Monday, May 20, 2024




Anonymous said...

If Garza never walked into our daily briefings to address us deputies, what makes you think he's gonna address the citizens when they have a complaint? The only time he walked into one of my patrol shift briefings was to tell us that we were getting dash cameras and body cameras. Big fucking deal dumbass. I'm voting for a real law enforcement officer, a true leader que es de huevos and he my friends, will have the deputies back, not like the pussy we have as sheriff right now.

Anonymous said...

So the old man let them in after they asked for consent? These are the same type of people that will use the excuse of "I didn't know it was a crime, why are you arresting me?" And act like that's a get out of jail free card lol

Anonymous said...

Since when do sheriff office search for unauthorized people?

And when did Eric Garza become SWAT or SIU to lead a search warrant?

Anonymous said...

313 the CID 🐀

Anonymous said...

When did he trample your rights, Juan?

No need to make up fake news, ese.

Anonymous said...

If entry was gained under duress, I smell a law$uit. Peace

Anonymous said...

Like always eric ur staff at jail the commander the lts and sgts are lacking abuse of power mejia lazo costilla and sgt costilla and sgt mojado jose rdz and sgt ibarra step down

Anonymous said...

Police was established in Boston in 1862 to control those that were different. The rest is history.

The problem is that many people in the Valley do illegal things but maybe in the future those things will be legal.

One thing is for sure, if more people would turn in or call it in, most of us would behave better. The neighbors always know what people are doing. The good thing is that most people mind their own business and do not call the police.

Anonymous said...

All jail division lets collect money to buy a new suit for Eric Garza his always wearing the blue one or lets go to the salvation army and get him one.

Anonymous said...

Which candidate is bringing back skonkas to the jail??? Some new ones and bring back some classics out of retirement to boost moral. Make CRDC great again!

Anonymous said...

If this video tape is real and not altered in any way, is this correct law enforcement procedure?? Is a warrant required or is probable cause needed to enter that home(and in that fashion). Was there probable cause?? These and many other questions need to be answered before we pass judgement on this incident. When did this happen? How long ago? Is it being presented because it's election time? We all know Eric Garza is an idiot but is he this much of an idiot to botch this raid. And if I heard correctly,he actually led this raid??? With one bullet in his pocket?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!+. If this video is authentic, could this happen to anyone?? Could any one of us be the next victim of the Rambo Squad and their faulty intelligence??

Anonymous said...

Remember how most people in Cameron County supported Eric Garza when running against Omar Lucio.

Hope those people go and vote for Eric Garza again.

You have to support your Sheriff until the end.

Omar Lucio had his supporters and that is why he was able to run Cameron County smoothly.

Lucio's supporters were there until the end.

Do not be cry babies.

Ahora se aguantan.

Anonymous said...

Debate spoke volumes. after hearing EXPERIENCE MATTERS 1000 times over, it is obvious that the man with more experience is GARZA. He spoke with numbers and research not only what you hear other people say.
People go out to vote and let the best man win and hope they reach some type of agreement with the county commissioners to benefit deputies and jailors.
The people will have a say.

Anonymous said...

@ May 21, 2024 at 9:49 AM

Mistakes happen. I’d admit I was wrong for voting for someone who turned out to be a pos. But I’m sure as hell not going to vote for someone who wants to play Sheriff for another four years. That poser doesn’t have an idea how to run the SO. But you’re stupid for wanting “loyalty” to stand behind a man who pushed out too many good Jailers away from Cameron county for failing them. Just as easy he can turn a blind eye to 7100 I’d turn my back on that man the same exact way.

At least Lucio wasn’t afraid to walk into the jail and shake everyone’s hand who he came across. Garza on the other hand is only seen for the photo shoots and when new pussy enters the room

Anonymous said...

Lol this blog is a joke clearly biased....

Anonymous said...

Eric spoke with numbers? If anyone was repeating themselves it was Eric talking about bending over. What the fuck was that about.

Anonymous said...

For May 22, 2024 at 10:03 AM
LOL (bending over)
Erick did bring more information to the debate. He clearly stated why the employees are underpaid. He did say why housing federal inmates does not add up. If Mr. Manny had more than ITS SIMPLE bring back the federal inmates, he would've presented HOW MUCH MONEY he will bring back by housing federal inmates. I think we all understood what Garza wanted to say about bowing down to the board and just being a puppet. Which is the same thing as bending over if you never get anything you ask for from the board of commissioners, you are getting f..... bent over and spanked. Manny said deputies and jailors do not need raises, being that they are the lowest paid agency in the entire valley if not all Texas. He said if you smile to them, and you are liked by them and you proofread their reports they will stay and not seek better wages at other agencies. LOL that is hilarious. Try to pay your mortgage with smiles and tip them with meeting them half way.
Both men got nervous, bend over both continued to say bending over Manny could have corrected it and said bow down to them, Experience matters, It was a good debate {funny} but good. People got to hear what both had to offer. Now let Cameron County voters come out and vote.
Don't bend over for anyone,
LOL Hope this makes it through the screening process.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza es joto. Batea zurdo y corre para 3ra base. Ay escuche por alli. No se.

Anonymous said...

May 21, 2024 at 2:47 PM

You are right but what did Eric Garza do to push out jailers from their jobs. Did the Sheriff disrespect them, did the Sheriff assigned them to work extra hours without pay Tell us.

Many supervisors are faced with the issue of power. Some can not control power and they become dictators and employees have to learn to feed their ego to continue doing their jobs and have a little control over their supervisor. This creates problems among coworkers, specially those that do not play that game.

Also, most of the officers are men. That can be good or bad, depending on the employees.
The female officers have it bad. If they smile, they are seen as weak. If they talk to the supervisor, they are seen as bad women. The prisoners probably abuse the female officers (lying to them, falling in love with them etc) The sheriff has to protect his female officers and encourage them not to give up... to support their families.

So Eric Garza is bad. How?

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza bends over for the Salinas

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

May 22, 2024 at 11:35 PM

You got it, take it away. If the officers vote for the Sheriff, he will win. If his employees vote against him, he will lose. That is the way it works.

Also, few people go out and cast their votes. Sheriff will win with 400 votes. The candidate will lose with 300 votes.

The election comes after Memorial Day....nobody will have time to go out and vote.
