Friday, August 30, 2024


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It's got to be something in the jail water.

Or maybe not. 

Like the tales in a cheap paperback novel full of lurid sexual escapades, the latest stories coming out of the Cameron County Sheriff's Department rival those of the penny press.

The latest involves one Sgt. Gerardo "Jerry" Gonzalez, who we understand has been placed on suspension pending the outcome of an investigation of official oppression regarding complaints that he used his position to gain sexual favors from subordinate female deputies under his charge. 

The first inkling that the Sheriff Eric Garza administration got was when  Gonzalez started courting a female deputy sheriff under his charge to the point that he moved in with her and dispatch filed several complaints when she failed to answer her service calls and didn't show up at the scene of the disturbances.

But the dispatchers' complaints were disregarded and Jerry continued his dalliance, sheriff department sources say. No one in administration questioned his relationship with a subordinate under his command. 

But the straw that broke the camel's back was when not one, but two other female deputies rejected his amorous advances and complained to the administration of Lothario Gonzalez's insatiable romantic leanings. 

Things only got worse for the female deputies when Gonzalez was placed in charge of the Field Training Program which, like pig in hog heaven, gave him free range to hand-pick from every new crop of deputy babes under his command.

But, alas, at least two female deputies rebuffed his advances and filed formal complaints with the department and the investigation was launched. That led to his suspension pending the investigation. Sources at the department indicate that Gonzalez has led a charmed existence because of his close personal relationship with higher ups in the Garza administration (friends in low places?) who got him promoted to sergeant in the first place.

Coming on the heels of the revelation that a female jailer (actually a visiting clerk doing double duty as a jailer) had been impregnated by an inmate serving 35 years for murdering a man in Brownsville, this is just another black eye for the department.

The rumor mill has been busy over at CCSO. Take a gander at some of the lurid stories coming out of the department. The comments below have been edited to protect the innocent, and not-so innocent.

"Investigate Lt.-----'s sexual behavior towards female guards and clerks. And Sgt. ----'s affair with jailer ----. Commander ----'s affair (a female jailer) explains why she had special treatment. Sgt. ----'s sexual harassment toward female guards explains why they had special treatment and he just had to go to his brother Mata to cover for him and just moved him to another jail. This was all covered up by the administration."

And: "Investigate Staff Sgt. -----'s affair with same female jailer and also Commander----'s involvement with the same jailer. She also was given special treatment and everyone knows about it pero se hacen  pendejos . Lt.---- is always asking female guards for sexual favors and is Lt.----'s affair with Cpl.--- is an open secret. The administration will cover for him. It's time to investigate all the sexual misconduct inside the Cameron County jails. Sheriff Trevino clean the house is a mess and disrespect to the community."


Anonymous said...

Failed to publish.

Anonymous said...

Horny bastards and bitches. They have no discipline when it comes to their sex life.

Anonymous said...

Who would even say yes to that 🤮

Anonymous said...

Law enforcement has collapsed in Cameron County. 100% of the blame falls on the courts. Trump may lead the way of ending the endless abuses in Cameron County. He has asked a federal judge to stop his sentencing in the NY state case. He has to prove futility in seeking justice in state court, in order to win. The lower courts will rebuff him. The question is, will the Supreme Court make it easier to ask federal judges to stop state criminal cases. on either futility, or interference with federal rights.

Anonymous said...

Karma finally caught up

Anonymous said...

Poor girls they didn't deserve this

Anonymous said...

Sodom and Gomorrah. My friend says : sounds like the stories and rumors coming out of BPD. Whats the deal with these law enforcement agencies?? Can’t they just keep it in their pants?? Funny thing is that both the “leaders” of these agencies are always embroiled in dubious and embarrassing behavior (as per multiple reports and rumors). Setting a very bad example for the community ( and they are the ones that go to all those school presentations). How do you like them apples

Anonymous said...

Puro coffee y donuts chon

Anonymous said...

a badge and a gun and they are GODS, that attitude HAS GOT TO CHANGE, if not the elected official will be kicked out and his ultra high salary will stop. BELIEVE IT BABOSOS...

Anonymous said...

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys

Anonymous said...

Girls....get the marriage proposal, the engagement ring and the house in your not give this guys an opportunity to take advantage of you....then call them sweet names , act jealous etc fool them once, twice until they die. The wifa is always smart. Better a widow than a dumb women.

Anonymous said...

You should've stayed clean Gerry, the stripes got to your head. You are what us big dogs/ veterans call a rooky sgt. with probably less than 5 years of service when you became brass. But as you can see, Eric Garza handed out stripes left and right to ppl who have no business. It's dudes like you that tarnish the image of a real lawmen. Maintain discipline, it's that simple. Keep to yourself and do the job with respect and honor.

Anonymous said...

What’s his wife’s @ it’s for a school project

Anonymous said...

A crop of deputy babes? You're having too much fun, Juan

Anonymous said...

Que se cree este vato? Ta feo con F de FUNDILLO!!! Tendra chingo de labia o le dicen “el caballo “ ? Pero que vergüenza pa el departamento de Cheriffe con tanto putismo y sinverguenzas ( hombres y mujeres). Puro scrape

Anonymous said...

What is done in secret will always come out in the end , it's called Karma ! Beware of what you reap!

Anonymous said...

All this wouldn’t of been allowed if we still had the GOAT 🐐

Anonymous said...

que la sequera haga fill in los blanks lol

Anonymous said...

Is there another way to fill vacancies at the CCSD? Just make them, it's easy.
