Monday, August 26, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Has Democrat lame-duck Cameron County Sheriff cut a deal to support Republican challenger Santiago "Jimmy" Manrrique against the winner of the Democratic Party primary nominee Manuel "Manny" Treviño who beat him in a runoff in exchange for a position if the Republican wins the November general election?

The sheriff's office is rife with rumors and assertions that Garza and Manrrique have reached a deal where Manrrique has agreed to offer Garza the chief deputy position if he helps him to defeat Treviño in the upcoming general election.

As proof that this is in the works, they point to the Garza invitation for Manrrique to set up a political campaign tent at the 2024 National Night Out held on county property at the Rucker-Carrizalez Correction Center in Olmito. There, visitors saw Manrrique openly campaigning against Treviño from his tent.

To add fuel to the Democratic party fire, Republican candidate to Texas Senate District 27 Adam Hinojosa, who will face Democratic incumbent Morgan LaMantia, was also invited and Garza posed with one of his supporters at the event.
The event was held Thursday, August 21 at the Carrizales parking lot. Manrrique's tent, incidentally, occupied a handicapped parking space.

"Last night Eric and Jimmy met and after their meting, Eric was telling his supporters that Manrrique had agreed to give him the position in exchange for his political support against Treviño," a source close to Garza confirmed. "The Night Out event just confirmed that they reached a deal."

Ironically, this will not be the first time that a Democrat who has lost a party primary has endorsed a Republican candidate in the general election. In fact, it was the late sheriff Omar Lucio, a Democrat, endorsed Republican John Chambers against Garza, who had beat him in the Democratic party runoff in 2020.  

At the time Lucio said that he could not see Garza, the former county district clerk who had no law-enforcement experience, take over the department. Chambers had 20-year plus experience as a police chief.

A statement from Lucio published on Chambers’ campaign Facebook page at time read, “I strongly and wholeheartedly believe that electing the democratic nominee for Sheriff would be a step back in the wrong direction at this time. I genuinely think that to sit in this chair and to be responsible for other people’s lives, you must possess the necessary law enforcement experience.”

“You can’t be the Sheriff if you don’t know what it feels to risk your life to save another. You can’t coordinate any busts if you haven’t felt the rush of adrenaline when you kick the front door of a building in search of a criminal.”

At the time, Garza criticized Lucio for not being a good Democrat.

Is history repeating itself? If so, Garza might well ponder the fact that Democratic voters did not swallow the bait and Chambers lost. In the first case, Lucio's endorsement was a tragedy. Now, with Garza, it's a farce.


Rancho Viejo said...

I'm feeling pretty hot these days, not too bad for 57, don't you think? Rate me, my husband likes to hear what you'd do to me if you had your way......bonus points for kink or cuck ideas.

Anonymous said...

Santiago is not a Republican name!! Too Mexican!! ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Mr. Manrrique has helped our family for many years. He has more experience than Trevino as a smart policeman. He solved murders and help catch a rapist that abducted and raped our daughter! He knows what to do to solve serious crimes. He is the best man for the job

Anonymous said...

In a This Day in History, on July 28, 1868, the 14th amendment was adopted, guaranteeing citizenship to freed slaves. Former President Lincoln started the process with the Emancipation Proclamation, which led to slaves being freed.

Anonymous said...

I remember when we worked together at Brownsville Police Department. Jimmy was asked to resign because he was sexually harassing females if not they were going too processed with charges. Jimmy is not good for Cameron County. Jimmy , Erica, and Trump have in common is that they Like having side girls. Jimmy while married hitting on females, erica having babies while married, and Trump with a porn star. God help Cameron County!

Anonymous said...

The shit gets getting thicker! Wasn't Erica Garza crying wolf when Lucio Sucio supported el pinche Chambers. Social media was full of comments about Lucio being SOUR GRAPES. I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree. Erica Garza my advise is that If you think about running for any political office in the future JUST STAY OUT OF THE WAY. But then again I really don't think eric garza that you would ever be elected again for any position in this life time. ERIC GARZA STOP BEING SOUR GRAPES. SUPPORT DEMOCRAT MANUEL "MANNY" TREVINO LIKE YOU TOLD REPORTERS DURING YOUR INTERVIEWS WHEN YOU LOST.

