Saturday, June 8, 2024


By Joe Rodriguez

"Crossing the line" is an idiom meaning to go beyond what is proper or acceptable.

The concept has, at its core, the idea that there are boundaries of "acceptable" in the context where you are operating, and "crossing the line" would be any behavior or communication that goes outside the line of that acceptable boundary. The boundaries are different in different contexts But, here we are referring to the President of the United States.

For most people the boundaries are obvious, but for Republicans there is no boundary that Trump can cross and lose their vote.

When Trump called Mexicans rapists, Republicans moved the line.

When Trump mocked a disabled reporter, Republicans moved the line.

When Trump demeaned John McCain for being a POW and insulted a Gold Star family, Republicans moved the line.

When Trump bragged about grabbing women by their private parts, Republicans moved the line.

When Trump extorted Ukraine by withholding $400 million in foreign aid to Ukraine and asked Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to “look into” former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, during a phone call. Republicans moved the line.


(1) Trump shut down the government to pay for the wall MEXICO was supposed to pay for, 

(2) Trump took his buddy Russian President Putin’s side over our own seventeen intelligence agencies, and 

(3) Trump said Nazis were “very fine people” and praised murderous authoritarian despots, Republicans moved the line.

(1) Trump bungled the COVID19 pandemic, 

(2) Trump asked about injecting disinfectants and golfed while thousands of Americans were dying per day, and 

(3) Trump said COVID19 would die out when the weather improved and COVID19 would disappear like magic, Republicans moved the line.

When Trump refused to accept the results of the 2020 Presidential election, plotted a coup and incited an attack against our U.S. Capitol, Republicans moved the line.

When Trump’s home in Florida, Mar a Lago, was searched by the FBI with a valid search warrant because he had our national security secrets in his bedroom and bathroom, Republicans moved the line.

When he was indicted the first time, Republicans moved the line. Then they moved it again for the Indictment #2, Indictment #3, and Indictment #4.

Two indictments are on state charges (one in New York and one in Georgia) and two indictments (as well as one superseding indictment) are on federal charges (one in Florida and one in the District of Columbia). These indictments amount to a total of 88 felony charges.

When he was found liable of sexual abuse which the judge said could be referred to as rape, Republicans moved the line. Republicans then moved it again when he was found liable for business fraud.

Trump was found guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a scheme to hide potentially damaging information about him from the American public ahead of the 2016 presidential election. And now Trump is a convicted felon.

A jury of his peers reached unanimous agreement that he was guilty on all 34 counts, and what are Republicans doing? … You guessed it; They’re moving the line, AGAIN.

Apparently, there is NOTHING Trump could ever do that they won’t accommodate. Absolutely nothing.

Why do they keep moving the line? Because Republicans don’t have the cojones to stand up to this Hitler wannabe. And for them, when it comes to Trump, there is no freaking line. Donald Trump Compilation

An then he expresses the idea that he will be a dictator if he gets reelected, there is no more line to move. The pliant Republicans and dictators are the only one he trusts.

The American people need to decide whether they want somebody like Trump, who was found guilty of sexual abuse, brags that he can do whatever he wants to women because “... when you’re a star, they let you do it” to be POTUS again. I hope not.

Remember “You can do anything, Grab ‘em by the *****.”?

That is not ‘locker talk’; that is Junior High teenager BS talk.

(NSFW) Trump on Hot Mic:When You’re a Star…You Can Do Anything’ to Women


Anonymous said...

Trump is following the steps of Hitler.

Fake photos, same language, same lies, same phrases, same results.

Why? Americans need to be lied. They do not want to face reality.

Whites are not having kids. The kids they have are drug addicts. They are not studying. They are not working. They live off the parents and grandparents.

If Trump tells them the truth: they will not follow him. He tells them: Make America Great. The others are the ones responsible for our misery.

The same tactics as Hitler. Hitler blamed the Jews, the minorities. He told the Germans: Make Germany Great Again. Let us exterminate the Jews. Let us occupy all of Europe. He took the Germans to War, Death and an Evil Path with no return.

Americans: Do not vote for Trump.

Anonymous said...

This typist has a flair for the obvious.

How about some news!!!!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, where did you find the loser who wrote this tripe? Dictator wannabes don't appoint judges to the US Supreme Court who expand the right to bear arms. The Russia bullshit has been debunked. Hey Joe Rodriguez, stop watching porn long enough for the news to fill your misinformation void.

Did you hear what JFK's nephew said about who he believes is a greater threat to democracy?

RFK Jr. believes that Biden is a greater threat to democracy.

