Wednesday, August 14, 2024


(Ed.'s Note:  The calls started at about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday with callers asking whether this blog had heard about the FBI agents at the main building of the Brownsville Independent School District hauling out boxes and armed with a warrant for one board member.

Later calls talked about warrants for two board members and that the federal agents were still at the BISD. But no one in local law enforcement could confirm that the agents were at the building and we drove over to  the offices on E. Price Road and looked for ourselves. There was nothing going on there or any sign of federal vehicles or agents.  We even drove around the back. The security guard at the door said nothing of the kind had happened there.

Board President Jessica Gonzalez answered our calls and unequivocally denied that any such raid had happened and that no board members were arrested. So did the BISD police, staffers of the Cameron County District Attorney's Office, and others close to the board members. We learned that even Erasmo Castro's podcast was receiving the same rumor, and published it as true absent a BISD confirmation or denial, just a tease for their audience to tune in to their podcast today.

Still, calls kept coming in throughout the afternoon and some of the comments started chiding us because we would not publish the unconfirmed rumors. It wasn't until later Tuesday evening that the BISD, attempting to quash the rumors, issued an official denial and said they were "false and misleading" and ask the public to rely of "official media channels" for accurate information.

Until we can prove they are lying, we 'll take them at their word.

The question now is, who started it and for what reason? We now live in a brave new world of social media. Was the spread of a malicious rumor an effort by someone who wants to sow mistrust and derision on the district and its board members? Or did they think this was just some sick joke that was supposed to be fun? 

BISD did well to quickly respond to the deliberately-spread rumors. It would serve the district – and the public trust – to refine this response and move immediately to stop its spread. Call it the Social Media Rumor Response Office and have someone ready to dispel the rumors – or on the other hand – to confirm them.)


Anonymous said...

It was true. I was there. The fbi cop cars were parked in back.

Anonymous said...

It's hard not to believe such a rumor with so many elected RATA officials here. I am still waiting for more clarification here I still believe the rumor. EL VALLE DE LAS RATAS continues, we are just too close to that RATA country its hard to say its false!!!

Anonymous said...

BISD has harmed many people. Now they want to create a service oriented system to help all individuals that approach them. This is probably a test, to see if the Service to people is working. So they answered your questions and they release an official statement. It is working. Good for BISD.

Anonymous said...

While using Frankie Olivo's bogus BISD/FBI pic you want to deny the story. Frankie did not say BISD was raided, but that 2 Board Members and the Super were called in. If that is true BISD may not know. They denied rumors, but nothing specific. They could have been called in as potential witnesses. There is a story, but you cannot find it. If it is all false, hopefully the person will be caught.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence that Jason Moody suddenly resigns and soon after the FBI starts interviewing people. Is it a coincidence? Maybe or maybe not. Maybe Jason cooperated before he resigned. This way he doesn't lose his benefits when he reaches his retirement age. You can't get retirement if you are found guilty while you are employed by a government agency.

Anonymous said...

Question; Who are the two that are thought to have been called in for questioning or how are part of the investigation?

Anonymous said...

That young man stated that on Erasmo's show this morning that he is working on a story that involves a vendor working for the fbi out of Hidalgo county and it also involves BISD. So far his publications have turned out to be relevant. He spoke on how Eddie Garcia was having an extra martial affair with a then BISD employee and was using his position as a board member to get her a better job within the district. The district did nothing about this even after this came to light. The story he claims to be working on should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

all this is a repeat of 100's of stories here. It never fails its always true just look around and you can smell LAS RATAS. WE NEED ALL LAW ENFORMENT AGENCIES TO BUILT A CENTRAL OFFICE HERE MAYBE DOWNTOWN OR AT THE MALL EVEN A TEMPORARY JAIL FOR ALL THE ELECTED OFFICAL RATAS RATAS Y MAS RATAS....

Anonymous said...

Castro and Olivo are struggling with how the FBI works. Just because someone walks into the FBI to report something does not mean there is crime. Lots of people walk into the FBI to never hear from them again. And if you are target, they send you a target letter, so you can go in with an attorney if you feel like it is in your best interest. They are so clueless.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how this blog continues to protect BISD board members. It’s known that Eddie Garcia has this blog’s author in his back pocket. Eddie comes a callin’ and this blogger does as told.

Anonymous said...

Biggest Rata was coach Joe

Anonymous said...

It was just a matter of time before Carlos Elizonda que camina con una zonda AKA "La Rata Pelona" would find himself in trouble with the law...the other partner in crime, I am sure is Little Panchito (Frank)! So once again, this two twins of assholes are casting a shadow upon themselves and another black eye to BISD!

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of stories in Brownsville that are kept quiet To protect the innocents. Haunted schools, Sexual Abusers in schools, Awful professionals, etc Life has to go on.
