Friday, May 31, 2024



Anonymous said...

Thee were several errors made during the trial that will get the conviction reversed on appeal. That's what happened in the Harvey Weinstein case. In the long run, the judge and prosecutor will probably be disbarred.

No way Texas majority votes for Biden. Stay home and masturbate, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Now it is not "hush money" it is a "nondisclosure agreement" and he didn't have sex with her. She had sex with him. Funny how it is all a play of words.

Jim Barton said...

11:40AM: Who gives a shit if Texas doesn't vote for Biden? This trial was about Trump's criminality or a tiny portion of it. Obviously, MAGA cultists worship the orange clown just as the followers at Jonestown, Guyana a few years ago. Anyway, a Trump presidency will be good for the country long-term as it will test two of the three branches of government to see if they have the wherewithall to check and balance a rogue executive branch. I'm placing my bet on our democratic republic.

Anonymous said...

who cares!!!! its all bull shit.

Anonymous said...

Juan, Trump has already raised over $34 million since yesterday, looks like this conviction gave him more power or really pissed off his supporters, go figure this one out juanito. pura leche pet. chuy.

Anonymous said...

See how many brain washed voters choose him now

Anonymous said...

A nondisclosure agreement (aka Hush money) is not illegal. He having sex with her or her with him is also not illegal. These are not even misdemeanors much less felonies. Funny how that works.

Anonymous said...

First lady presidenta en Mexico. Pobres mojados. She'll first pawn la pinche nacion then she'll sell it. ANY BETS????

Anonymous said...

May 31, 2024 at 8:22 PM

No shit Sherlock! It is not about a nondisclosure agreement or whether he had sex with her or not. As far as I am concerned he can go have sex with Ivanka. It is no scrape off my nose.

If you don't understand the 34 felonies I am not clearing it up for you. You need to learn how to read. It is sheepeole like you that support Trump the self serving idiot.

Anonymous said...

Vote Trump out. Do not Vote for Trump.

Anonymous said...

Good points here. Trump's followers are trying to convince others that it is normal to do criminal acts, and to be a good candidate for the American Presidency.
Some countries do have criminals as Presidents but still the people lose.
Why will Americans favor a criminal and be the ones that change America with their votes. This is an historical election.

Will love and respect WIN? Love and Respect for the USA.

Anonymous said...

Again with Trump? Is there any other topic you can print about? Why don't you write about the billions of tax dollars going to Ukraine that are unaccountable. Ukraine will lose the war and the American tax payers will lose tax dollars. Who is making money from this war? So much to write about and you're stuck with Trump. Boring!

Anonymous said...

I hate to disappoint you morons supporting Biden and Trump. But Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be a better president. Trump is lost in controversies and Biden is lost period!

Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome...there is no cure. There is no vaccine. There is no treatment.
I love it.

Anonymous said...

January 6th, stealing top secret documents and trying to cheat on Georgia's elections (find me 11k votes) is next. And Trump still wants to be president again? People must be out of their goddammed mind for supporting this clown.

Anonymous said...

Juanito and Jim Barton have TDS!!!

Biden is everything they're supposed to hate:
-The increase in price in groceries affects poor people the most. People start using credit to make ends meet.
-Biden is feeding the military industrial complex with the Ukraine and Gaza wars: $200 billion so far. Wars, wars and more wars.
-Biden's economy is preventing families from buying their first home.

In summary, Biden creates and fosters poverty.

Anonymous said...

marjorie taylor greene will make a better president but in Mexico not here.

Anonymous said...

Jaime Fartson:

Texas will screw everything just like in the past, and declare itself a
solverrat and will join the united nations.

Anonymous said...

May 31, 2024 at 11:40 AM

Texas was Democrat.

Anonymous said...

June 2, 2024 at 3:08 PM

Americans are smart. They only buy what they can afford. Now, the dumb Americans have no budget and buy and buy and then throw everything away.

Biden knows history. HE knows that if the USA doesn't help these countries in the long run, it will become a bigger problem for America. Remember the Germans taking over Czechoslovakia, then Poland, then France etc and nobody stopped them. They took over Europe. Biden is trying to solve this problem now and not later.

People can buy a decent home, but now some people want a mansion, with a pantry, with a swimming pool, with a laundry room, with a game room, a movie room, an office, a garage, five bedrooms and ten restrooms etc Before it was just a home: two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, one restroom. That was all.
