional duties and are among the lowest paid employees in the county. Henry G. (of blessed memory) had a solution to put CCSO at par with the national average. Unfortunately, no one listened.


Anonymous said...

It was the secretary at the main office that decided all this. They are the ones with the power....not the members of an association.

I doubt people will vote for Eric Garza because he has the support of groups, organizations..... and even those members that say for another candidate.

Anonymous said...

female jailers are mean mistreat everbody in there. Sheriff needs to go. He don't give a shit about nobody. bad management, a fool and an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Man convicted for getting kilos of cocaine via UPS
Ya al' been notified!

El Padrino Del Cojin said...

Fucking disgruntled jail employees! ENOUGH.

Reporter, ya, cabron. Aburres con tus pinches celos, puto!!!

Anonymous said...

TxDOT provides new details on second causeway to South Padre Island.

It will be a ferry, not a riverboat, nor a riverboat casinos. And each vehicle will be issued a paddle to paddle to the Island to be returned at arrival according to the racist republican on wheels governor of Tejas.

Fee of 50 bucks per person, cheap better than crossing a river on foot, according to the governor.

Anonymous said...

Any Bank Active Cash Card.
Earn a $200 cash rewards bonus when you spend $500 in purchases in the first 3 months.

Only gringos are approved, I've been turned down 50 times, than I used the name Williepay Smith and got approved now I owe them 20,000 dollars.

Anonymous said...

Nothingburger, Juan.

It's like the old joke about a guy walking down the sidewalk and seeing a sign that says Topless/Bottomless.

He walks in and there's nobody there!...

ja ja ja. Dumbass, bitching Jailers make me laugh. That's all, ese.

Anonymous said...

Before the CCSDA would endorse Lucio without no ones approval or voting from the board. We all knew that Javier Reyna controlled the CCSDA and Victor Alvarado was one of his biggest puppets. Now Victor wants to play victim? THE HYPOCRISY!!! Send them dinosaurs to patrol so they can finally retire! If you guys are looking for victor, he is parked on FM3248 and 281 from 3pm to 9pm doing NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

Soy orgullosamente de San Luis Potosí, México 🇲🇽

Anonymous said...

SHERIFF Garza did u ever found out the mess ur commander Mendieta and jail Lt Mejia and Costilla did against several jailers theres a letter comming out soon also in the media . You never did nothing to get this Commander Mendieta reprimanded retaliation and official oppression was use by this supervisors mention above see you Federal court soon.

Anonymous said...

Alvarado is useless away. Fifteen till three is a lover boy. No biggie

Anonymous said...

Mark my words Eric Garza will lose the election. All his school presentations won't be enough. Cameron county deserves a qualified Sheriff. I'll never stop telling people I regret voting for him in 2020 one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. Hopefully Manny or Rosas can bring the department back, but who knows if anyone can.

Anonymous said...

Rosas will be next the next Sheriff of Cameron County. Eric, he will be taking your seat and all uou did was sit back and watch. Dumb ass

Anonymous said...

Bunch of incompetent morons. What do these “indios “ know about being board members and running a jail. Its the blind leading the blind. They need to clean house at that place. Bunch of chiefs and no indians. Please “Sheriff Fife” its time for you to ride into the sunset and don’t forget to take your minions with you!!

Anonymous said...

This is why associations suck. It is all about the pecking order.

Anonymous said...

ANONYMNOUS 2/3/24 9:27 AM.


Anonymous said...

There's nothing worse than a Mexican liberal. The whites don't like you mojado you'll never be white alv pinche pendejos jajajaja

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2024 at 8:27 AM
In russia and other non-liberty countries. IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

This is the shit that runs Cameron county. The entire law enforcement agency, the whole judicial system and local political leaders are the root of all the evil and injustice caused in South Texas.

Anonymous said...

No eres lambiscón eres ignorante si no sabes lo que esta pasando en este país. Todo criado por demócratas. El poder de las estampillas y los cheques de asistencia publica!

Anonymous said...

El Corporal Vega is the lover of Sgt Costilla gay couple there pics of them

Anonymous said...

So, don't the idiots from the CCSO Deputy Association know that they are civil service employees and couldn't lose their job if that dumbass, Eric lost?

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2024 at 8:27 AM

sounds like the sheriff, no wonder nobody likes this sob incompetent ass hol*...

