Saturday, September 21, 2024


By Karissa Bell

Cards Against Humanity is the latest entity to take on Elon Musk in court. The irreverent party game company filed a $15 million lawsuit against SpaceX for trespassing on property it owns in Texas, which happens to sit near SpaceX facilities.


According to a lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, Musk's rocket company began using its land without permission for the last six months. SpaceX took what was previously a “pristine” plot of land “and completely fucked that land with gravel, tractors, and space garbage,” CAH wrote in a statement.

As you might expect from the card game company known for its raunchy sense of humor and headline-grabbing stunts, there’s an amusing backstory to how it became neighbors with SpaceX in Texas in the first place. In 2017, the company bought land along the US-Mexico border as part of a crowdfunded effort to protest then President Donald Trump’s plan to build a border wall. Since then, the company writes, it has maintained the land with regular mowing, fencing and “no trespassing” signs.

SpaceX later purchased adjacent land and, earlier this year, allegedly began using CAH’s land amid some kind of construction project. From the lawsuit (emphasis theirs):

"The site was cleared of vegetation, and the soil was compacted with gravel or other substance to allow SpaceX and its contractors to run and park its vehicles all over the Property. Generators were brought in to run equipment and lights while work was being performed before and after daylight. An enormous mound of gravel was unloaded onto the Property; the gravel is being stored and used for the construction of buildings by SpaceX’s contractors along the road. Large pieces of construction equipment and numerous construction-related vehicles are utilized and stored on the Property continuously. And, of course, workers are present performing construction work and staging materials and vehicles for work to be performed on other tracts. In short, SpaceX has treated the Property as its own for at least six (6) months without regard for CAH’s property rights nor the safety of anyone entering what has become a worksite that is presumably governed by OSHA safety requirements."

SpaceX, according to the filing, “never asked for permission” to use the land and “and has never reached out to CAH to explain or apologize for the damage.” The rocket company did, however, give “a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half our land’s value,” according to a statement posted online. A spokesperson for CAH said the land in question is “about an acre” in size.

In response to the ultimatum, CAH filed a $15 million lawsuit against SpaceX for trespassing and damaging its property. The game company, which originally was funded via a Kickstarter campaign, says that if it’s successful in court it will share the proceeds with the 150,000 fans who helped originally purchase the land in 2017. 

It created a website where subscribers can sign-up for a chance to get up to $100 of the potential $15 million payout should their lawsuit succeed. (A disclaimer notes that “Elon Musk has way more money and lawyers than Cards Against Humanity, and while CAH will try its hardest to get me $100, they will probably only be able to get me like $2 or most likely nothing.)

SpaceX didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. But CAH isn’t the only Texas landowner that's raised questions about the company’s tactics. SpaceX has been aggressively growing its footprint in Southern Texas in recent years. The expansion, which has resulted in many locals selling their land to SpaceX, has rankled some longtime residents, according to an investigation published by Reuters.

CAH says that Musk’s past behavior makes SpaceX’s actions “particularly offensive" to the company known for taking a stance on social issues.

“The 2017 holiday campaign that resulted in the purchase of the Property was based upon CAH undertaking efforts to fight against ‘injustice, lies, [and] racism,” it states. “Thus, it is particularly offensive that these egregious acts against the Property have been committed by the company run by Elon Musk.

"As is widely known, Musk has been accused of tolerating racism and sexism at Tesla and of amplifying the antisemitic ‘Great Replacement Theory.’ Allowing Musk’s company to abuse the Property that CAH’s supporters contributed money to purchase for the sole purpose of stopping such behavior is totally contrary to both the reason for the contribution and the tenets on which CAH is based.”


Anonymous said...


Vocabu Larry said...

Elon doesn't give a fuck! This shit is to be expected from him!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Space X is hear to stay thanks to the politicians who walked out with their pockets fool of money. Too late so sad. Lets move on.

Anonymous said...

Nusa Penida Island in the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia will be off the boca chica coast SOOOOOOOON

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk is a risk taker. He takes everything he wants. He changed the name of the area. Now it is called Starbase, Texas. I do not think if he asked permission or if he applied to change the name. So, what the neighbors need to do, is sell to him NOW that they are ALIVE and not later when people that do not know the land and Love it, owns it. That is how things are, sell the land, buy somewhere else and wish for the best. Beat Musk in his own friendly and sell him the land he wants. Run away with the money away from that bully. Cry and cry but end up being a winner.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is the Democrats gave Boca Chica to Elon Musk. Now he is asking to launch 26 times a year. That is every two weeks. Plus, the closings for the test launches. Boca Chica is lost. I know of no one who even plans visits to the beach. I hate the Republicans, but for what the Democrats did, no one should ever vote for any county Democrat. Remember when Gilberto Hinojosa tried to sell Isla Blanca and we voted him out of office? The same Democrats gave Elon Musk Boca Chica. Now we are giving BISD $16 million to for a building we cannot use for 5 years under the guise we need the land to protect the great apes. The Zoo will lose certification for the great apes before anything is done. The great apes cannot wait 5 years for the zoo to be given the land and then another 3 to develop the land. And where is the money coming from? No one knows. The big steal will never end so long as Gilberto Hinojosa is allowed to continue to build his fiefdom.

