Monday, July 29, 2024


By Henry Rodriguez
To: Valley Morning Star

Dear Editor,

Once again, it seems the district is giving the Valley Morning Star newspaper information that is not exactly true. The neighboring town's newspaper has taken the word of the school district's legal counsel, Baltazar Salazar, instead of first verifying with Berkley Surety Insurance, regarding the status of the $40 million construction disaster which was supposed to produce a natatorium and auditorium.

The last time this happened, Berkley Surety found out about Salazar's claims to the newspaper (March 26) and wrote a hot letter (April 3) to all board members informing them that the information their legal counsel had given to the newspaper was in fact, incorrect. 

Nancy Manno, vice-president of Berkley Surety writes “many of the statements in the [VMS] article are incorrect and reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of Berkley’s obligations, if any.” 

 Even after hearing Berkley Surety Insurance's denials, Salazar still maintained his claims, his fantasies were printed again in the VMS (April 5), as the truth…Deceiving the San Benito residents. To add insult to injury, Orlando Lopez, SBCISD board president, stood by Salazar’s comments, with Lopez, telling the NEWS that he was repeating the information provided to him, district officials, the rest of the board, and the public during the March 20 meeting by, you guessed it, Baltazar Salazar.

I have a question for Lopez. When you received the letter from Berkley stating Salazar was untruthful, you did not pursue a meeting with Berkley and your attorney to get to the bottom of where our claim with the surety stood? The school board is supposed to focus on fiscally responsibility and keep the community in the loop, especially when it impacts out students and tax dollars. 

Sir, you need to step aside and let someone else lead the board. Someone that will advocate and protect our children’s educational opportunities and taxpayers’ money. I’m not certain if there is anyone on the board with that capability, but surely Mr. Lopez, it is not you.

Then June 17, another story appeared in the VMS stating, "Berkley Surety is running tests on soil samples the company's construction consultant and geotechnical engineers took on March 14 and 15 at the project site, Baltazar Salazar, the district's Houston-based construction attorney, said." Based on Mr. Salazar's track record with the truth, did the newspaper verify with Berkley Surety that this was in fact the truth?

I'm assuming NO because in the July 26 San Benito News, editor Alexandrea Bailey states, "A representative for Berkley Surety said the company was not involved with any soil tests at the construction site and has yet to decide as to whether it's obligated to payout on its policy." Another verification of the lies being told to the public who are indebted with a $40 million careless obligation. Doesn't that phrase "and has yet to decide to payout on its policy" scare you? This is not the first time the Insurance company says that.

To top it all off, "the District is still waiting for feedback from legal counsel (Salazar) concerning any updates. As of today, (July 26) there has not been an updated report from the district legal counsel. The last written statement was provided to us on January 29," according to SBCISD Public Relations Director Luis Gonzales in the San Benito News article. So no truthful updates from the district's legal counsel Salazar, yet he tells fabrications to the neighboring town's newspaper, which then get exposed as lies by the insurance company.

Ms. Manno also states in her letter of April 3 that "the performance and payment bonds do not double the amount of the actual construction of these two facilities," contrary to what Baltazar Salazar says in the VMS article of March 26 and June 17 articles.

In the June 17 article, Salazar is quoted, "For weeks, Salazar's stressed the school district is 'heavily insured,' with payment bonds and performance bonds while the project's bond money 'is protected.'" Yet Berkley Surety is quoted in SBN July 26, "A representative for Berkley Surety said the company... has yet to decide as to whether it's 
obligated to payout on its policy." Who do you believe?

Then Salazar also says in the VMS June 18 story, "The results of the soil samples... should be made available to the SBCISD soon. We're moving forward. The SBCISD board continues to cooperate with Berkley to move this project forward and will keep the SBCISD community updated as soon as the new geotechnical results are shared with the SBCISD." How can this be if Berkley Surety LAST WEEK said, "A representative for Berkley Surety said the company was not involved with any soil tests at the construction site." Who is lying?

Board members, are you listening? 

