Monday, June 3, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

We remember when Tony Garza – then an attorney and before he became Cameron County Judge, Texas Railroad Commissioner and then U.S. Ambassador to Mexico – was nominated for a position on the Cameron County Republican party.

Longtime GOP chair Frank Morris had nominated him and Garza had invited a Democratic party county commissioner and his assistant to accompany him to the meeting at the Radisson on South Padre Island to show that his selection would allow the party to make inroads into the Democrats. His opponent was an unknown from Laguna Vista nominated by local residents, most of them blue hairs and snowbirds from the Midwest. 

Garza was an eloquent speaker, and regaled the audience of his rise from lower middle class with a newspaper route when he was  a boy who had risen to his place by the dint of ambition and hard work. The other gave a mediocre speech. Garza was Hispanic. HIs opponent was a white man..

When the time came to vote, Morris was dumbfounded. Garza lost handily.

"They just don't get it, do they?," Morris whispered to the table.

Well, guess what? The new crew under Mayra Flores-controlled county chair Deborah Bell still doesn't get it either.

Take, for example, how they handled their business in San Antonio last week. Are we interested? Most would respond that not exactly, but it does provide plenty of laughter on a slow news day.

We received tidbits from this past week's Republican State Convention. Bell and her "Band Of Mean Girls" will not even send one Latino delegate from our county to the Republican National convention to be held July 15 to 18, 2024, at the Fisery Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In Milwaukee, the national delegates will nominate the twice-impeached and many-times indicted (and now convicted felon) former president Donald Trump to serve as the party's presidential nominee.

Their first national delegate is none other than Brad Burkes. He moved here from corn country a few years ago. You may know him as the City of Brownsville chaplain since the days of the thankfully gone regime of Pat  Ahumada's administration at city hall. Did a miracle from the Virgin Mary keep him at that position for all these years? 

Everyone in the county's Elephant Caucus fawn over him calling him Pastor Brad, although his claim to fame he is basically a Bible thumping pastor of a small Monday night Bible study group.  

The second national delegate is another Caucasian white. Jeneria Lewis hails from Sinton, Texas, you know, right up the road from the King Ranch, almost a neighbor. Her political Facebook page says she lives in South Padre Island but serves as an elected official in Bayview. Go figure.

 The local MAGA Republicans voted to make her a member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) to serve alongside Royce Albrecht, another Caucasian white, for the Texas GOP. He's from Nueces County where he allegedly volunteers (really?) as Texas Senate District 27 candidate Adam Hinojosa's campaign manager.

The third national delegate is Charles Wright.  He is a party insider from the Carolinas. He barely moved here but Debby ("Clang Clang) Bell made sure he was going to Wisconsin in the summer. As national alternate number one, they selected a Winter Texan from – of all places – Wisconsin. The Bell Posse tried to put in his wife as alternate number two but they put in a young lady from a well- known political family.

Princess Peña is the wife of Aron Pena and a Justice of the Peace candidate in Hidalgo County. Princess is really her name. She is a Latina and will serve as national alternate number two for Congressional District 34. Her husband lives in Congressional District 15 and he is going to the National Convention for that district. 

The Cameron County Republicans who made up the super majority of the congressional caucus then went and elected another white man. They say he's new here too and works as a pharmacist at CVS. This is the best of the best of the Cameron County Republicans?  No Latino/a was good enough.

Where is Mayra Flores, the Great Latina Hope, in all of this? She is taking in big bucks from all over the country on the promise that Hispanics are switching parties here in south Texas.  Well, if they are, where is the party representation of Latinos?  If they don't care, why should we?

Like Morris said so many years ago: "They just don't get it, do they?"


Anonymous said...

Where are the white democrats saviors, look at the city commissioners, the mayor does even know where the Southmost area is or has he ever visited or knocked on doors to the speak to the residents? The white witch of the bike and hike trails turned white is no where to be found, not even on her private bike and hike trails? The white witch doesn't know what a Hispanic looks like? Look at the chief of police, double dipping the white democrat mayor for more pay? This article is a joke on everyone in the Brownsville because Brownsville is a shit hole of the valley? Oh by the way, the valley (RGV) is also a lie, not a valley.

Anonymous said...

COCOS, what y'al expect? wooden mesquite spoons? Racist republicans hate meskins FACT!!!


"VAMOS PA TRAS", is their crying war motto!

Anonymous said...

Claudia Sheinbaum projected to be Mexico's first woman president

Gringos don't get it, they'll NEVER elect a woman president NUNCA, NUNCA Y NUNCA. Specially the racist republicans, democrats aren't too far behind either.

So viejas quit bitching...

and be sure to vote!!!


Anonymous said...

Fuera con Mayra

Anonymous said...

Racist Roman Pérez, the biggest cry baby in the Republican Party, at it again giving out false information so El Run Run can have something to post about. Roman fails to mention that he, a Hispanic and his wife and beloved friends were delegates and didn’t go, they have no idea what happened in San Antonio. Not many people have a minimum of $5000 to spend, and a week worth of time to go to these conventions. Roman should stop spreading rumors, and if he seriously is a republican maybe he should stop putting his party down and giving democrats more ammunition to continue and control all that is Cameron county. He is a little bitch who keeps crying wolf cuz no one is cheering him on anymore. Out with the old and in with the new, maybe the local GOP will finally make some noise. Who cares who went black, white, brown or yellow? I can’t count the amount of Hispanics who have gone in the past and are going this year, yet we still see color! Unbelievable. Isn’t Tad Hasse white? Isn’t Morgan, her dad white? Someone as Roman why is this an issue NOW? Oh I know, because no one is giving his punk ass any attention and he is devastated! This guy! Montoya, I thought you were better at checking your facts before posting bullshit, guess not!

Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy and lies are the name of the game!!! It's a way of life nowadays. Gone are the days of honesty and truthfulness in public service. Now the only thing that matters is to spew as much venom, deceit and bigotry as possible.

Anonymous said...

What is racist?

Anonymous said...

Literally, no one cares About the Republican Party of Cameron county… there is more power in the local elks lodge or Lions club! Republican Party of Cameron county is a joke, but let them think they’re playing real politics, they seem to be happy with playing dress-up. When it was Memorial Day where we’re these true republicans? Nowhere to be found….

Anonymous said...

COCOS are wanna be white but can't las nalgas prietas no los dejan, so they change their name to white and join the racist republican, maricones gringos.
gringos hate wanna be white mojados.

Anonymous said...

June 3, 2024 at 7:41 AM

The mayor is in the house at Southmost. He knows the barrio, its streets, and has visited our homes. He also visited Southmost library and had coffee with us.
Viva el mayor ( Viva el alcalde de Bronsvil).

The Valley is the Magic Valley of the Rio Grande. It is not just a valley is something else: good people, beautiful places, nature, birds, good food, family etc Just exiting San Benito and arriving at the Valley you can glimpse Rancho Viejo, the fields, the palm trees, and smell the fresh air of the Valley and then you know you have arrived to the real Valley.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip everyone. We are all human!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

trump esta bien pendejo, those who follow him estan mas pendejos.

Anonymous said...

We democrats stick together and the Republicans eat their own. Especially the gringos who still think they are superior. Look at La Marrana,,,Susan Ruvalcaba. She pretended to care about PUB to later run for commissioner. That's why she did it. The first thing she does is attack her opponent. She slammed Tino Villarreal that he didn't go to PUB meetings. Well Tino who is an only child had both parents with cancer and mom ended up passing from Cancer. But La Marrana as Jerry McHale calls her didn't care. What was she trying to prove? She came out looking like a cold,, heartless woman.. Lastima que es nurse.. No compassion. Then the video where she was bullying a mom at a game and told her, " let's take it outside." Bien chingona. Like meaning you want to fight. I'll beat your ass. Like 300 pounds of her was ready to bully the mom. Puro ghetto. Who does that? Not a nice lady but a grosera, mandona y fea de corazon. God doesn't like ugly and that's why she lost. And if she runs again she will lose. She is not a team player. Won't get along like Tino does. Everytime she opens her mouth to talk she is criticizing someone. Ah and the 2 ethics complaints against Roy. She didn't get anywhere. But her mentor is none other than La India de Los Indios, Mayra Flores. Another mentirosa, who together with la Deborah , "La Clang Clang," are part of the mean girl club. They are delusional. Need to see a shrink or curandera. They are all negative Viejas who think their shit don't stink. Well it does. Thats why people know who and what they are. Thank God the are not democrats. We don't want them. Stay with the racist Republicans. Bunch of loser those 3 are. No valen mierda!!!

Anonymous said...

JUAN dont know why people complaint its always been like this here in the valley for decades, it has not changed at all, so folks have accepted the way things are just to get along in the RGV, yes times have changed and but i am not sure if latinos or hispanics have the right answers or not. Many folks say that politicians are in it for themselves to enrich their pockets And yes in many ways i have seen that happen here in the RGV. So i guess it dont matter white or brown its the same results in the end. Puros Trampas.

Anonymous said...

June 3, 2024 at 4:05 PM



Anonymous said...

Bronsvil only un pendejo spells brownsville that way and we know who it is. culo!!! y MAMON!

Anonymous said...

Ay guey y mamon

"ay buey", gilberto perez y su conjunto

Anonymous said...

Ooooh this dumb ass must be really hurt, name dropping and listing time lines. 😆,

We democrats !! Dude it’s you, you can’t even hide behind an anonymous posting site. Small pecker complex.
Go back to Erasmus site, I guess you really are a racist. 🤣 hahaha 😝. Go get pegged, bitch ass..

Juan, do you remember the guy with the PAN video. Freaking hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck , dont tell me we have to start hearing about Mayra Flores Vallejo ……..?? No please tell me it isn’t so!!! Who wants to hear about that grifter. Her lies, lies , lies and more lies!! Her fake ranch life, campfire meals, cotton picking days and all her fantasy world stories. But on the other hand , it will be interesting to see what other outlandish bullshit this nut will come up with. We’ll be watching

Anonymous said...

mayra cooks tortillas en un comal y frijoles refritos en una oya y usa lenia de mesquite verde. toma fotos usando un satelite y los pone en caradelibro, y monta caballo para llegar al centro del bosque.

Next pachanga will be there, bring your donations in "DOLLARS", not pennies.

Anonymous said...

Mayra es un FRAUDE hecho y derecho. Su club de fans son tan pendej@s Como ella. Ella nadamas Dinero quiere. No le importa la gente. Le importa el Dinero. Dice el dicho. La que no tiene y llega a tener loca se quiere volver. Pobre naca India. Ni hablar sabe. Habla todo mal. Acaso no estudio.