Anonymous said...

Here is what has me scratching my head in disgust BUT!!!! After some thought for about 5 seconds, I quickly figured it out.

First thing is first-

The double murder on Greystone happened on January 27, 2024...from the get-go there were NO supervisor's on duty-

The response time was 45 minutes!!!!

They only had 5 Deputies patrolling the entire county

On January 29, 2024 the suspects were identified as per Eric Garza's press release.....

Why do you wait an entire day to obtain the arrest warrants on January 30 when they were identified on the 29????? Laziness, I don't give a shit attitude??? I would say laziness


You wait two more days for February 2, 2024 to go and conduct an arrest attempt on Jenika street in search of the suspects???????????????????????????

WHY WAIT 2 whole days??????????????????????????? THIS MAKES ABOLUTELY NO SENSE!!!!!!!!

And NOW for the Eric Garza campaign SHOW!!!!

Again, Garza is with his little phone in the back video'ing this circus....It is amateur night at the Sheriff's Department because now the element of suprise is gone. You have GARZA going live on Facebook telling everyone what is going on????? What a dumb ass!!!

What if these guys would have been some real bad asses and gone back to defend family or their kids and begin a shoot out!

But what was most disturbing was the SWAT officers pointing their rifles at the one in front...WTF!!!! That was the most stupidest, unsafe, unpracticed entrance breaching that I have ever witnessed!!! THIS is what happens when instead of training the way they used to is NOT done anymore!!!! Instead of training, the SWAT is sent to do school presentations. Yes, School presentations!!!!!!

Last but not least, in Eric Garza's video you see, yet again someone in uniform pointing an M-4 tactical rifle towards the fucken door entrance where your deputies are and just went in????????????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!!!!!! A fucken disaster waiting to happen!!

I am totally disgusted at this operation and I strongly urge that Tobias, Joey Martinez, Almanza, and Roland Sanchez get a tight grip on these type of SWAT operations where these rookies are in no way ready or prepared and are totally untrained for this type of situation because it really really shows. I am disgusted and afraid for the lives of those deputies that do not know what in the hell they are doing.

The only one to blame is Eric Garza.

Anonymous said...

Chicken shit board members bring back the Brownsville Union Coalition BUC.

Anonymous said...

The only reason vega got promoted because he was chugging costillas dick. El vato no vale v y por eso le esta pasando lo que le pasa al hijo de la v. Don't worry bro we'll take care of your new lil jailer gf while you work on valentines jajaj

Anonymous said...

Edgar Rivera, ERic Lopez and Victor Leos are without testicular bulge. They are very well satisfied no longer having to work weekends, driving brand new units and working 845ish to 4ish shifts while a couple of deputies that are not on the Eric bandwagon have to actually patrol and answer calls at all hour of the night.

It is no secret that they are not going to let go of that tit when they have it easy. Shit...who in the hell would let go of that tit. I would have done the same thing. Who cares about public safety, patrolling and the crime rate for rural cameron county sky rocketing as long as I don't have to work. Do a couple of school presentations, campaign with the sky tower by putting it up and Erics buddies businesses and checking out the teachers at the school presentations. Where do I sign up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gathering all this comments are from employees. Victor did as The Reyna administration dictated for years. Now he has a problem because he does not agree. Or he wanted them to support his candidate. Watch the other association support. I bet since Almanza is a board member will not support this administration. Cmon bunch of hypocrisy. My family and I will continue to support our Sheriff Eric Garza based on the fact that he is transparent unlike the previous administration.

Anonymous said...

When Victor was a favorite of the previous administration he and others would get away with a lot of stuff including 8am to 5pm shifts. What is the difference from those supervisors that are currently on it?? I guess because it is not them. Victor is a Sgt?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Victor Alvarado has been there too long and wants to take a break from the association. He deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Victo Alvarado is not being Transparent either. As he states on his letter that a "member" told him but he states everybody else's name that he spoke to except for that "member". HYPOCRITE. Hopefully they will make sure the account is balanced and we will have a clear vision to the monies of the association since he would guard it as it was his money. Only entitled and preferred cronies from previous and with previous administration's orders to disperse as they pleased. Good bye Felicia Karen.

Anonymous said...

WOW and I thought the teachers were bad! Who's next, the fire department, and then the city, and than the teachers...

juicy Lucis on the loose