Anonymous said...

I was going to springfield with my pets but no more they are eating all the pets there. They eat dogs and cats and any pet they see.
They're eatin' my dog
They're eatin' my cat
They're eatin' my pets
People from springfield
Please stop eating PETS!!!!

number one hit in the hit parade
of popular songs. sung by elvira guanajuato...

Anonymous said...

My friend says : Elon Musk can do as he pleases!! How dare you question him and what he does?? The county and city officials were the first ones to give this guy the green light to fulfill all his wishes without asking questions. Who’s gonna stop him now?? Those “ little “ elected officials opened up Pandora’s box and will now just have to sit back and observe “their own creation ( frankenstein monster) take over the tip of south texas!! Now we know how the natives felt when they first saw Christopher Columbus for the first time. Good job guys!!

Kelly Pasa said...

.....a los Estados Unidos?

Anonymous said...

Pinche vato mamon, se cree El dueno de Todo. Pero no tiene la culpa El si no los pendejos que lo dejaron entrar al valle. Ese puto se va a quedar con Todo boca chica beach y toda la tierra que el quiera. Quien lo va a detener? Nadie tiene los huevos o la feria $$$ pa ganarle.

Anonymous said...

These lands are being sold. Someone is making money.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should think hard about Republicans. This area has been run by Democrats for decades and what do we have to show for it. People need to see and think what's going on around them before taking a political side.

Anonymous said...

Democrats make shit out of everything they touch.

Anonymous said...

Los politicos del partido democrata son una bola de pendejos ambrietos.

Anonymous said...

Lets move to Starbase. I can assure you that once he makes it a town it will be the best in the country. Republican owned . Republican operated.

Anonymous said...

the richest man on this earth? is he worried? tiene los comisionados en sus bolsas so who cares??? browntown is just a mini mini account he has and his pet overlooked it!

Anonymous said...

every launch he dumps 10k gallons of filth in the Gulf good bye gulf and the beach as we knew it, but all the elected officials got what they wanted, FERIA, MONEY AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE.

Anonymous said...

Republican or democrat our local politicians tend to be small-minded, short-sighted and greedy. The county gave Boca Chica to Musk while the city cheered them on and the navigation district gave our clean air to the liquid natural gas industry. I have kept track and I will never vote for anyone who was a county, city or navigation district commissioner when any of this happened. I wonder if the cheering will die down now that Musk has reverted to his South Africa cultural roots and openly expressing his racist, fascist, elitist believes. His lack of tolerance to others extends to his own family. This is a man who disowned his own child because of the child's sexual orientation. This is a man who has multiple children by multiple women but lives with none of them. He will let others raise his children. It looks to me that he loves no one anywhere near as much as he loves himself.

Anonymous said...

Blue and tattooed

Anonymous said...

The conquistadors are here. Too late for the “indians”. History repeats itself.

Anonymous said...

vote everybody out is the answer then investigate and if any wrong doings charge the sob and kick him out... simple they are all racist republicans anyguey... so nobody cares if they ALL go to jail.

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2024 at 6:43 AM
Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha pinche mamon hahahahaha LAMBISCON Y LAMBIACHE HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA mamaculo hahahahahahaaa

Anonymous said...

El poder del dinero, por un tiempo, los pobres se juntaron con el millonario. Hay fotos: Musk y Trey Mendez juntos. Musk y la rubia. Musky la hija del millonario. Ahora nomas quedan las fotos.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans will conquer space. They will be the first in Mars....a Republican planet. Mexicans will follow them, to work and build and populate the planet.

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2024 at 6:36 AM
If the demos have done nothing for los mojados aqui, do you think los racist republican will do something para estos pinches mojados I DON'T THINK SO.... GO BACK TO MEJICO PINCHES MOJADOS Y YOU PINCHES GRINGOS GO BACKT TO COCKROACH EUROPE. BOLA DE BOBOSOS!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing with this democrat or republican BS. Boca Chica was sold to Musk by Democrats. People need to start facing the facts. Republicans had nothing to do with this theft.

Anonymous said...

Y los pendejos !

Anonymous said...

The only winner here is Elon Musk! To all you land owners in the area do a Chinese nail house.

Anonymous said...

To the indoctrinated democratic. It was your politicians who sold out. It just turned out that a Republican was a smarter and hungry.

Anonymous said...

No ones fault but the democrats in this county that keep voting democrat because they don't have the intelligence to think for themselves. Typical democrat of the area "pos I'm voting Democrat because my father did". We living in a constantly changing world. Those millions who have been indoctrinated by the democratic party will stay behind like they did during their educational years.

Anonymous said...

It is all about walking over the little people. He is never going to Mars in his life time. It would be a suicidal voyage. He'll he even polluted space with his car. Typical white man.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. Humans can not even handle Earth

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I caught a two headed fish with crossed eyes and they were blue, and he wanted to say something. A speaking fish, so I fried it and ate it. Too bad I was hungry....
