Friday, February 2, 2024


Annual Friends of Library Sale: More than 10,000 new arrivals, many as low as 50 cents or $1 


Anonymous said...

Come on, nobody reads here only the gringos. Not one book will be sold at el gran southmost any bet!!!!

Gringos and cocos NO NOT COUNT!

Anonymous said...

READ is just another four letter word in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree that people in this area have been failed by their educators and therefore cannot read or write. Yet educators continue to ask for pay raises. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

TEACHERS all they want is a trip to las Vegas, a pay raise, more vaction time, more coffee breaks, a gossip room that is secured, less time at work, than and only than will there be ooopps.

Anonymous said...

If you don't read, because of the excuses set forth before this comment, it is quite obvious that you were the reason you did not learn to read or love to read. Our 5th grade teacher at Putegnat, a long time ago, would meet us at Washington Park on Saturday mornings and we would all walk to the library at Fort Brown to look at books on a certain subject and write down notes. She signed for all of us to be able to get a
library card so we could check-out the book we most liked, and then the next activities at school the following week would be related to the book we read. As of now, if I do not read at least 2 books a week, I feel like I did not accomplish the goal Mrs. Nina
Watts Hablin had for us at Putegnat. May she rest in peace, and yes, I will be at both libraries to check the sale out. I have so many books and have read and re-read them and everytime I do, I learn something different. I am 80 years old and it keeps my mind from wandering or thinking about any problems.

Anonymous said...

A Cameron County SWAT team has raided a Brownsville home, but it was the wrong address. The address they were looking for is in Matamoscas. sorry guys better luck next time.

They all sat down with an 85 year old viejita and had coffee and donuts, at her home. Good ending...

Anonymous said...

What Is Celibacy?

Celibacy is the practice of not having sex. But not everyone defines celibacy the same way. Some people abstain from all kinds of sexual contact, including kissing or holding hands. Others only refrain from sexual intercourse. Some people use masturbation in place of partnered sex. Others refrain from that as well.


Abstention is a term in elections for when a participant in a vote either does not go to vote (on election day) or never votes at all.

So if you are absenting from celibacy you are what?

Anonymous said...

Fallon Says Trump Thinks He Should Win the Female Vote Because ‘No One Has Paid Off More Women Than’ Him.

Anonymous said...

The Old Man and the Sea. My first book ever.


Tony said...

Damn, nothing but negative comments about this. No wonder things don’t change.

Anonymous said...

People who don't read are estupid. Yes, I know it's stupid, estupid.

Anonymous said...

us money to other countries

egypt 1.3 billion
sudan 700 million
ukrains 453 million
isreal 500 million
nepal 130 million
burma 135 million
cambodia 85.5 million
pakistan 25 million
asia ria 1.4 billion
el gran southmost 0.0 cents
citizens of the usa $600.00 dollars minus taxes

domestic funding

kennedy center 26.4 million
smithsonian 1 billion
natnl art gallery 154 million
natnl art & humanities 167 million
w. wilson center 14 million
pedro y paco foundation 0.0 centavos

*german pidiches foundation in brownsville tx pending

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2024 at 11:58 AM

Oh God bless your little cotton pickin mind. At least they got you off the reservation for a while.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2024 at 3:42 PM

No seas mentirosa you saw the book cover at the local TODO BARATO tienda across from porter Jr. hi. on International blvd

Anonymous said...

February 4, 2024 at 8:05 AM

Stop being rude to the elderly, fucker.

February 3, 2024 at 11:58 AM

Thank you for sharing. I think that it was wonderful that your teacher took time to take you to the library, on her personal time, and that she would sign so that you could get a book.

Back then most parents understood and valued education as a result teachers had their support. I feel that now with technology and the ability to reach across the world many students are miss guided. I know that their is some fool on YouTube that tells his young viewers that an "education only gets you into the matrix." Things are just very different.

I will gladly say a prayer for your awesome teacher. Have a wonderful day.
