Friday, April 5, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The top 10 most stolen vehicles list is distributed for each state and the top three vehicles on the list for the state of Texas are all pick-ups. Then the list gets into more cars and a large SUV made the list as well.

In Cameron County, these vehicles are prized by the cartel members in northern Mexico who outfit them with armor and bullet-proof glass. 

According to law enforcement sources, Brownsville is the most popular gateway to Mexico given the spotty presence of sheriff deputies on the international bridges. Deputies are often called away to participate in school presentation and other pomp and circumstance ceremonies which give car thieves a chance to drive across and make their getaway. Cartel operatives then relay this information to their fellow car thieves and the road lays clear to Matamoros. 

Some Brownsville insurance companies are beginning to decline to issue policies to owners of specific vehicles that are more prone to be targeted by car thieves. The lack of security at the bridges, under the command of Cameron Country Sheriff Eric Garza's bridge unit has led thieves who steal vehicles in Hidalgo County to drive to Brownsville and cross here, where it is easier to avoid interdiction at the bridges, according to some law enforcement personnel.

The change we need? The protection we deserve?


Anonymous said...

They are all at the local taquerillas, puros panzones y huevones. Cartel members don't weight over 150 lbs no match here and the fire power is equal or better with the cartels.
ya al' wanted a house mouse paper pusher for a cherife, will ya al' got one!!!

Perfectly trained by a cameron county "JUDGE".

Anonymous said...

I want y'all opinion on my hot little wife, Lydia. she likes to wear as little as possible like no panties to the restaurants and explore new places along the resacas in the nude.

merci, juan, merci.

Anonymous said...

Of course there is no deputy at the bridge dani pussy gomez keeps taking orders from the inmate lover rosie Hernandez. Yesterday there was only 4 of us for the county go figure

Anonymous said...

And what specifically are the three most stolen vehicles? I'd guess pickups from Ford, Chevy, and GMC.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My friend says: both head honchos ( Sauceda and Garza) are to busy posting on Facebook and other social media. And don’t expect anything to be done about this from the higher ups. Both these individuals are the perfect puppets in place. The car theft situation is out of control and both the county and city governments should DEMAND a solution!!! But don’t hold your breath , those folks are to busy working on their own hidden agendas to worry about the local “indios” vehicles and safety. Such is life in beautiful Cameron County/ Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Insurance's company have now doubled rates even on older pickups.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County and Brownsville PD leaders please start taking this seriously. Eric is too busy trying to get re-elected and how is "Double Dipper " Sauceda addressing this problem? Mayor Cowen and County Judge Eddie Trevino this falls on you and your commissioners, as well. You are so "high" in Musk with his rockets and bending the knee to him, that you have failed in helping protect our community. Your appointed boards are freely dishing out Grants to their friends and family trying to upgrade their businesses with other peoples money, while dealerships will be hurting on sales on the "popular item " on the thief's favorite car menu. Car dealers, forward this information to corporate. At some point, all of the above mentioned groups should come together to start developing some type of task force. County, City, car dealerships, Grant givers, police force, insurance agencies and at some point you are paid by the consumer in way of taxes or payments from us. Mayor Cowen, Judge Trevino, Sheriff Garza, Chief Sauceda, Vicente Gonzalez, LaMantia, Erin Gamez and commissioners, you wanted our votes, now go develop something about this problem to help the community you were elected to represent. Insurance agencies and car dealers, you want our business, get INVOLVED, as well!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess being fat is a requirement to be a Cameron County deputy and sheriff.

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2024 at 7:39 AM

Sick son of a bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say it but none of those deputies look like they are in physical shape to outrun a perp.

They all look very well-fed and have no time for exercise.

We were warned not to vote for a paper pushing clerk but here we are.

VOTE WISELY & Get New Leadership in the Cameron CountySheriff’s Office.

Anonymous said...

The cartel already know they can take any sierra Silverado they want and law enforcement won't do shit about it including useless customs agents

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of 109 always telling us not to engage or help other agencies like wtf bro we're county the cities are our jurisdiction too you dumbass. You'll never get promoted to captain give it up.

Anonymous said...

This is incredible. So the reason you say trucks are being stolen is due to Sheriff Garza not having deputies at the bridge. You are so biased and it is obvious you are one sided. Why can't BPD put officers at the bridges, why can't Able Gomez or any other constables help putting units at bridge?? The bridge is ran by Custom Federal officers that can easily man the outgoing lanes to Mexico and it will help not only with stolen vehicles but with weapons, ammunition, drug money, and even fugitives from other states that go to Mexico. It is not only the Sheriff's duty. Te pases de mam..n.

Anonymous said...

Why do you approve these messages on your blog. It is wrong information. Vehicles are stolen more from McAllen, and bigger cities. The article makes it seem the trucks are stolen only from county neighborhoods, it is false, they are stolen from anywhere and everywhere.

