Friday, June 21, 2024


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A bill that would have required schools to post the Ten Commandments in Texas classrooms in 2023  died after failing to get a vote by the House before a crucial deadline.

Guess what? It's coming baaaack!

The bill that failed last year would have required public school classrooms to display copies of the Ten Commandments that are at least 16 inches wide and 20 inches tall, and “in a size and typeface that is legible to a person with average vision from anywhere in the classroom.”

Louisiana is now the only state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every classroom in public schools and colleges.

Oklahoma and Utah have floated similar legislation to Louisiana's Ten Commandments bill and Texas' failed Senate Bill 1515. However, none of those bills have made it to law, likely due to the legal battles that would inevitably come.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick directly called out Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan for killing the bill "by letting it languish in committee for a month."

Yesterday (June20), Patrick promises to pass the bill again in the Senate next session.


Anonymous said...

This is crazy.

Anonymous said...

include a side note, the first constitution amendment.

Anonymous said...

What is needed: strong mothers that tell their kids to behave in school. This preparation starts the first day a mother has a child.

Fathers need to take time to take the kids to church.

The rest is just wasting time.

Anonymous said...

June 21, 2024 at 8:15 AM

Not just strong mothers and strong fathers. It is a combination of both with no division on the discipline or responsibility. The family unit needs to be strong and united.

Anonymous said...

Might be overreach, but the leftist don't support the First Amendment anymore. Biden's DOJ wants to regulate what it believes is disinformation and silence those who disagree. The left is imposing a secular religion that allows no deviation from the leftist dogma. Don't forget that RFK Jr. saidhe believes Bidrn is a bigger threat to Democracy and gave his reasons. Biden was trying to silence him. Montoya, you're not just full of shit, you're overflowing of it. You still haven't condemned the goatfuckers who attacked innocent Israeli civilians.

Anonymous said...

Those chanclas were repaired by the city's crack shoe repair genius non other than la bandeja trey or tray what ever BOLA DE RATAS

Anonymous said...

The GOP bible thumpers are at it again. God is not mentioned in the US
Constitution. 25 of the 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention were
slave owners. In 2022, Louisiana began housing children in the former death
row unit of Angola, the state's largest maximum-security prison. Most are
Black boys. Abortion is completely banned with very limited exemptions. When
does the hypocrisy end? Peace

Anonymous said...

Vladimir Putin will be delighted to have his puppet back on the White House so he can cut off military aid to Ukraine and then Putin can do whatever the hell he wants to any NATO country. Be careful on choosing your candidate this November election.

Anonymous said...

Won't do any good since many teachers now are wiccans or satanist who hate America. Like being required to teach American History and Government after the McCarthy communist witch hunt in the 1950s only to have the loser teachers teach kids how racist and horrible America is as a country.

Anonymous said...


Let the educators teach the facts. Students can decide whether American values are hypocritical or not. You were given
that opportunity. Don’t deny it to everyone else.

Anonymous said...


Let the educators teach the facts. Students can decide whether American values are hypocritical or not. You were given
that opportunity. Don’t deny it to everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Teachers can eat while eating a hot dog FACT

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

TEACHERS? they are all in las vegas right now won't be back till sept. bola de huevonas y huevones. teachers my ***!

Anonymous said...

TEACHERS otro grupo jediondo y pidiches. BISD is looking for robots to teach they are a lot cheaper and have no ill will intents, need no coffee breaks, gossip breaks, I am tired breaks, its my birthday break, and I am sick weeks off breaks.

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2024 at 3:43 PM

When you have children there are no breaks. I forgot you are SpEd therfore unable to figure things out on your own.
