Wednesday, August 14, 2024


By Cesar Chavez Committee

Protect Cesar Chavez Holiday! STOP Tarrant County From Cancelling Cesar Chavez Holiday!

Our community is facing a direct attack on our history and our values.

Tarrant County Commissioner - Precinct 4 Manny Ramirez and Judge Tim O'Hare are attempting to erase Cesar Chavez Day from Tarrant County, a holiday that honors a true American hero, veteran, and champion for social justice. He was a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

This isn't just about one day on the calendar. It's about sending a message: that Latino voices don't matter in Tarrant County. Removing Cesar Chavez Day is an attempt to silence our community and diminish our contributions. It is also a tasteless, disrespectful, and shameful act by the County Commissioners court towards a community that consists of 30.5 percent of the Tarrant County population and GROWING.

Cesar Chavez dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of farmworkers, many of whom were Latinos facing exploitation and injustice. He taught us the power of collective action and standing up for what is right. Removing his holiday is a slap in the face to every Latino who has worked hard to build a better life for themselves and their families in Tarrant County. Why do the Commissioners feel compelled to insult the progress we have made?

We must stand together and say NO to this divisive tactic. We need to show County Commissioner - Precinct 4 Manny Ramirez and Judge Tim O'Hare that we will not be silenced. We demand that Cesar Chavez Day remain a holiday in Tarrant County, honoring the legacy of a man who fought for justice and equality for all.

Join us in this fight! Add your voice to this campaign letter and be ready to take action. Together, we can protect our history and ensure that Latino representation is valued in Tarrant County.

Can you join me and write a letter? Click here:


Anonymous said...

how many valley cities have this holiday?

Anonymous said...

Failed to publish

Anonymous said...

Beautiful architecture on that old Tarrant County building.

Anonymous said...

Chavez was a great man. He would be embarrassed and ashamed at what Lupe has become. Fucking morons ruining his great name. Shame on you Lupe.

Anonymous said...

Many Hispanics like myself appreciate Chávez’s contributions to society. He certainly should be honored for the work he did to improve the quality of life for farm workers. He is one of few Hispanic heroes. But the problem lies with Hispanics never being united. We fight amongst ourselves and are envious of each other. These actions serve no purpose to the betterment of our race.Lastly, never forget the words of pastor Vance Havner who once said, “Snowflakes are frail, but if enough of them get together they can stop traffic.”

Anonymous said...

none an he as from el valle. pinches cocos

Anonymous said...

It is no surprise coming from Tarrant County. They made it very difficult for 26,000 Katrina refugees to relocate there. Houston took in 250,000. Their recent history is not one of compassion.
Cesar Chavez should be celebrated. His work affected people of all races. He advocated a non-violent approach to achieve his
goals. Very similar to MLK and Gandhi. Viva Chavez! Peace

Anonymous said...

They need to put his image on US currency. I am still waiting for Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. These are people who made a difference in the tapestry of the United States of America 🇺🇸.

Anonymous said...

City of Mercedes does. Weslaco used to but they repealed it also. Not sure of others.

Anonymous said...

Y Ramsey? we walked all over this city to raise signatures so he could run for texas governor and did and got several million votes, didn't win but he was on the ballot. we were united than and today????
