Saturday, June 15, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: For the past few months, the doors have been knocked on, the yard signs signs posted, and the push cards have been handed out by the candidates and their supporters. Now it's up to us to decide who will represent us on these two boards. Early voting ended last Tuesday, but if these two races are close, today's voting could determine both elections. Now it's up to us to do our part and vote. You may agree – or disagree – with our choices, but in the end, it is a secret ballot and only you can decide on your choices. Below is the list of voting precincts.


Anonymous said...

Haven’t had any time for photoshoots, so I just get some pics of my sexy horny wife Elida when I can. She's 49 and getting hotter and more daring. Love sharing them with you guys and it turns her on!

merci, jarhead!!!

Anonymous said...

Voting for JJ De Leon!!!

Anonymous said...

Puro Trash on the selection Juan. Come one man. At least let the people choose the right candidates. Puro Fresh Meat for the Orange Suits.

Don't forget Sylvia Atkinson. Mamasota

Anonymous said...

Después de volar durante toda la noche a través de nueve husos horarios, desde el sur de Italia hasta el sur de California, el presidente Joe Biden está cambiando su enfoque del desafío de Rusia a la unidad de Occidente para recaudar grandes cantidades de dinero para su campaña de reelección en una recaudación de fondos en Hollywood que contará con la presencia de George Clooney y Julia Roberts.

Biden pasó directamente de la cumbre del Grupo de los Siete, en la que la invasión de Ucrania por el presidente ruso Vladímir Putin ocupó un lugar central, a Los Ángeles y a la ostentosa reunión que se celebrará el sábado por la noche en el Peacock Theater. El viaje sólo se vio interrumpido por una escala para reabastecer combustible a las afueras de Washington.

El expresidente Barack Obama se unirá a Clooney y Roberts, y el conductor Jimmy Kimmel entrevistará a todos ellos en el escenario. En un mensaje de texto previo a los donantes, Roberts dijo que era “un momento crucial en las elecciones”. Kimmel escribió en su propio texto que el virtual candidato republicano a la presidencia Donald Trump “odiará esto, así que hagámoslo”.

Anonymous said...

rain rain rainrain its commin get your insurance up to date NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

“Character Matters,” not only references Trump’s 34 felony convictions, but also his past cases of sexual abuse and defamation. racist republicans at work

Anonymous said...

No tattoos or metal hanging out of her face or a bull's ring in her nose ooooops well he/she looks like a woman, my mistake
