Thursday, September 26, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Quick! How do you think this Cameron County Sheriff Department unit got gutted by fire?

Time's up!

Would you believe that Deputy Alfonso Salinas – who is assigned to the unit – decided that it would take too long for the air conditioning to kick in after his shift so he left the car on while he finished working so that it would be nice and cool when he emerged from Rucker-Carrizales after work?

Never mind the fuel it consumed as it idled outside in the heat for hours, but then the motor heated up and the unit caught on fire and was gutted by flames by the time department workers tried to put out the fire.

Now the department is short one unit. Maybe the sheriff can get one of the units that court bailiffs use and which remain idle parked outside until the courts close at 5 p.m. at the Harrison Street courthouse to Cool Guy Salinas. Just make sure he doesn't leave it on until he finishes his shift.

Think the county's insurance will cover the loss? Or maybe just ask the county commissioners for more cash to get Salinas another ride? Has he done this before this summer without the unit catching fire? Has the Eric Garza administration taken any disciplinary action in this case?
Hot Wheels, indeed!



Dock his pay. Send him back to Mexico. Hire Whites.

Anonymous said...

Para menso no se estudia.

Anonymous said...

got fried again, just like sanbene soqueer team? sanbene sanben sanbene look for other sports activities PORFAVOR.

Anonymous said...

another ass whippin' cowboys and the giants, I hear the team will go on a strike and not suit up.... GALLINAS


I am speechless.

Anonymous said...

Going to the super bowl

Anonymous said...

Time to bring out the old Ford Crown Victoria units.

Anonymous said...

If all the details are accurate in this story, this is just another example of some of the sheriff’s employees incompetence and “ i don’t give a shit “ attitude. Who does that( leaving the vehicle/ac on ) while unattended for a long period of time ??? This equipment belongs to county and hence is probably paid with tax payer money $$. So why do these employees abuse the equipment like this??? They wouldn’t do this if it belonged to them Right?? But once again, its all about these guys thinking they are all high and mighty cause they wear a badge and work for a moron. Cameron county officials, you have rules and policies—- enforce them!! Enough with these ridiculous shenanigans, time to clean house!

Anonymous said...

September 26, 2024 at 5:45 AM
I agree the local news will never report negative stories about whites, FACT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

September 26, 2024 at 5:45 AM

Anonymous said...

September 26, 2024 at 5:45 AM
So true but the only problem here is that whites are lazy that's why they always come up with unemployment programs like: Frictional unemployment, Structural unemployment, seasonal unemplyment and finally I don't want to work unemployment (whitesonly).

Anonymous said...

time to clean house means elect a new sheriff and let him kick the RATAS OUT running around destroying everything they use and seeeeee... all this comes out of OUR PROPERTY TAXES STARTING WITH YOUR SALARIES PINCHES RATAS...

Anonymous said...

do they paint the units a different color every year? seems like it.

Anonymous said...

You’re a dumbass, you’re a dumbass
You’re grade A, number one, qualified first class
You’re a dumbass, you’re a dumbass
And you’ll be one all your dumbass life

Anonymous said...

What a "me" thinking ass🫏!

Anonymous said...

Hey Montoya, how come you're not looking into the use of county law enforcement vehicles to do side jobs or security at schools in this county? You know, the use of county vehicles to work side jobs where there is good money and or whether these officers are working their full shifts? Who pays that gas the units are expending while their pocketing side job money along with their county pay check? Seems to me that the taxpayer is footing the maintenance bill while the officer gets a nice fat pay check on the side? Just asking for a friend!

Anonymous said...

Spread facts. We understand that you supported another candidate for Sheriff but that Deputy has a reason to leave the unit on. The employees will remain the same even when a new Sheriff gets elected. So, will you post then??

Anonymous said...

8:54 good questions but this has been going on for a while but obviously just has gotten more blatant lately. But a good question would be : don’t the county officials see the county vehicles parked at these other places? Are they just turning a blind eye to this. But if someone forgets to punch in or comes in late forget it they make a huge deal. Im not condoning this behavior but rules should be followed by everyone!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you need to get your facts straight..the unit must remain on because its a K-9 unit. research your facts first then report. SMH>

Anonymous said...

The Rio Grande Delta...where the cops and sheriff deputies are DUMBER THAN A SACK OF HAMMERS; uneducated MORONS!?
