Saturday, September 28, 2024


Quinnipiac University Poll: September 24, 2024

"With 41 days until Election Day, the presidential race remains too close to call as former President Donald Trump receives 48 percent support among likely voters, Vice President Kamala Harris receives 47 percent support, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver each receive 1 percent support, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of likely voters released today.

In Quinnipiac University's August 29 poll, following the Democratic National Convention, the presidential race was too close to call. Harris received 49 percent support, Trump received 47 percent support, and Stein and Oliver each received 1 percent support.

In today's poll, Republicans 93 - 6 percent back Trump, while Democrats 94 - 5 percent back Harris. Among independents, 47 percent back Trump, 44 percent back Harris, 3 percent back Stein, and 2 percent back Oliver.

In a hypothetical two-way race between Harris and Trump, Trump receives 48 percent support and Harris receives 48 percent support."

Special to El Rrun-Rrun


The graphic above – posted by Republican congressional candidate Mayra Flores – is false. Posted in an Instagram account that originated in India and targets Hispanic votes trying to sway them against vice-president Kamala Harris and favoring former president Donald Trump. No such poll exists!

One of our readers sent us this and discovered that " Looks like Mayra 'La Mentirosa' is up to her old tricks. She posted what appears to be a FAKE POLL on her FB page MAYRA FLORES FOR CONGRESS. 

Perusing the Quinnipiac Poll web site shows this poll does not exist anywhere on the QP web site.

It is from a FOREIGN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT Click on link below to see for yourself.

The post by EconoTimes warns against reading too much into any one poll in the days leading to the election. It states in no uncertain terms that:

"Despite Trump’s lead in this poll (the one above cited by Flores that contradicts the latest survey findings), some experts warn against reading too much into any single survey. Hispanic voters are not a monolithic group, and their preferences can vary widely depending on factors such as age, geographic location, and country of origin. States like Nevada, Arizona, and California, which have significant Latino populations, will be key battlegrounds in 2024, and both parties will need to continue engaging with these voters on critical issues.

EconoTimes cannot independently verify the accuracy of the Quinnipiac poll or the data regarding Trump’s standing with Hispanic voters. Poll results can fluctuate and should be viewed as part of a broader trend analysis rather than a definitive indicator of election outcomes."

Talk about Election Interference and Misinformation!


Anonymous said...

Just another Lost Mexican. Fuera Fraude!!! Fuera, vieja jedionda! Mayra rejects her Mexican heritage, and we wonder if her mother and father cry themselves to sleep at night. Pos, quizas si!!!

Anonymous said...

"It" wants to feed us tacos made with stolen tortillas, filled with lies, and shredded internet photos. With a salsa made from poo poo. No se crean.

Anonymous said...

Useless Mayra will lose by more than the 11,000 votes she lost by last time. Blue Wave A-Comin'...!!!

Anonymous said...

pinche vieja mentirosa racist republicans DO NOT LIKE MESCANS ESPECHELLY VENDIDAS COMO ESA PIRUJA. Can't trust them, so say los racistas repubicanos...

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaaaa for este jotingo hahahahahaha no guey hahahahahahah ni anque paque con snap estampias hahahahahahaaaa VERDAD RAZA???? WHAT? SI? VENDIDOS COCOS!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"MAGA is dying. Mayra will be back in Mexico after November. Bank on it." - Vladdy Putin

Anonymous said...

Lies and fabrications is all the GOP has. Their BS stand on immigration was exposed when they tanked the bipartisan immigration reform package. Mayra
is a complete amateur. Using fake postings about her rancho cooking skills
and other easily-debunked material. No conoce la verguenza.

Anonymous said...

Don't panic, Mayra will be defeated but Trump?

Anonymous said...

Thats why she’s Mayra Mentiras!! Everything that comes out of her mouth are LIES!! As far as her parents crying themselves to sleep, I seriously doubt that. Im sure they all “benefit “ from Mayras grifting. Mayra is your quintessential Republican liar!! From her fake pictures, to her commercials full of misinformation—- she’s AURAYJUICE !! Lol. Keep up the good lies, you Burgos clown

Anonymous said...

y de adonde saca el nombre gringo de mayra? si eres una pinche mojada pinche piruja, mentirosa y apestosa. racist republicans will sent back all the mojados como maira

Anonymous said...

Republicans are experts in putting fear in voters. Only the brave will vote for Harris.

