Wednesday, May 22, 2024


La Cebolla

NEW YORK—Seeing the two men’s gazes lock for a split second before one quickly lowered his head, sources confirmed Tuesday that Donald Trump quietly avoided eye contact with Rudy Giuliani on the steps of the courthouse where his disgraced former personal attorney and campaign lawyer was begging for change. 

“Spare a little something for America’s mayor? Oh, it’s you, Mr. President! You remember me, don’t you, sir?” said a dirt-smudged Giuliani, who wore a tattered bespoke suit that appeared to have been slept in for several nights and smelled of urine.

 “Going to court today, are you, sir? I’m entangled in a dozen or so cases myself, you know. Maybe you could pitch in with 75 cents for my legal defense fund? Anything would help. Say, you wouldn’t happen to know where a fellow could find a place to sleep in this town, would you?” 

At press time, Secret Service agents were reportedly asking Giuliani to move along as he shouted to Trump that he expected to have the election results in Georgia overturned any day now.


Anonymous said...

This is a sad piece of writing because it is wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

Thank you President Trump.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you're the kind of person that Trump was talking about on the escalator back in 2015. They're not sending their best. That's why you don't like Trump.

Anonymous said...

Trump shouldn't be running for president, instead he should be running but straight to jail for all the harm, hatred and chaos he has caused our nation. Beginning with his orders to his dumb followers to attack our nation's Capitol and fight like hell to "stop the steal " never mind that the one caught red-handed was him " Georgia find me 11k votes ". Whether you believe it ir not, he's a real threat to our democracy. His admiration for Vladimir Putin should be another red flag as he has publicly said that Putin can do whatever the hell he wants to any NATO country. He's dumb enough that he dosent realize that Russia is having a really hard time trying to take over Ukraine, one can only imagine what Russia could do to a 30- nation strong NATO alliance even without military assistance from the USA. He's Putin's puppet.

Anonymous said...

Yes , thank you ex President Trump. It's been all misery since you became the 45th POTUS. You opened Pandora's box and seeded division,hatred,lies cheating,deceit and many other negative feelings in our country. And let's not forget you opened the door wide open to that hidden closet where RACISM AND WHITE SUPREMACY was being kept away from our society. His brainwash techniques worked and now he has a cult following. But buyers beware, the picture shown is exactly how this con man operates: HE USES PEOPLE FOR HIS DIRTY DEEDS AND THEN HE JUST TURNS HIS BACK ON THEM AFTER HE HAS COMPLETED THOSE DEEDS. This man is a coward and a habitual liar! The almighty punk swore he would testify in his hush money trial and tell the truth and DEFEND himself against the witch hunt lies ---- and of course he didn't!!! So go ahead and keep believing in your false prophet. God help us all

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There's no longer a Republican party, it is now Trump party. Bunch of sore losers.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how people are used by Trump, for whatever is advantageous to Trump and then discards them. They are like toilet paper to him. He will wipe his ass with them just like toilet paper, then flush them down the toilet along with his turds. He is the best the Republicans have? You lambiscones are the type, that if Trump grabbed your wife or your daughter's private parts you would consider that a badge of honor. Estan mas que jodidos and all for one narcissistic asshole that care only for himself. Pero no te aguites, there is still hope just take the cool aide ala cult leader Jim Jones and that will Make America Great Again. HAHA!! LAMBISCONES SON MAS QUE PENDEJOS, BOLA DE MIERDAS!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump calls himself patriotic but refused to served in the armed forces during the Vietnam War not one but three times because of "bone spurs " probably from playing too much golf while his fellow Americans were being killed. Wake up people, better another four years of Biden than this despicable and disrespectful person. He already had four years and failed miserably and to top it off, tried to stay in power Illegally by instigating his cult members to attack the Capitol, made us look like a third world country, a shithole country as he commented one time for Latin American countries. A very sore loset, we don't want or need him near the White house, ever.

Anonymous said...

Trumputo will never win nada, maybe a free ride to the closest federal prison him and his whole snakry family. y los pendejos creidos we can sell them a local state where they can go and cry their asses.

Anonymous said...

Get a job lazy ass homeless!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9 47. Pobresito. Keep taking your govt handouts and watching MSNBC.

Anonymous said...