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2024 at 12:16 PM
Its call trying to improve the system since nobody here seems to care especially all law enforcment agencies, so you must be part of them trying to hide shit. idiota

Anonymous said...

Alvaro is the only one that stood up against this bullshit. Dani wants to be in charge but his balls haven't dropped

Anonymous said...

Well doesn't tony yzaguirre get an extra $20 every time we register our vehicles to prevent auto thefts?

Cameron county charges the highest allowable fees to register our vehicles in the state

Where is the money going Tony?

Just asking for a friend

Anonymous said...

Who is the one who posts for Eric Garza on social media? That shit is cringy as fuck lol you are actually losing votes bro stop it

Anonymous said...

So many cars being stolen with no end in sight, but motorcycle cops are aggressively relentless in giving out tickets. Easy Peasy ?!?!

Anonymous said...

66 trucks new gone from brownsville residents driveway by cutting the alarm sirens wires

Anonymous said...

Who’s the FAT FUCKER in the front right row? And he is supposed to be able to run down a bad guy. This HOG is not fit for duty!

Anonymous said...

Captain Gomez > Angry bird Alvaro

Anonymous said...

Pie eyed sheriff and deputies need to be straightened out.

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2024 at 7:39 AM

Nobody give a rats ass about your wife. We all have our own viejas and don't like to share. I find the comments you make about your wife insulting. Pendejo! Schmuck!

Anonymous said...

NO STANDARDS...Morbidly Obese officers are the norm. Too fat to run down a crippled opossum. These officers are UNFIT FOR DUTY and should be immediately discharged.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why is it that whenever other agencies request an assist from county, they are always unable to,due to only having five deputies patrolling for the whole county, that is crazy.Yet you pull up the Sheriffs Facebook page and you have 3 deputies manning a table at a school presentation. You only need one at the table if you really want to keep the presentations going, send the others out to the line.Where the heck is everybody?! Like really, I'm genuinely curious how all the manpower is being distributed.

By the looks of it Garza only cares about looking good and presenting himself like a good sheriff but the public can tell how incompetent he is running the sheriff's office or even as a peace officer. He isn't cut out to be in a position of this caliber, this isn't some Administrative office where you can have laid back days at presentations, local events, banquets, on a daily basis. People lives are at stake, out in the public and at the jailhouse. Really hope he gets voted out.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know if you all know this…but there’s a locking mechanism on these vehicles. Like everytime, you leave your vehicle, you can lock it! Also these guys don’t run on foot when stealing a vehicle. So the cops wouldn’t need to chase them on foot. It’s not like the movies. I think all the crime fighting experts here need to apply to be a deputy so you can teach them a thing or two instead of hiding behind a keyboard.

Anonymous said...

The problem is: young generation, and others prefer to do evil deeds. No more honesty, respect, values, morals etc

Parents have failed in raising good kids and in controlling the bad kids.

Saquen la chancla y pongan a los wercos en cintura. Ponganlos a trabajar.

Anonymous said...

Give the Deputies a break. Maybe they have a good reason for being a little on the hefty side. LEOs on patrol eat when time permits and usually eat on the run grabbing whatever they can. I know this.

Anonymous said...

It’s time to get eric out of office. 4 deputies to cover the county? Asking for assistance from other LE to pick up SO’s slack because they were pulled off to do events? Yet 20 deputies were called in to do Easter events? Sheriffs office is a joke under the leadership of Eric and his stupid little followers that don’t do shit but “take care of the fleet”. There has to be change, and manny Trevino has to win. If he doesn’t, I can guarantee that a lot of us will leave and SO will be stuck with even less deputies to cover the county.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that in the 80s when Nintendo came out it messed up the youth. And all the new games and gadgets they have is overwhelming them. And by the way where do most of those games and gadgets come from. It’s all part of a master plan that was set in place to destroy the future of the USA. JUST ME THINKING.

Anonymous said...

At 6:48 AM A six pack of beer on a daily basis IS NOT a good reason for being TOO FAT to execute your duties as a cop!

Anonymous said...

Y'all been calling SO deputies "too fat" but have you seen BISD police?! Estan flacos los deputies next to them!

Anonymous said...

The ate 20 tons of fried chicken that night. pinches panzones tragones. get to work mamones panzas.

Anonymous said...

new undercover lingo approved and submitted by el local pendejo house mouse paper pusher:
one oink is STOP!
two oinks is let me see your ID,
three oinks you are under arrest,
FOUR oinks you'r going to jail.

Anonymous said...

You’ve pinned the problem to the wrong cause. Vehicle theft is up generally everywhere in Texas and the United States. To suggest it’s a Cameron County only problem is disingenuous and shows you’re being paid for political support.

Anonymous said...

@8:25 am if you're not happy leave door is wide open LOL.....
