Wednesday, May 15, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: The chickens have come to roost for Ruben Cortez, who must now defend his non-compliant actions before the Texas Ethic Commission. After years of defying reported violations of Texas elections ethics law, Cortez is now summoned to appear before the TEC June 18 to explain why he has chosen to ignore Texas election law.

If District 37 voters think that Cortez will be there to represent them, his number 1 priority will be to defend himself first. Oh, well, given his performance in previous public positions, it's just about par for the course.

The good news is that Cortez is in a runoff with Jonathan Gracia, who as an officer of the court has always complied with the law, and will represent our interests first in the Texas House of Representatives, District 37.)


Anonymous said...

Time to go home or better still: get your schooling in order Cortez? Mess up democrats in Cameron County continue to fuck up the taxpayers and our school children cannot get a good education like in the past because teachers have become too lazy to teach and are boozing it up and showing their tattoos in their butts. Teach the basics not the test but it's the test first to look good on the state papers that students are learning? Learning what? What they learning, not math, not science, not language art?

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling nothing will come out of this. He'll find a way to just get a slap on the wrist, all SNAKES find a way!!! And I'm sure Mami will put her two cents in somehow, someway. After the smoke clears, business as usual: get the bbq pits ready get the chicken quarterlegs marinated and ice down the Budlights !!! The pachangas for votes are on. And the hoards of nacos and freeloaders will be present. Anything for a free plate of food, even if it means putting these crooks in office. Enough is enough GET YOUR ASSES OF THE COUCH ,GET YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TOGETHER AND GO VOTE!! ITS TIME TO SAY " NO MORE" TO ALL THESE CROOKS.

Anonymous said...

The letter expressly says Cortez is not a party and he need not appear unless called as a witness. This is on someone else. His name on the letter does not mean he is the alleged wrong doer, otherwise they never would have told him he has no duty to attend unless called as a witness. I see a defamation lawsuit coming your way Montoya.

It is amazing how you trashed Gracia's father to now just take his money and say, never mind.

Anonymous said...

Volunteer to help out the schools.

Some students can be violent.

It'll drive you to drink.

Then you'll understand.

Charter schools rule.

Teachers paid less.

True patriots.

God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Your hate for his mom is showing, Montoya.

what a little man you must be.


Anonymous said...

The PAC which says it is paying for this is not listed in Texas, and no web page or Facebook page exists. Why would a South Korean couple in Williamson County care about this race? Yes, more carpetbaggers trying to run South Texas.

Anonymous said...

So sad to see you riding this old mule and suiting up on this crusade to get rid of Cortez. You've tried time and again to club this guy with half truths and petty rumor mongering. We get it. You don't like this guy. But he will get elected because those who know him and met him see a courageous and intelligent young man who doesn't need your endorsement to win. For a supposed Chicano that you claim to be, you should be proud of Cortez who fought to include the contributions of Mexican Americans in school textbooks. NVV Juanito.

Anonymous said...

I see Cortez got his talking points out to his supporters. Did I overlook it or did none of them claim innocence for him?

Anonymous said...

Otra vez la burra al maiz! Another politico in trouble with the law. How surprising, isn't it? First Cuella and now Cortez and we are still waiting for Elizondo and Gallegos to have their day in court and that it leads to el bote!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9:11 PM
"courageous and intelligent young man"
No mames. This rata Cortez is none of this. Why is he courageous? What makes him intelligent? He didn't finish high school. He didn't go to college. What makes him a young man? Ya esta peludo. He stopped being a young man a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Is this surprising to you Montoya? Cortez, the idiot is a democrat and the son of the "naca," Linda Salazar. Of course, he thinks he can do anything and get away with anything? That's the mentality of the democrats in Cameron County and in Washington. Then to beat all, you have that Gracia guy? His dad fell from the good graces of that worthless sheriff, Eric. You would have thought that a $30K plus contribution would have secured his job as Chief Bully in the CCSO? Like father like son, remember that? But of course, you lame brains in CC like to vote for the crooks!

The Truth said...

Thanks to El Rrun Rrun, we get news stories that would be otherwise neglected or covered up!
The so-called local media is too busy chasing ambulances! How on earth do we still keep electing crooks and liars?

Rock on Juan!

Anonymous said...

and his wife and kids think he's such a good public servant. hombre mijita.

si supieras.
