Tuesday, September 24, 2024


By Juan Montoya
If there was any dispute that former Texas State Senator Eddie "Sucio" Lucio has been a chaquetero and a political charlatan for the 32 years he served as a Democrat as a state legislator – four years as a state rep and 30 in District 27 of the Texas Senate – tonight's banquet sponsored by a Republican candidate for his old state district should set aside all doubt.

Tonight, a right-wing Republican state group, the Life Ambassadors of Texas, will honor Lucio "as he prepares to enter retirement" two years after he left office with a banquet sponsored by GOP challenger to Democrat incumbent Morgan LaMantia. 

And the sponsors are none other than Adam Hinojosa, from Corpus Christi, conservative Mayes Middleton, an oil-and-gas operator from Galveston, and marketeer David and wife Rebecca Boston, of Rancho Viejo. 

The banquet to honor Sucio will be held tonight, September 24, at the Brownsville Events Center from 6 to 9 p.m. Since he retired, he has made no secret that he has been a Democrat In Name Only, openly supporting and endorsing Republican candidates like Hinojosa and Mayra Flores, who was beaten by incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzalez for the U.S. House of Representatives District 34. 

Lucio, a former school teacher and county commissioner, ran for office all his life claiming to be  a Democrat, only to go to Austin and betray the trust of his constituents for his own benefit and used the position to push his religious beliefs, not all of his constituents'.

"We’re excited to host Abby Johnson as our keynote speaker as we celebrate LIFE and the achievements of Senator Lucio as he prepares to enter retirement," an announcement from the group states.

This is not the first time Lucio has sided with
Republicans. During this year's Charro Days, he ran interference for Flores and Hinojosa and introduced them to his old constituents. It didn't seem to matter to Lucio that all of them had believed him that he, as a Democrat, represented their interests, only to find out that he represented no one else but his self-interest. 

Be prepared Democrats for Sucio to openly come out and endorse Hinojosa and Flores under the pious rhetoric that he is guided by this religious principles, and not by party affiliation. So if Lucio retired in 2022, why is the recognition now sponsored by Republicans in close races held two years after? No tiene

The Republican-controlled doors to Austin influence – since he became a lobbyist two years ago – apparently require him to carry water for Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick's candidates  to remain open. 

Eddie – and then his son Eddie III (the Turd) – milked their Democratic roots to the hilt to rub elbows with the Republican elite in Austin and to beg them for scraps off their table. He parlayed those scraps for his constituency into a personal industry and retired as a millionaire. The Turd was the legal counsel for IES and it's officers Ruben Gallegos Sr. and Jr. When they fleeced the federal government for $17 million in misapplied funds paying themselves yearly salaries of more than $600,000 each in the non-profit, Lucio III pocketed his $125,000 salary for his "40 hour job" and looked the other way 

Treason and fraud do pay, apparently. 

Like Esau, Sr. traded his constituents' birthright to representative government for a passel of lentils. Or was it cold, hard, green cash on the barrelhead?

It was Lucio who cast his vote with Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to overthrow the two-thirds senate rule that had the practical effect of forcing Republicans to earn the support of one or two Democrats to get a bill through the chamber — and of shielding moderates in both parties from difficult votes. It also protected minority interests in situations where the divide is not partisan, such as on issues where regional rather than political allegiances come into play.

With Lucio's vote, the Republican majority merely barrels their legislation through without consulting with the Democrats or even considering the impact on minority representation. 

With that vote, Lucio opened the way for minority voter suppression, laws that ban abortions without exceptions for rape or incest victims, book banning, and gun laws that do not require background checks and leave the road wide open for just about everyone over 18 to purchase assault weapons. Uvalde again, anyone?

The two-thirds rule, a long-standing agreement that meant a bill would only move to a second senate vote if two-thirds of senators felt it deserved a hearing, died, replaced by the new, lower, three-fifths threshold.

Patrick had been an outspoken critic of the old rule since his first day as a freshman senator, and had pledged on the campaign trail to get rid of it. Then, when he became president of the senate, he got his wish as the chamber voted 20-10 to dump the operational restriction in favor of the lower target. Slightly surprisingly, the measure did not pass on purely partisan lines. Lucio Jr. joined 19 Republicans to back the changes. In fact, he openly endorsed Patrick over his last Democratic challenger.

The rule was always seen as the spirit of collegiate agreement and measured deliberation that the senate was supposed to be known for. Per the Legislative Reference Library of Texas, "It is generally acknowledged that the Senate's two-thirds rule fosters civility, a willingness to compromise, and a spirit of bipartisanship."

Lucio was responsible for handing control of the senate to Republicans which he hopes will place him in the catbird seat and that his "advertising and consulting" firm will continue to get a lobbying scrap here and there from his "friends" up there to keep him in beer money and pay for his golf fees for a while.


