Thursday, September 5, 2024


I pay tax 
As you pay tax
As do we all
And we all flood together

See how they slide,
Like pigs in a sty,
See how they slide.
I'm flooding
(I'm flooding...)

Diving off McDavitt
Waiting for the rain to stop.
In Lake Boca Chica,
Stupid muddy highway
Man, you been a silly boy
You thought the drainage worked...

Driving in a flooded highway
Waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come,
You rust from cruising in the tropic rain...

Goo goo g' joob..
Goo goo g' joob,
G' goo goo g' joob,
Goo goo g' joob, goo goo g' goo g' goo goo g' joob joob


Anonymous said...

Wile E. Coyote style, back to the drawing board. Lamentable!

Anonymous said...

Where are our tax dollars going? Drainage issues? Street repairs? I guess it's all going to paying excessive salaries at the city and county. Democrats known for wasting tax payer dollars. Next time you go to vote think if you can and select those that can better serve our community.

Anonymous said...

You and all of these crybabies do not pay taxes, Juan!!! pero como chingan!!!

Anonymous said...

Your San Bene Greyhounds play state power Austin Westlake this weekend in 6A football...beat down o que?...ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

That "flood" you show in the picture doesn't even cover half the side wall of the tire. no sean panochas.

Anonymous said...

Millions and millions of extra cash was raised last year by increased property taxes
Where is it
I don't see it
Is it going to the Fruia's for another crappy project

Anonymous said...

where is the flooding?

Anonymous said...

I heard that it is better to find a good place to stay and wait for the water to drain than get your car into the water.... some people know how to drive into the water and the water doesn't get into your car: do not press the gas or do not press the brake.... I do not I wait...long hours for water to go low

Anonymous said...

Agree with some of the comments but WHY the obsession with blaming the political parties? We’ve had elected officials from BOTH parties in charge and yet we continue to have the same unresolved issues/problems!! Get it through your heads, its the culture and attitude that these officials have. They know going in that they will be improving their portfolios and advancing their hidden agendas. Year in year out same officials or their friends and relatives SAME MO!! Once in a blue moon they will complete a small project for the benefit of the community but the rest of the time its all about THEM!! They throw out a couple of crumbs to the natives and the rest is for them. Next election: research THE CANDIDATE not political party , do not re elect ( time to take out the trash) no more re thread candidates (they had their chance) and finally HONEST people out there, be brave and throw your hat in the ring. Brownsville needs you !! Its time to end the corruption sucking our city dry. Just saying

Anonymous said...

Keep voting Democrat,you sheep!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wait for the day a hurricane is 100 miles away, and the little rain we get. Will make sure you vote out all politicians. From 4 corners.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... what the hell keeps making Boca Chica Blvd flood? Both the city and state have no solution. Time to bring in the government. Could it be simple geography? Maybe that area of Boca Chica Blvd from 77 to 4 Corners where most of the major flooding occurs sits in a land basin. We may see it straight, but in reality that piece of land is a dip that attracts water.
The mystery of Brownsville why Boca Chica Blvd floods.The world may never know.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time there was a Republican city or county top official?

Anonymous said...

A little rain and our city streets are overflowing and so are the deep pockets of the current corrupt city and county officials.

Anonymous said...

September 5, 2024 at 2:31 PM
Your statement/comment is on point. However, TxDOT works closely with local engineers to provide input and sometimes full directions on the needs and wants of local entities/city government. That being said, the city requested street dividers be placed from the corner of Hwy 77/69 to the SPI/4 corners. This idiotic engineering design created a nightmare for drivers needing to turn into side streets along Bocachica Blvd. Its design or should I say, the lack of, created a backflow of traffic for those vehicles needing to turn into many side streets along Bocachica Blvd. The end-fall effect of that idiotic engineering design has created a traffic nightmare and a water levee that works more like a traffic and water embankment or floodbank for both vehicles and rainfall.

Anonymous said...

The picture and the constant complaint are regarding State Highway 4, AKA Boca Chica. If you still don't get it, Boca Chica is a STATE highway. The monies spent are from the STATE.

Anonymous said...

Juan you know this flooding on boca chica blvd has been going on for decades so it will never be fixed. lencho

Anonymous said...

pendejos sanbene they thought it was the high school on their their westlake street in sanbene, PENDEJOS... WE KNOW WHAT THE SCORE WILL BE 200 to ZERO and their with third string team.

Anonymous said...

boats with tires where is charlie???

Anonymous said...

Ya no la chingen its called a swimming highguey, gueyes!

Anonymous said...

da whole state is making fun of sanbene los idiotas del valle, next time (ifthereisanexttime) sent a soqqer team.... sanbena hahahaha los payasos del valle. hahahahahaaaa