Calling Trump a Hitler wannabe makes no sense when you see that half of his kids are married to jews. Who do you think Israel would rather have as President of the USA? Biden is pushing back on Israel so he can win the goatfucker vote in Michigan. Have you seen the rise in anti semitism on college campuses? That is coming from people who hate Trump on the left. Do you know how stupid you come across to informed people?

I bet you're anything but American first.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Allow me to debunk your BS. The Supreme Court is great for the gun lobby but
not for women's rights. Basic contraception is in the crosshairs next. What do we care about what Israel thinks? You speak for Jews? Does questioning American policy towards Israel make you antisemitic or unamerican? Grow a spine and fly your upside-down flag.

Anonymous said...

9:20 ????? What strikes a nerve to all TRUMPERS are : FACTS!!! The article speaks the TRUTH !! And Trumpers don’t believe in the truth, they hide behind lies and conspiracies . Who in their right mind listens to RFK Jr??( NOBODY , except maybe you) ) . That pendejo has worms for brains. ( literally). Pay attention A DICTATOR is someone who has absolute power- or who at least behaves as if they do by bossing others around. Furthermore , in government, a dictator is a ruler who has TOTAL CONTROL over a country with checks or balances to prevent abuse of power ( ie Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Un and Trumps favorite HITLER) Keep drinking the koolaid , but be careful what you wish for, cause you may be in for a rude awakening!!!

Anonymous said...

(Trump is following the steps of Hitler)

That fatass so belongs in prison.

Anonymous said...

Democrats have ruined this country and they know it. If, you want to suffer more than you have since the bumbling talking falling down idiot took office, then you dumb ass democrats vote that POS back into office. You all know that when President Trump was in office, life was better and bearable. The only difference was that the sorry excuse of democrat backed media and the cry babies harassed our President on a daily basis until this day. The other side of it, nobody fucked with the USA at all. You idiots preferred a life long worthless politician who is a pedophile and pervert with a history of being worthless!

Anonymous said...

Trump wants to imprison his political opponents. Those are the words of a dictatorship.

3:25 PM

If Trump did not present himself as a dictator lots of people would have little to say about. You need to take your head out of the ground.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby Trump , he is a victim. Leave him alone , you bastards!! Stop harassing him , you bullies!! Hahahahahaha!! Trump is a pussy and you know it. Keep believing the lies and drinking the koolaid!! God bless the USA

Anonymous said...

June 8, 2024 at 3:25 PM

Trump has created the Trump Party in office. Trump is really trying to destroy the USA from within. He is going to accomplish this with the help of his followers. His father was German, German American, his grandparents were German. Trump's father participated in Ku Klux Klan parades. Trump's father fabricated his love for the Jews to avoid being connected to the Nazis.

That is the truth. Trump wants to destroy America because the USA destroyed Hitler and the Nazis.

Anonymous said...

"RACIST REPUBLICAN", example trumputo

Law + Order said...

Obviously Mr. Rodriguez has no clue as to the subject he is talking about. His concept of facts are easily disputed by people who look at both sides of the subject, and reporting from all news sources. Therefore, adios

Anonymous said...

Biden and his administration is lost in foreign affairs. Thanks to democrats we are fighting two endless wars. Democrats through their ignorance have been talking about bringing down Putin. The Biden administration has gone as far as providing Ukraine with missiles that can reach Russian soil. Like always stupid moves on the part of democrats. Thanks to this move we will soon have nuclear missiles in Cuba. Try and bring Putin down now! We are closer to a third world war than ever before. Democrats will soon be faced with the issue of Taiwan. I can assure you that Xi Jinping is a lot tougher than Putin. Our country is in need of a knowledgeable and tough president. Biden is not that man. It’s not Biden’s age that makes him incompetent for the presidency it’s his lack of brains. It’s not about war. It’s about diplomacy. As a Republican I will sit back and watch the continuation of this fuck show!

Anonymous said...

This is a great & truthful article, well written about Trump's acts. One important act that was left out was Trump's attempted illegal act I'm Georgia when he requested to "FIND ME 11K VOTES " Thankfully that call was recorded otherwise Trump would be claiming a witchhunt as usual. Buy wait, Trump has never done anything wrong. Trump is an expert on brainwashing people so voters, beware, Trump had his four years already and fucked up BIG TIME. If his actions on January 6th 2021 dosent convince people that he is a real threat to our democracy, I don't know what else would. Wake up people and realize the monster that he really is.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget Trump's public plea to Vladimir Putin for help during the 2016 campaign "Russia if you're listening " Very pathetic of him asking our number one adversary for help. But wait, there was no Russian collusion. Yeah right, keep believing his endless lies.

Anonymous said...

The GOP will be doomed again for nominating the most disrespectful and despicable person in the USA. So go ahead and we'll surely have another January 6th event because a sore loser cannot accept defeat. The only thing Trump is good at is at instigating people, he loves stirring the pot.

