Sunday, June 23, 2024


A billboard in Miami shows images of Fidel Castro and Donald Trump and tells voters to avoid dictators on Tuesday.

NBC News
Former President Donald Trump  told Fox News during a town hall would not be a dictator "except for Day One" if he is elected president.

Trump's comments at the taped event in Iowa came in response to host Sean Hannity's asking him whether he would abuse the power of the office to seek revenge.

"You are promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?" Hannity said.

"Except for Day One," Trump responded, repeating the phrase.

Asked for clarification, Trump said, "I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill."

Moments later, Trump doubled down on his comments.

"I love this guy," Trump said, referring to Hannity. "He says, 'You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?' I said: 'No, no, no. Other than Day One.' We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator."

The Biden campaign quickly seized on the remarks, posting a clip of the exchange to X. After the town hall concluded, Biden campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez blasted Trump in a statement.

"Donald Trump has been telling us exactly what he will do if he’s reelected and tonight he said he will be a dictator on day one," she said. "Americans should believe him.”


Anonymous said...

Juan, try Sominex if you can't sleep, ese. Or do like El Jerry and play with yourself like crazy.

This is too early, bro.


Anonymous said...

Trump has Mar A Lago: Hitler had Berghof.
Trump blames mexicans: Hitler blamed the Jews.
Trump wants the White Race to be the #1: Hitler wanted the same thing.
Trump controls the media: Hitler had a photographer following him.
Trump manipulates with fake photos and gestures: Hitler studied poses and gestures.

Trump has a secret wife: Hitler also had a secret girlfriend and married her at the last minute of his life.

Only people that know history understand the evil of Trump.

Anonymous said...

Trump is all that America is not.

Anonymous said...

Juan, he will come after Brownsville. Cause we have the most people on welfare in all of Texas. You know it, ese. HEB should have a food stamps checkout lane!!!


Anonymous said...

Putin and Kim Jung Un met this past week and discussed how they are going to help Trump. This time around I don't think Trump is bringing hillbillies with poo poo and a gallows.

What is sad is that the Republicans back stabbed America. They could have picked someone else but 👎 the choice they give is between Trump and Biden. They should have told the dictator to run as an independent.

Anonymous said...

Which political candidate has the best burro?


Anonymous said...

June 23, 2024 at 7:54 AM

What generation of immigrants will get Trump's violence?
Those that got to the USA during the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s

Will he send the minorities to fight wars? to kill them?
Will he deport those with double nationality?
Will he deport those that have a naturalization status?

One thing is sure: he will get us naked, and not feed us and put us to work with no pay until we perish.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of whites on welfare believe that ,just not in south texas

Anonymous said...


First, White people and red states make up the majority of food stamp recipients. Now, in order for a dictator to be successful he/she would need a support system. He has that in the GOP, Supreme Court and the MAGA nuts. The bipartisan plan to address the border issue was torpedoed by Trump and his minions. The US is already the world's top oil producer. Our problem is that oil companies sell their products to the highest bidders out-of-country. They make outrageous profits while being subsidized by American taxpayers. The truth is that both parties ignored the broken immigration
system. They've ignored lopsided tax laws. The judicial system works in
your favor depending on your financial status. Insider trading is allowed
for representatives but average Americans will be incarcerated for the same
offense. Don't allow the oligarchs to play us. Peace

Anonymous said...

Vladimir Putin will be delighted to have his puppet back in the White House so Trump can cut off military assistance to Ukraine and Putin can have his reward of taking over Ukraine. Putin will then do exactly what Trump said, he can do whatever he wants to any NATO country. Biden is old and yes, forgetful but I would vote for him without any doubt whatsoever over Trump. Voters only need to remember the attack on the Capitol on January 6th 2021 which Trump was the main instigator. Trump is a real threat to our democracy, like or or not

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

June 23, 2024 at 7:54 AM

otra vez pinche maricon ese

Anonymous said...

Well, the only way that Trump doesn't get to be a dictator is for the Republicans to not vote for him. Yep. the Republicans need to save America.

If they support Trump they will have to move along with all his new rules, and laws and like Nazis declare they did not know what was going on: the violence, the abuse, and the control of minorities.

