Tuesday, February 6, 2024


For years he knew the end would come
Sometime soon
That the human body
After years of toil and troubles
Tires, breaks down

That it was rational, pragmatic and real
That she would fade someday
Into that long, dark field

That he should plan,
Make the arrangements,
For that day

After all it had been 90-odd-plus
Years that she had lived
Raised him and the others,
Outlived her mate

And he didn't want her 
In an empty home
Accompanied only
By ghosts of an earlier date

Pictures of him
And his siblings
At various stages of their lives
 From the first day of school
To proms, beach outings to Boca Chica, cars...
And buried dead

And then grandkids
Starting the circle...
Over again

Just yesterday they talked
As he spoon-fed her her dinner
Which he did often 
At the home

About Tio Rene
And her bisnietos, his daughter's kids
Her mind still sharp
On names and family deeds

And he had left
As she quietly slept

And then the news arrived
As dawn broke in the East
That she had stayed 
In her eternal sleep

For years
He thought he was prepared
But his throat tightened, and 
His chest heaved, long and deep
Crushing his heart
And couldn't breathe...

And even the sunrise failed
And could not see

And she was singing him to sleep
In the gathering dusk...
With her soft quiet
"Arrorró mi niño, duermeteme ya..."
Se murio la jefa.
His mom had died.


brownsville literary review said...

My condolances...

Anonymous said...

No one can ever prepare us, Cherish all of your wonderful memories of your Mom. Stay strong. Condolences.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry, the great writer writes: "condolances"? Ha ha ha ha

Fucking loser!!!!

Anonymous said...

condolances? And he calls you the 3rd best writer among the three local bloggers.

ja ja ja ja

old and senile Jerry. Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

May she rest in eternal peace and may God bring peace and comfort to her family and loved ones 🙏

Anonymous said...

The haters here have no respect, just a bunch of rotten unhatched eggs, that the broody hen forgot to candle.

Anonymous said...

Can you please not focus on the misspelling of a word. Have some respect. Whether you like or dislike Mr. Yzaguirre or Mr.Jerry, a mother has passed away. Can't you feel that as human being? We send our deepest condolences to Mr. Yzaguirre and his family. May time heal your heart.

Anonymous said...

This is a blog mis-spellings, bad grammer and bad puntuation is allow what is NOT allowed is to loose the respect to others specially in a time of sorrow.
