Monday, February 5, 2024


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

In looking over the campaign finance reports of the various candidates for countywide office, we were glancing at their reported contributions and expenditures when one of them caught our eyes.

It was for one of the three Democratic candidates for the Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office office which included incumbent Tony Yzaguirre and challengers Eddie Garcia and Jose "Skippy" Davila.

The Yzaguirre and Garcia reports were the standard list of contributors and expenses which balanced out squarely. But it was "Skippy's" which caught our attention. It just didn't balance out number-wise.

To begin with, he was late two days to file the report which was due January 15, but was received on the afternoon of January 17. If you are at all acquainted with deadlines and filings of the different districts and municipalities, you know that a late filing could spell financial disaster for the publicly-funded entities. The Texas Election Code Section 254.041 specifies that a candidate commits an offense if the person knowingly fails (a) to file a report on time.

Small potatoes, you say. Perhaps. But if  you check out the numbers below, you get a sneaking suspicion that something just ain't right.

Notice, for example, that he reported just $72.68 in small unitemized contributions. Then, for larger contributions, he lists only $1,202.33, $809.54 in unitemized political expenditures and lists total expenditures of $24,617. On the last day of the reporting period, he lists $502.33 on hand and $0 in outstanding loans.


So if he had $1,202 in total political contributions and $502 on hand, where did the $24,617 come from to pay for the political expenditures? There are no loans listed to himself, or even in-kind services provided. See what we mean?

One of his opponent's supporters said that they had counted some 24 trailer trucks with banners across the county. The going rate for those, according to the candidates, averages about $2,250 per trailer/banner, which would cost some $54,000 for the duration of the election. Where did the money to pay for those come from? It's not in the expense report, and there is no in-kind report to account for them.

Things get curiouser and curioser about this candidate. when he announced for the office, his Facebook page listed his residence in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and listed his membership in several Matamoros and Tamaulipas state agencies and commissions. Can a person hold public office in Mexico and the United States as well?
Incidentally, "Skippy" also skipped over local vendors with just one or two (Home Depot and Karina Jokl-Mireles, for example from Brownsville). The rest are for vendors in Washington, D.C., Menlo Park, California, Waltham, Mass., and Austin., Texas. The only major local expenditure was for $12,230 for advertising expense to a vendor (Impresos del Norte) guessed it, Matamoros.

As we said at the beginning, something doesn't seem right about this guy. We think we'll skip him, too.


Anonymous said...

No more Moros in bronzbil!

Anonymous said...

Eskippy! My friend even before this I had already decided not to vote for you

He is one of the ruling class of mamones in this God forsaken town. How about them pos no.

Anonymous said...

from st joe, look out he don't get his teta in time, he'll jump your asssssss, those are mean folks

Anonymous said...

Is that how he will do our books?

Anonymous said...

Skippy is mamon. I say we don't vote for the so called ruling class of of St. Joe.

Anonymous said...

Skippy be lying. Bro ain't gots no game. Ah lickin' it, but ah ain't tastin' nuthin'. You dig? Dog just playin' wid you......


Anonymous said...

Eskippy thinks we are estupid

Anonymous said...

This skippy dude thinks he can just “skip” the rules or what??? Hey dude last we checked the PRI, PAN , PRD don’t exist on this side of the border. What gives you the idea that you can run for office here in this United States of America with all these strikes against you. Think again sir, corruption and political shenanigans may run rampant in our dear city but I believe you may be delusional when it comes to running for office. YOU ARE BETTER OFF “SKIPPING “ this election.!!

Anonymous said...

Que esta pasando con la feria $$$ SKIPPY!!! Hay o no hay dinero? Y si no hay como estas pagando. Y si hay de donde salio??? Que paso Skippy, y quieres ser el chingon de las taxes??? No creo que podamos confiar nuestro billete con usted !! Pobre Skippy, como dijo un amigo: parece ya te cargo el payaso..

Anonymous said...

No pos que se puede decir, que honesto el hombre. Lo bueno que tiene integridad siendo de San Joe y titulo de contabilidad. Como fue que paso sin poder llenar apropiadamente el reporte financiero? Y grandes amigos como los comsionados Tino Villarreal y Pedro Cardenas, cual sera el plan?. Y todas las grandes obras que a echo en Brownsville estos ultimos años? Cuando sus empleos han sido en Tamaulipas desde el 2010 al presente. Bueno y donde reside? Su fais en Septiembre decia residir en Heroica Matamoros. Asi que quien es "El Skippy" realmente?

What can you say how honest this man is. Good thing he has integrity being from San Joe and an accounting degree from a prestigious university.. How did it happen without being able to properly fill out the financial report? And great friends like commissioners Tino Villarreal and Pedro Cardenas, what is the plan? And all the great works that have been done in Brownsville in recent years? When his employment have been in Tamaulipas from 2010 to present. Well, where does he live? His FB in September said he resided in Heroica Matamoros. So who is "Skippy" really?