Then they have to accept Trump's sons to continue as leaders of the USA.

Anonymous said...

June 23, 2024 at 8:32 AM

Yes, and the leaders all over the world that want to get something of this pact, union or partnership are getting ready to make a profit.

Argentina has a duplicate of Trump. He is ready to enter the scene and Make Argentina great again.

Who in the Valley is going to side with Trump to make millions and abuse the Valley residents? They are getting ready too to Make the Valley great again.

Rio Grande Valley people...get ready and go and vote against TRUMP.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a cancer and this cancer has spread like wildfire. This is exactly what he wants, this is how he manipulates, with chaos, lies , deceit, violence . This is what a cult leader does, this is their strategy. He cherishes control ( dictator) . And in the end its all about HIMSELF!!!! He said it himself “ i dont care about you , i care about your vote” DONALD J TRUMP IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY!! A vote for Biden guarantees Trump won’t set foot in the White House ever again. I think our country can handle an OLD MAN as POTUS. But our country wont survive having an OLD , DERANGED , RACIST, CON MAN ( CONVICTED FELON) as president.

Anonymous said...

At 7:13 am you mean Mar de Mierda instead of Lago? because that's what it is. Full of shit

Anonymous said...

At 7:22 am I agree with you 150%. Trump is TOTALLY UNAMERICAN.

Anonymous said...

Your vote won't matter in Texas. Prepare your anus, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Lots of negroe equivalents in the valley.

Anonymous said...

When Trump was president democrats would state that he was going to cause a third world war. Yet with Biden we are at war in Ukraine and Israel. And we may soon have nuclear weapons in Cuba. So who may cause a third world war? Mark my words the war in Ukraine will never be won. It will end in a stalemate. A lot of taxpayer money just being wasted which has been a habit of the current administration. It's not about being anyones puppet its about diplomacy. Now if you want a nuclear war go for it. But like always democrats are just like their president delusional.

Anonymous said...

Not only no but hell no to the worst president in the history of the United States of America. Trump already had his four years and fucked up big time, if January 6th 2021 and his famous crooked call "Georgia find me 11k votes " isn't enough and don't know what else.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2024 at 6:31 AM

There will still be a WW III with or without Biden. If Trump becomes president there will be a civil war.

Republicans should have picked someone else. Trump is like rotten fish, a poison. He should run as an independent. The Bull Moose ran as an independent years ago. Why not Trump?

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, so Biden started these 2 wars??? Oh yeah he also started world war 1and2 , vietnam war, korean war etc. Wars happen , conflicts happen . Ukraine and Israel war just happened to have started during Bidens term as president. And he’s to blame??? If they would have happened during Trumps presidency would you have blamed your hero for starting them??? Im sorry but your reasoning is bonkers. Find something else to blame Biden for!!! Maybe like bringing back civility, politeness,decorum, manners etc back to the White House.

Anonymous said...

June 23, 2024 at 6:52 PM


Anonymous said...

Never trust a DemocRAT! FACT!

Anonymous said...

It so funny how the democrats paid people to write these hate funny stupid stories of Trump? Look at what the democrats and catholic church done in the RGV? Nothing but get these democrats rich from the poor. Dictator Joe Biden has done a great job doing everything he can to make our lives a living hell. Think again readers of the RGV, look in the mirror and you will see the real Dictator of the USA? Voting for Trump. P.S. HEB just raised the large dozen eggs by over a dollar from last week.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2024 at 6:31 AM

Diplomacy is important and it requires money. Money to make the countries strong and confront the evil they are facing. Remember, During World War II, Hitler was never stopped. The neighboring countries let Hitler take a piece of land, hoping Hitler will stop. Hitler did not stop: he got into Poland, Russia, Czechoslovakia, France and then he wanted to conquer England.
Only when the USA went into combat, England was able to stop Hitler.

Think about this: when you have a problem, put all your money and energy into it and you will solve the problem. Example: 20 pounds eat chicken, and walk and then you are in shape. Example: your car tires are old, you go and put new tires (expensive) and you get peace of mind.

Anonymous said...

