Sunday, September 8, 2024


9 out of 10 sexual predators never see the inside of a jail cell.
And yet, what does Mayra Flores do?

She makes life harder for the survivors.

Mayra backs Texas’ harsh law that forces women to carry the pregnancy of their rapist.

It’s the same Mayra Flores who sided with the mob when they stormed the Capitol, leaving five police officers dead.

Then blamed the police.

The Real Mayra Flores.

Nothing in moderation.

Everything to the extreme.


Anonymous said...

She has no idea that, deep down, MAGA racists see her as nothing more than a pliant Mexican to be used.

Anonymous said...

Why is this woman relevant has no clue and no chance one would think

Anonymous said...

Vieja loca. The "It" of South Texas. Vieja Payasa

Anonymous said...

Another election cycle, here comes Mayra Mentiras again! This nutcase is back at it once more. This NEW. Republican ( not like the old party) is so desperate for power. Its “AURAGUUS”( see her commercial). My friend says : this chick is another MTG OR A BOEBERT in the making. And to make things worse she a anglo wanna be who tries to fool everyone with her lies. How many times has she been caught lying?? Everything bad that happens to her is self-inflicted. It would have been so much easier for her if she would have been honest, truthful and humble from the beginning. But No! she decided to go to the dark side and show off her lying, deceitful behavior . Ni modo mamacita You reap what you sow

Anonymous said...

Classic cookie cutter Republican. How can any woman compromise her independence regarding an issue as important as healthcare? A person who violates their integrity to appease others cannot be an effective leader.

Anonymous said...

Pobresita she thinks she's a gringa BIG MISTAKE, gringos ain't gonna vote for her stinkin' ass, why? because she is a nalgas prietas mojada, that still cooks outdoors just to warm up las tortillas she purchased at walmart PINCHE MAMONA MOJADA...

Anonymous said...

RACIST REPUBLICANS la piruquiaron a esta pendeja.. what did they offered esta pendeja, FREE TORTILLAS FOR THE REMAINDER OF HER STINKIN' VIDA????

Anonymous said...

Vicente Gonzalez will win with at least 55%. Erin Gamez will win with 55+ plus. Gracia and Mantia will lose. Gracia is for school vouchers, and La Mantia and her family have spent a fortune to limit lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

Yellow dog yellow journalism

Anonymous said...

El jefe de policĂ­a Sauceda parece pinche mesero con la camisa blanca manga larga.

Anonymous said...

I'm Mexican American. The only PENDEJOS are the ones that keep voting DEMOCRAT!! The party of SOCIALIST, LGBTQ,WARS,NO LAWS AND ILLEGAL ALIENS!! They have JUMPED over the AMERICAN PEOPLE and given those who DO NOT in anyway DESERVE OUR TAXES! People who have not paid into this system! Wake up PENDEJITOS! The DEMOCRATS don't care ONE BIT for you sorry ASS!!

Anonymous said...

Not true. The Democrats are the only ones that are standing up to bullies, dictators and people that are racists. The USA is a powerful country that cares for its citizens and residents alike: drug users, lazy ones, even the evil doers have it easy in America.

Anonymous said...

. . .and you are naive enough to think the Trumpublicans care?

Anonymous said...

September 8, 2024 at 7:05 PM

The government should have an IQ test to become a usa citizen then we will not have to worry about ESTUIPOS, pinche COCO mamon, racista republicanos HATE MESKINS. republicanos odian mojados ENTIENDELO IDIOTA!!!

Anonymous said...

RACIST REPUBLICANS do I have to say more. racistas repubicanos wake up PINCHES COCOS MAMONES....

Anonymous said...

What doesn’t help your cause 7:05 are your insults and name calling. You are entitled to your opinion but sounding like a bully don’t fly. A quick rebuttal to comment, ——- clearly you are anti democratic and thats ok but i do ask you — where are your worthy Republican candidates? They are so weak they get beat by Democrat candidates. Secondly, where are your Republican voters? Is it maybe they stay home on election day cause their candidate is not worth voting for them ?? Ask yourself those 2 questions before you insult others. Get upset at your own party and voters for not showing enough support to win an election. Notice I didn’t insult anyone to get my point across Have blessed day

Anonymous said...

Folks at the end of the day it dont matter who wins, democRAT or RePUBLICan they dont care about us, they are in it for the money for themselves. Just take a look at all these WASH DC politicians, once they retire they have Millions in the bank, so in reality who really won? Simple math, Nothing more. Chuy Y Chon.

Anonymous said...


Who scuttled the bipartisan immigration legislation? Trump. Who gives the richest 1% tax breaks? Trump. You complain about immigrants but the mega wealthy and corporations take more of our tax money than the poor. You’re hating on the wrong people.

Anonymous said...

September 9, 2024 at 8:47 AM
No, did not notice anything, to be noticed you need da juice and not the one livin in fla. A couple of lies, several false quotes, maybe some pics if available (doctored of course), several supporting quotes from some raunchy citizen, preferable one in jail and state he/she is fully unqualified and no education but with a PhD, then people will start to notice, FACT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

??? I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Your only "upside" is that you are Mexican American. Other than this, you appear to be another one of those TrumpMaga'istas that has no freakin' idea of what he's talking about. Yes, you are Mexican American....and a dumb one at that.

Anonymous said...

a case of miller lite? mi-tu