Anonymous said...

Cuando gane el señor Trevino La Chiche se les va a terminar para las personas que son privilegiadas. Ustedes, cabrones, saben quiénes son.

Anonymous said...

se voltio la vieja we all knew he/she would, MARICON...

Anonymous said...

This blog is shit, operated by a coward. Orale, guey. Brincale, cabron!!! Vato pendejo. No tienes nada. Eres pobre!!!

Anonymous said...

Pinche Sheriffe dejate de mamadas. You already fucked the sheriffs office. Se te subio a la cabeza mama verga.

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio was an 84-year-old clown who died shortly after the election. Todo el pinche mundo lo sabe, desgraciado!!!

Anonymous said...

Oye. Ese Sheriff Fife es un sore loser. Dice mi amigo : “ Es como una pinche comadre que le robaron al marido y quiere vengarse. Pura novela el vato. Por eso perdió , por pendejo/inepto y ahora le ando lambiendo los “productos de gallina” al Manrique”.

Retired RGV LEO said...

Typical of the democrat way! Turn your back on your party even though you know damn well that the party is fucked up! Jimmy must really be hard up if he is thinking that Eric' turncoat ways will get him elected? Then, to think that Eric will make a good chief deputy, when he couldn't even be a good sheriff with all that riff-raff that he hired in his administration? Eric can accept the fact that he lost fair and square and that his party abandoned him? Eric, why don't you try to get re-elected as the District Clerk, again? I bet you wouldn't even make the run off? Oh yea Montoya, Lucio jumping ship to back Chambers back then because Lucio was right about Eric and Eric proved that, for sure!

Anonymous said...

Sources say that the people who went to visit Jimmy "Long Face" Manrriquez for a sweet deal were Erica looking for the Chiefs position, Rick the nosey clerk who thinks he is a cop, Chuck who also thinks he is above the LAW with no badge, Angel playing both sides because he doesn't want to loss SpaceX, Lt Barron of course because of SpaceX, Lt erica Lopez who hasn't been seen since after elections "apparently he is always at his house" Sgt Bejerano who also is playing both sides and doesn't like to work graveyards, all the K9 deputies who get paid more then a senior deputy but still want an incentive "like really you are always at Space x, and jesus cantu because he is eric garzas cousin and the sheriff paid for his police academy. Last the so called Lt Delbosque who is a regular deputy now because he retired but still calls himself a Lt with power to order people around.

Anonymous said...

Is your husband old? In my younger days of Studio 54 I met a woman who was married to a stinky old fart because she approached my friend and I. She asked if we wanted to have a three some and stated that her husband liked to watch. We said, no. What is the matter with your husband, no se le para?

Anonymous said...

Ok. Jimmy why are you being supported by a guy who can't run a Sheriffs office. When you were at BPD didnt they open up an Admin case on you for Sexual Harrassment. You were also head of security for I.E.S. and was the Gallegos puppet. Now you want to be in charge of a Sheriffs Office.

Anonymous said...

all these elected officials love their ultra high salaries and will do whatever they can to get into that salary range again.

Anonymous said...

November can not come fast enough. Much needed change.

Anonymous said...

racist republicans HATE meskins, what can't they understand about that statement, even cocos understand....

son mamones y lambiscones das why they love to kiss white assssss

Anonymous said...

Didn't Jimmy shoot himself in the leg while he was working as a cop with La Feria PD?

Anonymous said...

Hate hate and more hate on manrrique!! He must be doing something right!! He had a great career at BPD he was very famous throughout the valley as a television personality. He made us feel safe and proud in Brownsville plus he is a very experienced investigator! He has a great supervisor too! He could certainly run the sheriff’s office

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Same circus different clowns

Anonymous said...

You must be gay!

Anonymous said...

Time to get rid of them

Anonymous said...

Mexicans hate Mexicans