At 6:31 am Last time I checked the USA is not at war with Ukraine or Israel although we do support both of them with weapons and funding. If Trump is elected president, the war in Ukraine will probably end because Trump will cut off military aid to Ukraine so Putin can take the whole country as his own just like he did with Crimea.

Anonymous said...


The war in Israel has been on-going with both Democratic and Republican
presidents. The American policy towards Cuba has been on-going with both
Democratic and Republican administrations. History proves that economies under Democratic leadership excel and are more prosperous. That is a fact.
George W. Bush left a depression for Obama to fix. Trump was given a thriving economy on a silver platter which he imploded. Those again, are facts.

Anonymous said...

You gun toting Proud Boys, Neo Nazis, and all White Supremist groups, Trump is going to take away your guns. Does the population in Russia, North Kores, China own
guns? Hell no! These are countries ruled by dictators. He will not take the chance that an armed population may revolt against him. Think about it PENDEJOS. HAHA

Come on Donald take the gun and blow your brains out. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2024 at 2:00 PM

To you the price of the USA, peace, liberty, and freedom is a large dozen inexpensive carton of eggs. A good pair of 🥚🥚 is what you need and brains.

I tell you some people are willing to sell their assets for a taco and cheap gas.

A good read about the ravages of war is All Quite on the Western Front.

Anonymous said...

Its called. DENIAL AND BEING BRAINWASHED. For those that think that someone got paid to make up stories about Trump . They are FACTS!! Read the newspaper , watch the news, see and hear it with your own eyes and ears. No one makes up stories , Trump himself creates those stories. In his lifetime Trump has had more than 4000 lawsuits against him and during his presidency he told more than 30,600 LIES ( an average of 21 lies per day) . Look it up. And you say they are made up??? Please !! One more thing , high egg prices are Bidens fault?? Did Biden give all the chickens the bird flu??? Cause that is the main reason for high egg prices!! Don’t believe everything Trump , Fox News and Q anon says . Wake up!! You are being lied to buddy.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2024 at 2:00 PM
June 24, 2024 at 11:13 AM

If you vote for Trump is because you have a bad memory like me.
Trump killed so many Americans with the issue of Covid. So many people died when it was not their time. How? Not closing the airports during December when the illness was only in Europe. Republicans encouraging elderly Americans to die for the country: go out, do not wear protective face coverings and work and work and if you die it is OK you are old.

Then the long lines at the pharmacy, the grocery stores, the lack of water, toilet paper, food..... people waking up at 4:00 am to go and make a line to buy water, get some toilet paper etc Trump was and is the culprit of all this.

Anonymous said...

Folks so whodo we voed for Jelly roll brain dead biden or the big bully trump,??? is that the only choices we have? Kennedy????

Anonymous said...

I have voted Republican all my life except in 2017 and 2020 and will, without any doubt whatsoever, vote Democrat in November 2024. Trump had his four years and failed miserably, to top it off, Trump was the first president who refused a peaceful transfer of power and did the unthinkable,he instigated his followers to attack the Capitol to "Stop the Steal: never mind that the one caught trying to cheat was himself "Georgia find me 11k votes ". Granted, President Biden is old but he is extremely knowledgeable on government issues something Trump lacks. My choice is crystal clear.

Anonymous said...

Go Trump my vote for Trump all the way!!!!!!!!!!! Some people think we are all stupid if you are going to make a statement about Trump have something to support your statement don't just throw words all over the place.If USA is such a bad place why is everybody in the world practically kill themselves to come here.

Anonymous said...

June 28, 2024 at 12:41 AM

If you are all gung-ho about Trumputo why don't you make a list of all the wonderful and productive things he did?

Anonymous said...

I don’t think people “think” you’re stupid . YOU ARE STUPID!!! All you have to do is listen to Trump and THAT SUPPORTS OUR STATEMENTS!!

Anonymous said...

At 11:36 am Talking about being stupid by saying that all you have to do is listen to Trump? Almost everything that Trump says is a lie, so yes, keep listening to him. I now wonder who is really the stupid here.

Anonymous said...

At 11:36 am so you believe everything that comes out of Trump's mouth? No wonder why there are so many stupid people that believe all the lies he says, and there are countless lies. Make America Lie Again.
