Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Even as the election-violation complaint against City of Brownsville District 4 Commissioner Pedro Cardenas is going through the Texas Ethics Commission investigative process, city administrators have discovered that the city's ordinances do not have a clearly-set ordinance to cover campaign reports.

Call it the Pedro Cardenas Campaign Finance Report Reforms. Cardenas had refused to file a state-required semi-annual campaign finance report due January 16, and – after a citizen's complaint  on July 11 – submitted the report July 12, a day after the complaint, and seven months after it was due.

The seven-month late report lists only 41 contributors despite the fact that Cardenas reported in his Facebook page that 100, or maybe more, campaign sponsors and contributors gave him money in just one golf tournament. 
In response to a complaint against Cardenas not having filed a city- and state-required campaign finance report, the city has moved quickly to address that "oversight." In today's city commission meeting, the city attorney's office has placed an item on the agenda to address the city's ordinance shortcoming. 

The proposal is comprehensive, addressing campaign contribution limits, expenditures, and reporting. A summary of the campaign finance reporting in the proposed ordinance, including penalties for non-compliance – is summarized in the ordinance.

Summary: The Campaign Finance Law, Title 15 of the Election Code, regulates the acceptance, expenditure, and reports regarding money in political campaigns by candidates, officeholders, and political committees. Candidates, officeholders, and political committees are required to file reports of contributions and expenditures as outlined in the Texas Ethics Commission filing schedule. The City Secretary's Office is the local filing authority where documents are filed. 

However, the City Secretary's Office is not responsible for reviewing, advising, or ensuring that 
candidates, officeholders, or political committees file the required documents.

Sec. 40-11. – Campaign finance reports; Additional information required with reports filed with the

(a) Reports for the following deadlines shall be filed with the city secretary in a timely manner as
required under the Texas Election Code. If the due date for a report falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or
legal holiday, the report is due on the next regular business day:

a. January 15: Semi-Annual Report (period of July 1 to December 31)
b. July 15: Semi-Annual Report (period of January 1 to June 30)
c. 30th day before May General Election
d. 8th day before May General Election and Runoff Election


Anonymous said...

mojados don't and won't read inghish mush less comprehend it, they come from los ranchos y don't give a RATA'S ass abt it. Jail the sob and sent a message mensaje to all da mojados here in browntown.
VALLENSE PA TRAS PINCHES MOJADOS RATAS... just like the gringos y cocos.

Anonymous said...

And here all along you all gave Zeke Silva crap for holding elected officials accountable. At least Zeke was able to get ALL the Commissioners and Mayor to react to enforcing the law that Pedro E. Cardenas thought he didn't have to follow. Pedero Cardenas thinks he is special because he comes from Matamoros, Tamp, and come to the USA to steal dolares from the gringos. He knows that people here in Brownsville TX born and raised are also USA citizens with Mexican blood. We don't take kindly to used to be wealthy man/child who think they are entitled to our rescource only to go back to Matamoros rich in US Dollars. Pedro E Cardenas is a Junior who flaunts what he doesn't have (MONEY). Pedro E. Cardenas got into politics to steal money from the tax payers. To oppress the poor and ignorant people. It is the Mexican way. Get rich off the sweat of the poor so he and his family can live a rich lifestyle. Or at least pretend they are rich. Pedro Cardenas es un muerto de ambre, envidioso, estafon que no tiene conciensa.

Anonymous said...

You should not upset the Mexico Narcos Juan. You never know…

Anonymous said...

So I too, come from the "los ranchos" and have more sense the monkey who wrote the above.

Anonymous said...

The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Southwest Key Programs Inc. (Southwest Key), a Texas-based nonprofit that provides housing to unaccompanied children who are encountered at the southern land border of the United States. The lawsuit alleges that Southwest Key, through its employees, has engaged in a pattern or practice of sexual abuse and harassment of unaccompanied children in Southwest Key shelters in violation of the Fair Housing Act.

