Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

On April 12 the City of Brownsville mayor and commissioners passed a new ordinance that reduced the half-cent in sales tax funding from the the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation ( a 4A Corporation to one-quarter cent and to pass the half-cent to the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (a 4B corporation) and required the BCIC to dedicate 50 percent of its new budgets to so-called "quality of life." 

The GBIC, a 4A corporation, is funding from local sales tax that primarily targets manufacturing and industrial development. Type A can use revenue to fund land, facilities, targeted structures and
improvements for projects. Type A projects include: infrastructure improvements that promote or develop business enterprises, maintenance and operating costs associated with projects and job training classes. Type A sales taxes are mostly restricted to spending for economic development purposes

The BCIC, a 4B corporation, also funded by sales taxes may encompass any project under Type A rules, along with other project types including quality of life improvement projects. Examples of Type B EDCs include: professional and amateur sports and athletics facilities, tourism and entertainment facilities, affordable housing projects, water and sewage facilities and parking and transportation facilities

With this new focus on "quality of life" projects for the BCIC, the city is removing half of the GBIC budget that emphasizes well-paying job creation and shifting the enhanced BCIC budget to fund "quality of life" endeavors to attract tourism and entertainment facilities. Future BCIC boards will be required to follow the city's list of goals, all heavily leaning to hike-and-bike trails and "wellness" projects.

The Master Plan List include:

City of Brownsville Sidewalk and Trails Master Plan;
• The City’s Comprehensive Plan which includes a hike-and-bike trails component
The Caracara Trails (formerly the Active Plan);
• Brownsville Parks & Open Space Master Plan, again, with a hike-and-bike trail component; and
• The City of Brownsville Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Parks and Recreation (with a hike-and-bike trail component)

Commissioners, on the April 12 meeting, approved the ordinance on first reading by considering the passage of the ordinance on the "consent" agenda with no public input.

In today's meeting that has changed thanks to commissioners Bryan Martinez and Roy de Los Santos who thought that such a refocusing of the use of the city's sales tax funds – to take money from job creation and require it be funneled to non-job creation on "quality of life" projects - was too important to be passed by a majority of the commission without public input. They asked that the ordinance's requirement that the BCIC 50 percent item be moved from consent to public hearings so people will have the opportunity to express their opinion.

The commission will consider public comment at today's meeting which will be held at at 5:00 p.m., in the City Commission Chambers, located on the second floor of the Brownsville City Hall - Old Federal Building, located at 1001 East Elizabeth Street, in downtown Brownsville.  

The adoption of the change – if the commissioners had not interfered – would have passed with only consent on the second reading..

But there is also another change in that the BCIC could only spend the money in a list that would require the funding – in perpetuity – to be spent on that specific list heavily leaning toward commissioner Rose Gowen's fixation with hike-and-bike trails which she claims is fighting obesity and diabetes. The new ordinance states that only a two-thirds vote from the BCIC board and the city commission could allow future BCIC boards to deviate from those lists.

With Gowen's 14-year tenure as city commissioner ending in 2025 because of term limits, she is obviously pushing for the changes so that future boards will be hog-tied to adhere to her plan to continue funneling millions to fund her pet projects with public money long after she is gone.

It is interesting to note that Gowen would lock in funding for her pet project funded with public-generated sales tax revenues for "perpetuity" when she – in her 14 years as city commissioner – never paid a penny in property taxes because of her home's inclusion as a tax-exempt historically designated site. Thanks for nothing, Rose the Freeloader.


Anonymous said...

I use the bike trails often. Thanks, Rose Gowen!!!

Anonymous said...

This commissioner advocates for wellness and she's a poor example of what not to do. We all know she's been there only for pet projects that specifically benefits contractors and not the community. High time for her to go and never, ever come back into politics.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you most of the time but I notice that you tend to be against items that require people to actually do something to make them work. Specifically, the plastic bag ban that you seemed to hate. It required people to actually bring their own reusable bags to the store. I didn't think this was too much of a challenge for the community and it really seemed to make a difference. However, apparently Abbot and you were in agreement and that went away. The same for the hike and bike trails. They also require activity to be best used but they also establish a green belt of a sorts and that can be enjoyed as you remain static. I guess if they established a downtown pub/bar trail there are elements that would be happy.

Anonymous said...

Quality of life should include the careers….and jobs…and ways to increase earning…so folks have the time, energy and money to ride bikes as a family and hike….

We should help families thrive…both are important.

Anonymous said...

Rose Gowen NEVER HAS CARED ABOUT THE POOR OR BROWNSVILLE RESIDENTS. It is all about her prestige of getting rich off the poor tax ignorant tax payers.

Anonymous said...

May 21, 2024 at 8:25 AM


Anonymous said...