Anonymous said...

to ANONYMOUSE onJune 8, 2024 at 3:25 PM

Do you have any evidence or proof of all the BS you just spewed out?

Per the Brookings Institute estimate, 784,762 or 70% of COVID deaths of Americans were because of Trump's inaction.

Republicans are coming after Social Security and changing the retirement age to 70 years old. In other words, 'WORK UNTIL YOU DIE'.


Anonymous said...

June 8, 2024 at 8:55 AM

Anonymous said...

For all the STUPID MEXICANS and MEXICAN-AMERICANS in the Rio Grande Delta...TRUMP will be the next POTUS! Stop wasting your energy and time with your stupid cartoons!

Anonymous said...

Yes Biden is old ( Trump is only 3 yrs younger) and shouldn’t be running for POTUS. But 9:57 are you implying that the Democrats STARTED these 2 wars?? I would really love to hear your reasoning on that assumption. And secondly are you also implying our country needs a knowledgeable/tough president like who ?? TRUMP??? Please, that guy has the lowest IQ than any other president ever ( examples : inject yourself with bleach to kill covid, or bombard the lungs with a UV light, and windfarms cause cancer, any many other retarded ideas) And as far as tough ,the idiot is a pussy — he boasted in all his last 3 trials that he would testify to clear his name and prove that it was all a witch hunt and what did he do —-NOTHING!! All bark no bite! So keep listening and believing in this moron, that’s usually what CULT FOLLOWERS do!!!

Anonymous said...

President Biden may struggling due to his age, but, I personally would prefer him a thousand times over Trump. Trump didn't accomwplished anything during his term, illegal immigration was somewhat under control but that was largely due to the pandemic & closed borders. Let's never forget that Cov19 spiral out of control mainly because of Trump lies, he stated that the China virus would just go away knowing beforehand that Cov19 was fatal causing tens of thousands of needless deaths. Finally, let's never forget that Trump is an admirer of Vladimir Putin going as far as publicly saying that Putin can do whatever the hell he wants with any NATO country, which is totally unamerican as NATO is an extremely important alliance for us as they have maintained peace in western Europe for the last 70 plus years. Has anyone forgotten that NATO answer our call to help us fight terrorism after 9/11? But wait, Putin is a genius. TOTALLY PATHETIC PERSON. FOR PRASING A RUTHLESS DICTATOR.

Anonymous said...

At June 9th at 1:37 PM The 784,762 Cov19 deaths were not because of Trump's inaction, it was because of his lies of how serious Cov19 really was. It was a fatal disease and he knew it from the get go but chose to hide the truth so it wouldn't caused panic. End result, tens of thousands of needless deaths. And he still wants to be president again? He must be out of his goddamm mind!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

June 9, 2024 at 9:57 AM

You are mistaken. The USA is not at war with any country. It is the countries that favor war, violence and death the ones that have poor leadership. Those countries need to be stopped. They are greedy: they want more and more and more. Power, land, etc

You as a Republican you know history. You know that countries that seek war, want to invade and kill children, women and old people.

The USA has to stop them. Do what you have to do as a Republican and help stop those countries.

Anonymous said...

Was that the president of the United States taking a shit on the world stage in France?

Anonymous said...

"I don't care about you, I just want your vote." Trump

The Devil is in the details.

The Truth said...

Do people realize what an evil motherfucker Orangeman really is?? I’ve known of his felonious antics for decades and he is the devil incarnate! He has already sold this country out, multiple times, yet he continues to brainwash the MAGAgot fools! Unbelievable. Get ready people.
I think I’ll go outside and practice my goose stepping.

Anonymous said...

At June 10 at 10 am glad that you finally got educated and refer Mexicans as
Americans because they are. Canadians are also Americans because Canada is located on North America. Keep learning.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan so OUR Local CAMERON COUNTY Fajita Bandit got 50 years for his deeds, so will Trump get 100 years for alL 34 counts he was found guilty of ? or will he get PROBATION becaUSe of who he is? I say he gets PROBATION THATS MY BET, 1000 TO 1 ODDS I THNIK.

Anonymous said...

At 11:13....To the MORON with NO COMPREHENSION SKILLS... MEXICANS and MEXICAN-AMERICANS are TWO groups of people and NOT ONE as your ignorant ass has stated. You lumped them into ONE group mensal! I’m thinking you have about an 8th grade education...maybe!

Anonymous said...

there is north america and south america and evcerybody that lives in those areas are americans. now the usa is a country and mesco is another country. gringos are from the usa and mescons are from that mojado country. PERIOD, next

and i wear wrinkle clothes and go to the local university