For all you Trumpers, be careful what you wish for! You all think it's fun and rebellious ( like high schoolers) to support this idiot. This guy is a true menace for democracy and to humanity. Everything that comes out of this con man's mouth is vicious hatred and lies. Just on Tuesday , news reported some report of a " unified Reich" comment coming out of Trump camp?!?!?! NAZISM!!! (Look it up) Is that what you want from a man running for POTUS? And then you add Trumps claim that"the immigrants coming into this country were poisoning the blood of our country" Is this pendejos mind deranged? This guy's thoughts bleed RACISM AND WHITE SUPREMACY!! His rhetoric is all about vengeance and violence. And yet you Trumpers are drinking the Kool aid by the gallon. FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Anonymous said...

May 22, 2024 at 9:47 AM

Every word you put down is true. Have a great and blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Enfermitos for Trump! Yay!

Anonymous said...

I love the way Trump kept say he would testify and then he backed out. This is how he will leave his supporters hanging. Wake up and smell the poison!

Anonymous said...

Wake up Trumpers, this guy is totally unfit to be president again, he was unfit the first time and we have the distrasous end result at the end of his term. He tried to steal the election by instigating his supporters to tried and stop the election certification by storming the nation's Capitol. He failed miserably during his term, Trump has no idea on how to effectively run our government. I know that president Biden is not perfect but he's trying his best

Anonymous said...

We'll definitely be better off with President Biden than the despicable and disrespectful Trump who didn't have a clue how to effectively run our government. He left the economy in shambles and the biggest deficit in history and it is a fact not a lie.

Anonymous said...

Trump is not fit to be president but Biden is? Biden can't give a speech without farting, shitting or pissing on himself. It's not about being old it's about being stupid. Biden is a career politician who has done nothing for the people. Instead he has only enriched his family. The Biden administration has two on going wars one of which we will lose only to have spent billions on nothing. We have a failing economy due to massive waste of taxpayer money. We have open borders and defund the police. Crime is the highest it’s been in decades. Should I continue? If after seeing and living through this madness for three years I can’t see how any one in their right mind can side with Biden. You’re either blind stupid or both.

Anonymous said...

Failing economy? Crime highest in decades? Biden has 2 ongoing wars ? Did he start those wars? As far as the war support $$$ it's approved by Congress( both Republican/ Democrats) BIPARTISAN SUPPORT. Can you please point out where you get your news/information. I would be very interested in reading those statistics and fact check it. And as far as Biden being old , YES HE IS and Trump is only 3 yrs younger. And guess what? As far as the farting , we all fart, but not as much as Trump( it has been reported by several credible sources that Sir farts alot Trump has spend most of his time in court asleep and farting) And before I forget, rumor has it that Trump wears adult diapers ( his own supporters use the moniker " Real men wear diapers" at his rallies) So please don't forget to let us know where you get your news and don't forget a very important fact of life--- ITS A BITCH GETTING OLD AND WE ARE ALL HEADED THAT WAY!! Have a blessed day

Anonymous said...

At 11:22 am after what Trump done to our nation starting with his lies that Mexico would pay for the border wall to his disastrous ending when he ordered his followers to attack our Nation's Capitol (which is the backbone) of our democracy because he didn't like losing, the blind and stupid obviously is you. The events of January 6th 2021 should be a prime example of how dangerous this man really is. To this day, he clams rigged 2020 elecions but the one caught trying to cheat was himself in Georgia's elections, thankfully that call was recorded otherwise, he would say it's a witchhunt. Because of his lies of how deadly Cov19 really was, thousands of people died unnecessary. He knew beforehand that Cov19 was fatal but he publicly said the China virus would just go away. His admiration for Vladimir Putin should also be a concern. How soon have some people forgotten his public plea to Putin during the 2016 campaign "Russia if you're listening ". Don't want ir need him anywhere near the White House again, he already had four years and failed miserably.

Anonymous said...

As per Yahoo finance report:" the official data is bouyant--1. Economic growth is solid 2. Job market strong 3.Stocks keep hitting record highs. 4. Economic output adjusted for inflation grew by a solid 3% during most recent 12 month period. 5. Unemployment rate is 3.9 % 6. US Economy created 3.5 million jobs in 2023 ". So YES, Biden is old and maybe should have moved over for someone else to run for President . BUT FACTS ARE FACTS AND WISHFUL THINKING IS ANOTHER STORY!!! And if you ask Trump and his Trumpers of course they'll say that everything has gone to shit in our country. It's THE REAL WORLD VS TRUMPS FANTASY WORLD !!! WHO DO YOU BELIEVE ??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May 24 @ 6:08 PM that person probably get his news from Fake news, sorry I meant Fox News. They reported nothing but lies and bullshit.