Anonymous said...

He wants to be governor the foist mojado governor and he promises to be just like Sam Houston. When goes to the toilet ONLY.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He told Obama the correct pronunciation of his name was "Lucchio".....ja ja ja ja Vato pata rajada....

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, the worst Democrat ever!!! Eddie Lucio, Jr's political life was a comedy that brought endless laughter from Texas Republicans. His legacy is that of a being a cheap joke.

Anonymous said...

BLACK EYE para el RGV con este pendejo, mamon.

Anonymous said...

Yet the people kept electing Lucio Jr for over 4 decades. Morgan is more Republican than Lucio. What are you all crying about?

Anonymous said...

benedict arnold or what, he did a good number on us here in south texas for many decades, buena perica. polly wants a cracker, el chuky.

Anonymous said...

Hispanics need to retake the RGV. Or turn over the asses to Republicans.

Anonymous said...

So is Lamentia a closet Republican like Lucio?

Anonymous said...

Every time I talked to him, he would mention that his dad was law enforcement. Que pena, his son Eddie III also.

Anonymous said...

Dems did it to themselves…ran off the conservative democrats with their extreme liberal left agenda….

Anonymous said...

I keep telling y’all, these necios always blaming the political party affiliation for the shitty work their candidate do. READ MY LIPS its not the political party , its the PERSON. My friend says : This fucking SUCIO Lucio is the perfect example : a wolf in sheeps clothing “ All his career impersonating a Democrat when deep down inside he was a Republican?? So all you Democrat haters , how do you justify this one?? So he was a Republican, disguised as a Democrat, did a shiitty job and you kept blaming the Democrats???? Its fucked up and just proves that its these rotten to the core / corrupt PERSONS that are to blame. This scumbag Lucio played everyone for years and all along ( if reports are true) amassed a $ 90 million dollar fortune. So he played BOTH sides of the political parties and only benefited HIMSELF!! How about them apples. Not bad for a “ gringo nalgas prietas”. I thought this pendejo was retired? Why is he still out there gathering crumbs $$ ? Hasn’t he had enough

Anonymous said...

There is a God who will take care of what Lucio has done. I just ask God that we get to witness his downfall.

Anonymous said...

All the dum people in southmost voted for this pendejo Rata. Just give them a leg quarter and beans and rice and a smile and they will vote for whoever.

Anonymous said...

It took you guys decades to realize that Lucio was Republican? He played both sides for the betterment of the people. Apparently, Lucio did a good job if not why was he kept in office for so long? Or is it like voting for Kamala? You know she's not good for the country but who cares she's a democrat.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, how could someone not know he was a DINO. All you had to do was see who he cuddled up with and how he voted. He was sleezy when he was a county hack and he only got worse.

Anonymous said...

Lucio was an ambitious and driven man who did well for himself by playing the political game with insight and smarts. respect.

only bad thing is he drank too much and looks like stir fried crap

Anonymous said...

September 24, 2024 at 11:05 PM
forgot la bironga, das what brings in el voto, not la gallina, ni los frijoles con aroz y chile. la tragason is to get you back into the house. La vieja quere tragar tambien.... BOLA DE IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2024 at 8:41 AM
and he loved los gringos, ass kisser. without the gringos he would have roamed los callejones at night...

Anonymous said...

Made money on the backs of many people, and his son wanted to continue to do the same. Glad both are out

Anonymous said...

he's carrying that cross cause there's a dollar bill pasted on that cross. PINCHE MAMON Y LAMBISCON!!! (seloquiereclavar)

Anonymous said...

Pinche vato hipócrita, vestido de monaguillo en la iglesia. Como dice el dicho: Come Santos y caga diablos”. No tiene vergüenza ese guey!

Anonymous said...

Your story is inaccurate. The rule would’ve changed with or without Lucio’s vote. But then again we don’t read this rag for it’s accuracy.

Anonymous said...

Your story is inaccurate. The change in rule would’ve passed with or without his vote. Then again, we don’t read this rag for its accuracy.

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2024 at 5:35 PM September 25, 2024 at 5:36 PM

all blogs are an informal guey to communicate ESTUPIDO
this is a blog not a rag baboso

Anonymous said...

He didn't burn when he touched the cross.l 😆

Anonymous said...

LOL Montoya, its a little too late, no? You democrat loving pendejos and pendejas kept voting him into office because you all bought the BS he was spewing! You bunch of pendejos and pendejas then vote his son into the same office? Now, you want to cry foul, estan bien pendejo ustedes!

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2024 at 5:36 PM


Anonymous said...

what churchbar was he coming out of, la catorce bar o el tanampa? Oh el esportssmaan...

Anonymous said...

Crazy how many of you are pissed because he doesn't want people killing babies. What crack houses are you living in?
