Monday, May 27, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Elected officials from the shores of the Laguna Madre to the western reaches of agriculture-rich Cameron County have come out in public support of incumbent Tax Assessor-Collector Antonio "Tony" Yzaguirre in this year's Democratic runoff election with challenger Edelmiro "Eddie" Garcia/

To a person, they cite Yzaguirres' 30-plus years in office, his experience in collecting the taxes that give their entities their financial wherewithal – and to bring county services to far-flung rural communities –that enables them to access county services traditionally available only to urban centers in the county. They count on his office's ready access to provide them with answers to the bewildering maze of ever-changing tax laws concocted by legislators in far-off Austin to fund the basic necessities to their constituents here.

With a tax collection rate approaching almost 100 percent, Yzaguirre's efforts to bring service to the communities in the 1,276 square-mile county bordered on the east by the Gulf of Mexico, on the north by range land adjacent to the King Ranch, Hidalgo County to the west, and the Rio Grande to the south, it presets a challenge for any county-wide entity to service such a diverse populace.

But, to his credit, elected officials from Santa Maria in the west, Rio Hondo, Port Isabel in the east, Combes in the north, and Brownsville – the county seat along the river – and neighboring Los Fresnos say Yzaguirre's success in bringing county services to their communities has given them a stable funding source and stability to their finances. 

"Having a satellite tax office here to provide services – from property taxes, vehicle registration and sundry other services – saves our residents a 20-plus mile trip to Brownsville or Harlingen or San Benito," said Port Isabel city commissioner  Martin Cantu. "It also make us feel that we are not isolated as we were before."

Likewise, Los Fresnos Mayor Alejandro Flores voiced his support for the incumbent's reelection saying that his persistence in establishing a satellite tax office there has given residents the ability to tap into services available to the larger urban centers like Harlingen and Brownsville without having to travel there.

"The recent improvements brought to Los Fresnos by the county tax office to our community has been positive and much appreciated by our residents," Flores said. "I heartily endorse Tony in this runoff election."

From La Feria, to Combes, Rio Hondo and Santa Maria, local officials say that challenger Garcia's publicly stated plans to restrict more expansion to the county's 11 satellite offices to their communities and a reduction in county tax office staff will negatively impact their communities. They cite drive-through facilities that facilitate their residents' access to the everyday transactions they didn't have before.

"The county tax office under Tony has been able to consolidate all the taxing entities, from irrigation, school districts, and cities under one roof and provides efficient  and professional services countywide," said San Benito mayor Rick Guerra, echoing the other county elected officials. "San Benito is no longer the red-haired stepchild of Cameron County."

And even in southeast Brownsville, in the Southmost area community with a population exceeding 47,000, city commissioner Bryan Martinez also lauded Yzaguirre for extending services to that long-neglected area of the city with the construction of a $2.8 million satellite tax office on land donated by the city, the Public Utility Board and the Brownsville Independent School District.

"We are excited to partner with the county to bring a tax office and linkage with county services to our area," Martinez said at the groundbreaking recently. "The need has always been there, but it took Mr. Yzaguirre's vision and leadership to make it happen." 

Ironically, although he condemned its construction, Garcia was present at the ribbon cutting posing prominently in the front row besides other dignitaries, including city, Port of Brownsville and county officials. 

Cameron County Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides applauded the opening of the Southmost satellite office after years of neglect by previous county administrations.

"I am something of a fiscal conservative," she said. "But we are not in the habit of spending $2.8 million in 'nothing,' as Tony's opponent Eddie Garcia has said. But this office isn't 'nothing' to us, who have been forgotten for so long. The accommodation of the office to also provide municipal court services to our area is a welcome collaboration between the city and county to reach out to our neighborhoods."      

Yzaguirre's tenure as tax assessor-collector has been marked by a steadfast commitment to fiscal responsibility, efficiency, and innovation. By embracing a business-like approach, he has significantly reduced expenses without compromising the quality of service. The office's strategy has been built on a solid foundation of experience, driven by a deep analysis of data and community needs — ensuring that operations not only meet but exceed expectations in both convenience and accessibility.

The unexpected challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 crisis put the tax office's capabilities to the test. It was during these trying times that the office took on full responsibility for managing over $560 million in property taxes, extending crucial support to every corner of Cameron County, including the street light program to 46 rural communities previously left in the dark, making it 100 percent responsible for collecting property taxes for all taxing jurisdictions.