Where oh where have we Declared heirs heard the word "PERPETUITY "before, In the 1986 Getty Compromise between former governor Ann Richards and atty. general Jim Mattox. When they were being sued by the Getty oil and gas Companies regarding property unclaimed mineral that belonged to the heirs. Governor Ann Richards won, and the oil and gas were to have deposited $50 million or so to start a TRUST Fund for the HEIRS and another 25% of royalties and this Trust Fund was to be held in PERPETUITY by the State of Texas in "PERPETUITY" until these heirs came forward. Well, we the true heirs are here and registered in the Texas Comptroller's office as the true heirs with 1767 Spain Land grants documentation to prove such claims. Historical is the defense that this Gowen is using to justify 14 years overdue taxes is a crock of shit. God have mercy on you thieves. Rose Gowen you cannot double dip and claim the lands you acquired as historical to benefit your deep pockets and not pay taxes for 14 years while the true declared heirs have been paying taxes and the state using their Perpetuity monies at the same time. You Rose Gowen set a precedent in the Cameron County Judicial system and now we have former Cameron County Mayors like Trey Mendez, Tony Martinez applying for the same historical payoff. Purchasing Brownsville downtown properties at pennies on the dollars and claiming historical sites and not paying taxes. Life is a bitch when you get caught. This is my opinion.

The Truth said...

Little Miss ‘Whiter Than Thou’ could give a shit about what anyone else thinks as long as she can get her way! Other opinions are inconsequential! The City will be better off without her devious schemes and squandering of taxpayer dollars! She doesn’t give a damn about jobs! Her elitist pals all have jobs!

Anonymous said...

9:18 (good for you) ONE citizen out of close to 300,000 that live in Brownsville, that is an awesome statistic to support this never ending pet project!!! It's a crock of shit!! GOWEN needed to have been gone after her first term. Her priorities have always been steered toward satisfying the needs of the elite,rich, hoighty-toighty groups in town. She's always been rich, she pays no property taxes on her home (as per reports) so why should she care about the poor or the quality of life of these individuals. HER QUALITY OF LIFE HAS ALWAYS BEEN FANTASTIC!!!! So enough of this nonsense, eliminate any funding for all her pet projects and direct those funds for purposeful and worthwhile projects. Hey GOWEN , finish your term, go enjoy your life with all your $$$$ and leave us the fuck alone!!! Good riddance!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, do you wipe your ass top to bottom or bottom to top?


Anonymous said...

Maybe the bike trail could be incorporated into the mass transit system some how.

Anonymous said...

Montoya is against most change, if he could he would have all of Brownsville just cantinas

Anonymous said...

The red ants thank Rose Cowen for the bike and hike trails. The loose dogs and cats of Brownsville thank Rose Cowen. Who cares what the poor say about the bike and hike trails, those people don't matter to Rose Cowen because the major trail will be named after her before she dies.

Anonymous said...

Thank you commissioner Martinez and commissioner de los Santos

Anonymous said...

Most people are glad Rose Gowen is leaving in 2025. She wants a statue of her with a plaque that says. Rose Gowen Zavalletta single handling defeated diabities in Brownsville, TX. With much resistance from the public, she continued to use tax payers money to fight the plague that kills most poor Mexicans. Athough she has a Mexican Last Name she coverted to Anglo in the early 60's in the University. She came back to Brownsville to live off the poor ignorant tax payers and finance her carreer, her husbands carreer and now her sons carreer. She is a true champion for the Elite White People. A True Catholic that gives tax payers money to the church of St.Joseph Academy.

Statment: I alone fought diabities and won, I alone stand on a 40 million bike trail with no bike because they stole them from my front yard. I damn the poor people of Brownsville for being Poor. Being Poor is a choice. Dr.Rose Z.Gowen.

Anonymous said...

At least cantinas give BPD and municipal judges jobs and revenue to city coffers,lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where are th3 rev3nue studies for the rent a bike program?

Is there an inventory on how many are missing?

Askin for a friend

Anonymous said...

The effect this blog has had on Rose, zero! She’s won all 4 elections and got all her trails done. You think you’re making a difference by expressing your opinion but you’re not. You do get it off your chest which somehow makes your feel good, however the trails have been built and Commissioner Gowen will have a long lasting effect in our community meanwhile these articles will float into the abyss of the internet overshadowed by your new emotion of the month.

Anonymous said...

11:38 AM

Some people can wear blinders all their life. The woman is a selfish quack.

Anonymous said...

The hike and bike trails should be privatized. I see numerous Mexican nationals taking advantage of them at no cost to them since they pay zero in taxes. Many citizens pay to go to a gym to be in good heath. So why not pay to exercise on the hike and bike trails? The citizens of this small, impoverished community cannot afford to support every commissioner’s pet projects. Lastly, there needs to be term limits for all local politicians. We don’t need career politician like Joe Biden!!

Anonymous said...

May 24 at 11:42 Do you stop every person that you see on the walking trails and ask them if they are from Mexico? Probably not, your hatred towards Mexicans are eating you up, get some mental health counseling, you needed.
