Friday, September 13, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The first entries in the conspiracy and theft from federal grant programs filed in federal court against Ruben Gallegos Sr. and Ruben Gallegos Jr. and their International Education Services were entered into  the federal docket on August 30, l2022.

Then defense attorney Tony (Trey) Martinez and his fellow counsel Tomas Tijerina started filing motion upon motion that delayed the start of jury selection which has ben reset at least half dozen times. It is noteworthy to point out that Martinez is a former federal prosecutor and knows his way around a federal court and the complexities of running (and defending against) a federal case.

(El Rrun-Rrun, without access or subscription to PACER,  had reported that jury selection was finally going to be held Monday, September 3 based on an order issued by federal judge Fernando Rodriguez Jr. way back on March 26. 

That was before Martinez and Tijerina filed  another storm of motions, some opposed by the government, others not, that pushed back the jury selection once again to October 11. That order for an October jury selection was issued August 13.)

According to a visual inspection of the docket at the office of the district federal clerk's offices, the final pre-trial conference before Judge Rodriguez is set for October 1 now, with the selection of the jury 10 days later, on October 11. 

It would be good to keep in mind that the alleged criminal offenses leading to the men being charged with conspiracy and theft are alleged to have been committed way back between 2014- 2017.

The trial, which many local lawyers predicted would never happen and that the Gallegos would cop a plea, comes after Juan Jose Gonzalez, the former finance director pleaded guilty in April to conspiracy and theft charges concerning programs receiving federal funds before Judge Rodriguez Jr. in federal court in Brownsville.

Gonzalez, accompanied by his attorney Reynaldo "Trey" Garza" said guilty when the court asked his plea after an assistant U.S. Attorney read a lengthy indictment on the two counts arising from acts he admitted to committing between 2014 and 2017 conspiring with Gallegos Sr. and Gallegos Jr.

(The relationship between Gonzalez and the Gallegos go further than being fellow executive officers at IES. Gonzalez is married to a sister of Gallegos Sr., making him his brother-in-law and uncle to Gallegos Jr.)

He had previously pleaded not guilty to both charges at the time he was arrested along with the Gallegos Aug. 30, 2022. He had his re-arraignment hearing and changed them to guilty. In approximately 30 minutes that the re-arraignment lasted, he admitted that in those four years, he and the Gallegos were responsible to conspiring to steal and embezzle millions in federal funds.

Gallegos Sr. and Gallegos Jr. pleaded not guilty to conspiracy and theft concerning programs receiving federal funds. They lengthened the process of discovery by requesting numerous emails and communications between federal agencies hoping to find a document that approved their actions.

"They aren't going to find anything," said a local attorney. "In the end, they will probably strike a deal with the government and not risk a conviction that will put them in jail for years."

The Gallegos are accused in their indictment of misapplying millions of dollars in federal grant funds meant to be used for temporarily housing migrant children at IES, a nonprofit. The Brownsville Herald's Mark Regan reported that IES abruptly shuttered its doors and fired all of its employees on March 31, 2018, although neither the federal government or IES explained why the nonprofit suddenly closed.

Federal officials say that the amount of misapplied funds total some $17 million, after the Gallegos defense team lowered it from $21 million. 

Gonzalez sentencing was also reset to come at a date after the Gallegos are tried.


Rancho Viejo said...

Some beach and sand dune photos of my naked wife on SPI, far north end. She says the sand feels rubby & funny in her p*ssy. Enjoy. The weekend's here, you horny bozos!!!

Anonymous said...

never mind a trial they are guilty sent all of them to prison save taxpayers money... millions and millions and millions which will add to property taxes so who loses?

Anonymous said...

In 1971 this day: The four-day revolt at the maximum-security Attica Correctional Facility near Buffalo, New York, ends when hundreds of state police officers storm the complex in a hail of gunfire. Thirty-nine people were killed in the disastrous assault, including 29 prisoners and 10 prison guards and employees held hostage since the outset of the ordeal.

Anonymous said...

The waiting game, delay, delay, delay... until old man Gallegos passes away. Then they will strike a deal, "the Old Man was responsible and the mastermind." What about the other properties listed under Linda's name?

Anonymous said...

Theres a saying in spanish:” El dinero es del diablo”. Loosely translated: money is the devil’s currency. That being said, this shit story is all about money $$ . The greed for money got these assholes in trouble, them being rich $$ is keeping them from going to trial and ultimately from going to jail. These scumbags have all the money to pay their lawyers for all these delays( Trump style tactics). And in the end, everything will be resolved with a plea deal that includes : a huge fine ( which they can afford to pay), probation sprinkled with a little community service and basically a slap on the wrist. And that will be the end of it —- EVERYTHING RESOLVED BY MONEY $$$ !!!! On the other hand, if this had been any regular poor person, the trial would have occurred shortly after their arrest, he would have been convicted and sent to jail for the rest of his life!!! And all the process completed in a matter of weeks. Why you ask —- FOR THE LACK OF MONEY $$$. So essentially $$$ divides justice into two categories: the get out of jail free card and the you’re so fucked card. And i ask you which one of these cards do these Gallegos con men have ? Just saying

Anonymous said...

Holidays are going to be lonely for this family. Que bueno. They all deserve it.

Anonymous said...

El Browntown es como un land field chingon lleno de ratas que no buscan queso sino quieren chingar lana.

Anonymous said...

Money 💰 does not change people. It just shows their authentic selves. Es son hudlums y ratas. With all their education they knew what they were doing.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, you asshole!!!

Anonymous said...

When you got the guy who is the accountant already spilling beans it doesn't look good for the pair.

Anonymous said...

all these RATAS will join hands in sing sing prison trumputo y su snarky familia y las RATAS del LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY. WOW what a family affair.... que bonito hahahahahaaaa

Anonymous said...

Delay Delay Delay
Sounds like Donald J, Dump
Time to pay The Piper

Anonymous said...

So are they going to rename Gallegos Elementary? May renaming it Tranzas Elementary?

Anonymous said...

How about La Familia Ladrona. Everybody and granpa!

Anonymous said...

in levenworth they have family units and father and son cells he'll be alright, just get used to the food and the public toilets....