"I take great pride in our accomplishments, from ensuring the effective operation of local governments to spearheading the expansion of county services with additional annex offices and drive-thru lanes for improved customer service, Yzaguirre said. "Our efforts have culminated in the availability of eight full-service offices and three drive-thru lanes across the county, a testament to our dedication, accessibility, and convenience of great customer service."

"Our vision for Cameron County’s future is at a crossroads," he said. "My opponent, Eddie Garcia proposes a reduction of our service network — a move that, in my view, lacks a thorough understanding of our community’s needs and the potential consequences of such action. The expansion of our offices was a direct response to the growing demands of our residents, and the closure of any county office could significantly hinder our ability to serve you effectively and our customer service program.

As the Democratic Party Runoff Election approaches this Tuesday, May 28, 2024, your decision will shape the trajectory of our community’s support systems. I humbly ask for your vote, not just as a candidate, but as a dedicated servant to our county, committed to ensuring our services evolve in tandem with our community’s needs. Choose experience, qualification, certification, accountability, and a proven track record of service"


Anonymous said...

All the county Rats must stay together or their gravy train will stop running. Why have an office when they are never there? You will find spending the taxpayers monies in no good projects. Vote for the other Rats in the democratic party.

Anonymous said...

piggybacking all elected officials do that to the most popular candidate and that right now is la flaca... BOLA DE MAMONES LAMBISCONES. DAS AL THY Rrrrr......

Anonymous said...

Juan dont be gacho a lot of these thing you are throwing at Eddie garcia, Tony Yzaguirre has done all his career, being in bed with the tax law firms, look at his campaign finance reports those two major aw firms are always giving him money, I wonder why? since he was the the City of Brownsville and ran the 1st time for tax assessor, thats is 36 years, come on, no seas cool aid. Tell the public the truth or no puedes? I know money talks. Lets see if the public wants a change or not and if not then they have a choice in November again. ME VISTES???? TONY YZAGUIRRE FAMOUS BATTLE CRY. CHUY.

Anonymous said...

The Homeless Co-Allegiance has has just informed the press that they too are endorsing la flaca, La catorce Bars also and downtown cantinas and the veterans are all jumping in to endorse Mr. Taxman...

A BUNCH OF GREAT PEOPLE (whentheyaresober)

Anonymous said...

Change is good

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Bronx rally wasn’t very big, or very Bronx but will he be here in the heart of los mescans? NO CREO...

No esta prieto como los cocos nalgas prietas

Anonymous said...

Photos don’t vote. People are ignorants if they vote for him. Still the same bad service or even worse if he wins. They should have put a limit on many times he could run a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Dice Rosa Herrera que Eddie GarcĂ­a la tiene chiquita

Anonymous said...

E-D-E-L-M-I-R-O !! Where and how the HELL does that translate to EDDIE?? Be proud of your name dude , even though its ugly. Small example of what type of person this minuscule dude is: FAKE!! You are from MEXICO, those names are common, but you cross the river and now you're a gringo Eddie. Your public service has shown us failure after failure and now you want to handle our taxes. Doesn't seem like a smart idea. Stay away from the tax office EDELMIRO!!!

Anonymous said...

All of those taking pictures with Tony Yzaguirre now, and I mean all of them, were hiding from him when Luis Saenz was prosecuting him in Corpus Christi. They were talking and gossiping behind his back confident that he would be put behind bars. Now they take pictures with him and are best of pals. Politics is a dirty ass business. Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

Manny Trevino will be the next sheriff! Chile and all the other minions need to follow Erica on the way out!

Anonymous said...

If you don't want Edelmiro in the tax office go out and vote for Tony. Today is the day!

Anonymous said...

Porke le apodan Chile?

Anonymous said...

Who's chile ?

Anonymous said...

Back to your original and expert job, house mouse paper pusher, you are excellent at doing this type of mamadas AND DONT COME BACK (PERIOD)!!!



Anonymous said...

Yzaguirre , Sylvia Garza perez , Carlos Elizondo pinches ratas ! Where are all
The public officials now!!!!!! Jajaja bola de pendejos

Anonymous said...

I wonder how these Tony supporters will treat Garcia, if he wins in November? Now that the crook is out, who will reap the proceeds from under the table? Bye tony!

Anonymous said...

Don't despair.
Ur county pension is golden.