Southwest Key operates 29 shelters that provide temporary housing for unaccompanied children in Texas, Arizona and California, and is the largest housing provider for unaccompanied children in the United States. Southwest Key receives grants from the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to provide housing and other care for unaccompanied children at these shelters. Unaccompanied children are minors who enter the United States without parents or other legal guardians and without lawful immigration status in the United States. The shelters are the children’s homes until they are reunited with their immediate families or placed with a relative or other vetted sponsor while their immigration cases proceed.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court alleges that, from 2015 through at least 2023, multiple Southwest Key employees subjected children in their care to severe or pervasive sexual harassment that has included, among other things, sexual contact and inappropriate touching, solicitation of sex acts, solicitation of nude photos, entreaties for inappropriate relationships and sexual comments. The complaint further alleges that Southwest Key took insufficient action to prevent sexual harassment of the children in its care, failed to consistently follow federal requirements for preventing, detecting and reporting abuse including sexual harassment, failed to take appropriate or sufficient action to protect the children in its care and discouraged children from disclosing sexual harassment in violation of federal requirements, despite ORR having issued multiple corrective actions to Southwest Key.

The department’s lawsuit seeks monetary damages to compensate the children harmed by the alleged harassment, a civil penalty to vindicate the public interest and a court order barring future discrimination and requiring Southwest Key to take appropriate steps to prevent such harassment in the future. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-southwest-key-sexual-abuse-and-harassment-children-shelters

Anonymous said...

Juan, segun Pedro Cardenas he already disclosed everything and posted them on his social media account. Pedro Cardenas Commissioner Public Account also shows the ones that got all the Grant Monies. Trey Mendez, Ramiro Gonzalez, The Limas Brothers, John Villarreal wife, Luke Fruia Owner, Zeke Silva, etc all got big money. Oh an ex Mayor Tony Martinez too. They all think they are wealthy but they life off the grant monies. Zeke Silva is the worse. He could not even open his business without free money. Zeke has never said that he got help, he says it's his money. Zeke Silva is a rat and wants to have beef with Pedro over a parking spot. Zeke get a life. Vete con Caty Presas, ya la dejo El Captain.

Anonymous said...

for you music lovers "Johnny Jay and the Pompadors" are on mp3 juice, a download webpage...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SpaceX warns of ‘sonic booms’ ahead of fifth Starship test flight at Boca Chica plus the 10000 gallons of waste dump into the gulf after every launch. thank you RATA elected officials.

Anonymous said...

You do know that the money Zeke Silva got was approved by BCIC and every receipt was given to Commissioner Pedro E. Cardenas for him to review and trash Zeke after he edits them. FYI the money that Zeke received went into a building that Zeke DOES NOT OWN THE BUILDING. When he leaves he can't take anything with him, only the furniture he bought and equipment. Zeke applied as a tenant. Pedro if you are going to tell a story, tell it correct. No seas un pinche mandilon. Todo PUTO. Ni huevos tienes. Posting who got money. Why don't you post the money you and Arturo Trevinio received when Arturo was on the BCIC board. Why don't you post the money your family got from GBIC? You want to go to war...just don't go crying like a bitch. Aguant Bara guey porque los chingasos duelen.

Anonymous said...

August 6, 2024 at 1:23 PM: el tailed primate idiota!

idiota its spell cents (centavos) not sense, estupido, tailed primate, what you always carry in your pockets, and for you to know, this is a free country and freedom of speech and putting it on paper is a guaranteed you pendejetes mojados de mejico "DO NOT HAVE", so read the constitution that is if you know how to read. PINCHE PENDEJO TAUKED ORUNATE!

vallese para atras para mejico idiota and stay there..


Anonymous said...

this is not mejico pinches mojados when you wade, swim, float or boat across el rio grande YOU ARE NO LONGER IN MEJICO IDIOTAS THERE ARE LAWS HERE AND YOU WILL BE ARRESTED AND PUT IN JAIL IF YOU VIOLATE THEM.

Anonymous said...

Shut all that crap down and release the kids to their parents. This is just another failed policy from Obama. These kids have done nothing wrong so let them go. Enough with this illegal incarceration.

Anonymous said...

Hatred among us will be our downfall. It won't be the Russians , the Chinese , or the Iranians. It's going to be us.

Anonymous said...

Talk to Biden who has an open border policy. There are no more so called mojados . Everyone here is a US citizen. Only paperwork needs to be filed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

August 7, 2024 at 11:21 AM
mojados come here to see what they can get freee of charge NOT TO HELP ANYBODY AND SPECIALLY THE ECONOMY HERE.

Anonymous said...

mojados are a different species they are not hispanics why cause they always panic when they see a border patrol, and they do not hisssss....

Anonymous said...

August 6, 2024 at 9:39 AM
quit posting about your self and all lies MENTIROSO!!!