Anonymous said...

imagine one of your favorite superheroes, Spiderman. Now imagine his female counterpart, Spider-Woman....and imagine what panties she would be wearing underneath her outfit.


Anonymous said...

I ain’t voting for that skinny guy. I bet lots of political candidates in the valley and elsewhere don’t report all the contributions they receive.

Anonymous said...

We need a turn-over IN ALL ELECTED OFFICES puros/as RATAS. Let's give the new ones a chance and if it don't work out vote them out.

Anonymous said...

Don’t you have to be a resident of the state of Texas for a year prior to running for election to qualify?

Anonymous said...

This guy will SKIPPY town with your money
Pura bola de RATAS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

run forrest run, means anybody with cash can run for these political offices now that dont mean he can win but at least he has the incumbent tony y aka la tripa or pink panther on the run and spending money which im sure he has hidden away from previous elections, ME VISTES AS TONY LIKES TO SAY OFTEN.

Anonymous said...

Juan as in MEXICO and the USA all political offices are for sale o NO? Trump has lana o NO? just saying

Anonymous said...

Another "Superiority Complex" politician ? Skip "Skippy".. No thank you !

Anonymous said...

Lost my partner
What'll I do?
Lost my partner

Skip to my lou, my darlin'
Skip, skip, skip to my Lo
Skip to my Lou, my darlin'

I'll get another one
Prettier than you
I'll get another one

Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou

Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
Can't get a red bird
Jay bird'll do

Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
Skip to my Lou, my darlin'

Source: LyricFind

Anonymous said...

The click from St Joe is trying to position their people in prominent political positions and boards throughout the city and county. These people have no problem using someone else's money to pay for their repairs, buildings or anything else they see fit.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of the Democrats.
We need a change and new people in Brownsville
There is a Republican running for
Tax Assessor Collector Jesus Rami Martinez.
I hope he wins and make a change, we desperately need elected officials that are there for the people.

Anonymous said...

folks this is America, anyone can run even mickey mouse. lol

Anonymous said...

Perdue needs their puppet candidate Eddie Garcia to win his race for Tax assessor to complete their take over of Cameron County .

Eddie Garcia is another Eric Garza . He will turn an efficient office and turn it into shit like the sheriff's department. Both Eddie and Eric are excellent at fooling the voters of Cameron County . DO NOT VOTE for Eddie Garcia

Anonymous said...

skippy mickey?

Anonymous said...

He is arrogant, he thinks he is entitled but he isn’t forth coming on his expense report NO way will he be trusted as the tax assessor! Tony has expanded and improved the office of tax assessor and is always looking for better ways to serve the community!
Let’s go Tony!

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia - Perdue puppet looking for his big payday. He is the first of the current BISD majority to run for a paying elected position but you can bet the other RATS will follow his lead. Eddie has no experience , no knowledge,or no idea how to run a department like the Tax Assessors office. NO to EDDIE💲🚫

Skippy - Proud Matamoros citizen trying to pull a fast one on the US citizens of Cameron County. If Skippy can't properly file his campaign finance report , what makes you think this PAYASO can run the Tax Assessors office ?
NO to SKIPPY 🤡🇲🇽

Tony - The right choice for Cameron County ✅️

Let's go Tony!

Anonymous said...

Edelmiro Garcia was born in Matamoros,Tamaulipas Mexico 🇲🇽

Jose Luis "Skippy" Davila was born in Matamoros,Tamaulipas Mexico 🇲🇽

Tony Yzaguirre was born in Brownsville,Texas USA 🇺🇸

Anonymous said...

Great reporting! Thanks for the information. A lot of us are ignorant on the individuals running for office and therefore end up make mistakes when voting.

Anonymous said...

Skippy has Chino Sanchez (Harlingen),and La Chakaloza (Brownsville) as his campaign team.

How many more mistakes is the candidate going to make ?

Anonymous said...

"Skippy", Skipale outta my town.

Anonymous said...

A known RATA is less dangerous than an unknown RATA. I'll stick with the one we have now. HANDS DOWN oopps I mean in your pockets.

Anonymous said...

La Calaca de " me vistes" looks better than Edelmiro el Vapiro and Eskippy.

Pinches mojones Matamorences.

Anonymous said...

Come on! How can you not vote for a guy who still goes by SKIPPY?

Anonymous said...

Because Skippy wants to skip in to our asshole through our taxes. Most people don't like it up the ass. Fock Skippy. Like Fox says Fock.

Anonymous said...

Skippy, Tony and Eddie !! De los tres no se hace ni uno !! Unethical!!!

All 3 of you puro "RAT POOL"!!!
