Monday, May 6, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: With early voting in person in the runoff election for Cameron County Sheriff between incumbent Eric Garza and challenger Manuel "Manny" Treviño scheduled for May 20 through May 24, Treviño says that one, if not more, debates between the candidates should be held so that voters can see the differences between the two men.

"All we know about Garza is the stuff he puts on social media, much of which is questionable, more than often deliberately misleading," he said. "I think voters should get a chance to see them first-hand and decide for themselves instead of depending on his one-sided propaganda. I challenge Eric to debate me and back up the dubious claims he makes without question. I know they will be surprised at hearing the truth. I will debate him anytime, anywhere."

Election day is May 28. 


Anonymous said...

School will be out soon, y'al know what that means! A caravan of teachers on da hiway going to las vegas for 3 months (short) BOLA DE MAMONES Y HUEVONES.
They all check-in 180 days a year plus all those other goodies AT OUR EXPENSE BOLA DE MAMONES


Anonymous said...

Which one is DAVID and which one is GOLIATH?

According to 1 Samuel 17, Goliath, a heavily armed Philistine giant, challenged Saul for 40 days to send out a man to fight him. No one would face this warrior until David, armed only with a sling and stones, volunteered. David hit the giant in the forehead with a stone and killed him.

Anonymous said...

May 6, 2024 at 11:01 AM

Ya empesastes Sp.Ededer! If it is the easiest job in the world why don't you do? Then you could go to Vegas too!

Stop begrudging others. You will be happier 😊

Anonymous said...

Mr. Trevino dont think Erica will accept your debate challenge, Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Let's get soupy brain Biden to debate Trump! Hahahahahahahha!

Anonymous said...

Instead of running for president, Trump should be running but straight to jail for all the harm he caused our nation. FACT.

Anonymous said...

benevolent to huevones I don't think so and it is the most do-nothing job in this universe, its so easy a non-talking duck could so it. quak quak!!!

go fix your cad and get ready for the voyage to las vegas "AT OUR EXPENSE", ofcourse.


Anonymous said...

What bad dessision is administration taking
With corporal M cantu drogadita and cpl Casas piruga and cpl ortiz aka caquitas

Anonymous said...

Being totally honest I feel that he himself does not know either. I mean this with no disrespect but when you’re the chief of a city with a population of 5,000 people, how many officers are you really managing? How big is your department? How much budget do you really need? There is much more detail involved than just making payroll. Best of luck to both candidates.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza is taking classes in order to spell " Debate ", he will be ready to ????? But really, Eric Garza wants a shooting contest at the local carnival against Trevino. Remember, Eric has the golden pistol, eh gun, eh blow gun, fishing rod, eh, he has something called, bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Eric won’t accept the challenge, everyone knows he has no idea what he is talking about and post false stories on social media.
Mr. Trevino, you have our vote. This should be an easy decision. Eric has 3 years in office and has run it to the ground. Crime rate is at a high. How many murders have happened under Eric’s watch? Why aren’t there supervisors covering shifts? Shift being left to “senior” deputies with 4 years of experience. Trevino has over 30 years of experience. That is literally 10 times more.
Eric and his crew will be out soon.

Anonymous said...

DEBATE? How about walking down elizabeth street like a real cowboy with pistolas and all and have a shootout! OR HAVE a drawing contest take your drawing boards and pencils and who ever draws a complete sentence wins.

estos pendejos don't know the difference between drawing and writing. hahahahaha!

DEBATE? hahahahaha!!!!
par de idiotas

Anonymous said...

@850 pm I agree with you on that one..... Hey montoya why dont you post the other comments?? BIASED much???

Anonymous said...

8:50 makes a good point. Got to give the guy the benefit of doubt, but his town's size compared to all of Cameron County may present a problem/obstacle. But at least this guy DOES have many years of law enforcement experience and carries more than one bullet and does not wear his hat backwards.

Anonymous said...

To: May 06, 2024. 11:01 AM,
You too could have been a Teacher but, alas, you are way too dumb to qualify for this position. Your teachers probably did such a poor job of teaching you from elementary to High School (if you even graduated High School LOL) so much so that you are still a dumb shit. These people have to put up with shitheads like you and your parents for doing a shitty job of raising you. Stop being a victim, carnal. You are just a low-life that goes throughout life complaining about everything.....of course, but, yourself.

Anonymous said...

Go primo.

Hope you make it.

By the way, can I get a job driving around in a police vehicle.

Nothing too crazy to do.

Just driving around.

I can deliver fajitas to the political pachangas!

Anonymous said...

May 6, 2024 at 2:03 PM May 8, 2024 at 2:17 PM

Another offended teacher protecting his/her 180 days a year job, plus all those Frenchie's. In reality if you subtract all those fed holidays, birthdays and 2 weeks off to scratch THEIR asses it will amount to ONLY 90 DAYS A YEAR JOB!!!

Last time I checked my property taxes (over $3,000/yr) IS still there, and the majority will go to these enfelises mamones so call maestros de NADA ahhhh pero muy buenos para MAMAR... 90 days, I say its guey tooo much they should only report and take off to las vegas AND SOME DOOOO!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Teachers? hahahahaha!
job for perverts