You have this man on payroll who apparently lies to the newspaper because his words get proven false over and over? He also hasn't provided any feedback on the status of the project in over 6 months and yet we're still paying the bills for the $40 million bond and we're paying him for WHAT? 

 For over 6 months he hasn't given the board a report, and we are still paying him? That reminds me of another man we paid and paid and didn't build the buildings he was supposed to build. Is this all we know how to do in SB? Wake up board, you were elected to protect our interests, not allow lies to rule the district. This is an embarrassment.


Anonymous said...

History teaches us that anything is possible at the BISD. It doesn’t matter what shenanigans or misdeeds these characters get into they always have an open door if it helps their hidden agendas. So like the saying goes: never say never! For now , this Salazar character is someone else’s problem.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Salazar wanted hush hush money from the construction company and they said "no."

Anonymous said...

sanbene same as matamoscas and the only help they offer is to themselves money wise that is...

Anonymous said...

He's still alive???? Didn't I attended his despedida?

Anonymous said...

Superintendent Teresa Servillon, Martin Moreno (Board President) and Mario Silva brought in that reject from Brownsville. When a corrupted Board from Brownsville doesn't want you anymore that says a lot. Now the current SBCISD Board is stuck with the old majorities problem.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he Daniela Lopez's uncle, on her mother's side? 🤔

Anonymous said...

State the facts. The Board is not stuck with Salazar. The Board continues to keep him or rather his buddy.Orlando Lopez wants to kee him around to lie and his what is actually going on. Salazar was hired on a month to month contract and can be terminated at any time. Again, the bromance between Salazar and Lopez will continue to mislead the community so they can both continue to fill their pockets with tax payer $$$$. Orlando Lopez doesn’t even have a job. He is a loser, cocaine user, boozing baby sucking the last drop he can get before he is arrested AGAIN. And I do mean again.

Anonymous said...

Orlando Lopez, Ariel Cruz, Alex Reyna, and Rudy Corona were unhappy with There’s Servellon so her contract was bought out. But they keep this so called attorney who is on a month to month contract as recommended by Theresa Servellon back in April 2023.+- The board chooses to continue paying Mr Salazar, they are not stuck with him. Dumb!

Anonymous said...

Prior Superintendent Servellon ahas ruined every school she’s been empoloyed at. She made a deal with a board member to hire Dr.Puig where he currently work for exchange employment in SBCISD… She was the most corrupt Superintendent in SB history ruining the district… oh maybe that’s why she lost by 700 plus votes because she not wonted nor needed in SB… lol she’s an embarrassment to SB community!

Anonymous said...

The SB taxpayers are catching on to Fernando del Valle with the VMS! Orlando Lopez prefers no negative articles regard SBCISD bond construction going nowhere so Fernando del Valle provides that to Orlando Lopez. Fernando del Valle is losing credibility with readers!

Anonymous said...

Dam this dude is like a tick it's hard to get rid of his lazy ass.If he had any heart he would Get a real job.

Anonymous said...

Pura lana, thats all folks,

Anonymous said...

Talking about Servellon is used to distract us from the issue. At least she had the balls to stand up to the board and report them. I’ll give her that much. Again let’s focus on the $40 million bond project. Let’s face it the school board is trying to cover up a disaster created by Lopez and now all the other board members have his back because they’re “untied”. United in what? Lying to the taxpayer. Let’s face it we’re going to be paying for buildings we’ll never get. The next thirty years of taxes paid out for nothing. San Benito you deserve what you get. Nothing but a pile crap!

Anonymous said...

The San Benito School Board knows these buildings aren’t going to get built because they hired the companies based on who would give them moolah. They are all cut from the same cloth. Newly elected and the ones that have been there for years. Now the taxpayers have paid off the former superintendent and are going to be stuck with a 40 million dollar debt.

Anonymous said...

turn on that tamale tank and start cookin some tamales de puerco (pig), and quit parading pig on your main street IDIOTAS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sanbene when will they ever learn? nunca!!!

Anonymous said...

seems like he's saying, I want it this big, pinche maricon...