Anonymous said...

That fat orange maniac is going to attempt to deport every person with a hispanic name. No matter where they were born.

Anonymous said...

Talking about honest politicians here's A joke from Ronald Reagan:
An evangelical minister and a politician arrived at Heaven's gate one day together. And St. Peter, after doing all the necessary formalities, took them in hand to show them where their quarters would be. And he took them to a small, single room with a bed, a chair, and a table and said this was for the clergyman. And the politician was a little worried about what might be in store for him. And he couldn't believe it then when St. Peter stopped in front of a beautiful mansion with lovely grounds, many servants, and told him that these would be his quarters.
And he couldn't help but ask, he said, ``But wait, how -- there's something wrong -- how do I get this mansion while that good and holy man only gets a single room?'' And St. Peter said, ``You have to understand how things are up here. We've got thousands and thousands of clergy. You're the first politician who ever made it.''

Anonymous said...

Myra "Mil Menteras" Flores. La M&M

Anonymous said...

My buddy says : This morons commercials are all BS !! The examples she uses are ridiculous. She says SHE can lower the prices of gas , eggs, beef and even cilantro?? No she can’t. Google it idiot. Beef has always been expensive ( when we were kids we could only afford weiners, bologna and maybe picadillo) . Eggs are expensive because of avian flu impact , gas prices are determined by other factors ( a moron from Burgos is not going to lower gas prices across the US all by herself) cilantro (50 cents by the bunch at H‑E‑B) is expensive?? because of the shortage caused by drought ( climate change). Now , before all the Trumpers complain, im not saying grocery prices are not expensive , YES THEY FUCKING ARE, but the items she mentions are the exception. And for her to say “ I will lower the prices “ on these items is AURAYJUICE !! Lol. . And then on her last commercial she INSISTS on showing a “ ranch type setting “ having a meal outside. What is her obsession with the ranch lifestyle??? She’s already been caught lying about stuff like this , pero necia la mentirosa. This woman lives in a fantasy world and follows the Trump playbook to the tee.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Mayra's husband a BP agent? Border Patrol are all tRump ass suckers, PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

Sure Mayra your hero is ahead Wink Wink 😉 You are just stupid as he is— did you all hear Trumps latest genius idea to solve Californias water shortage by diverting all the water from melting snow caps in Canada by opening a “ very very large water faucet” and sending that water to California!?!?!? You can’t make this shit up LOL. AND YOU TRUMPERS WANT THIS PENDEJO TO HAVE THE NUCLEAR CODES???

Anonymous said...

Predict Kamala by a razor thin margin.

Anonymous said...

Was Mayra once the Mexican wrestler "Mil Nalgas"?

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that ignorant 😔 people believe her. If you know people that don't know better please inform them about her inability to change grocery prices.

Anonymous said...

BP agents suck DJT's ass because they don't want to deal with the imagination problems. Los pendejos would rather deal with Trump not passing a budget. What they should do is go find another job. These AP agents have government jobs with government benefits and are worse than the lazy teachers.

Anonymous said...

I do not care what you guys say about Mayratita. I am waiting for the Beetle Juice play to come into town. Mayratita is going with me. Ay chiquita sobale suavecito.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys noticed how severe climatic events pummel red states mercilessly. I understand that they are states on the coast and hurricanes hit them hard. What about Tornado Alley, Oklahoma, Arkansas, North Texas, Kansas, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucy. These are also Christian Evangelical states that vote for
Trump. Since they do not believe in climate change, could it be that God is punishing them for PENDEJOS. Esta Cabron!

Anonymous said...

I am a Democrat, and I don't care what anybody says. I am waiting for the Beatle Juice play to come into to town. Mayratita is taking me. Ay chiquita dame una sobadita

Anonymous said...

Her big sign at the southmost library was removed and replaced by signs of her opponents. She had a big sign by the entrance.

Anonymous said...

Members of my family, people I consider smart, some of my best friends are voting Republican...WHY !!!

Anonymous said...

I have noticed this too, with friends. Maybe it is Covid brain fog. Vote 💙 save your loved ones.

Anonymous said...

I guess the democratic politicians don't lie? Remember the border is secure? Remember the long going lie about Russian collusion? How about the one about Joe Biden being in great health and later dump him to the side? All politicians lie. The difference is that some lie more than others.

Anonymous said...

Democratic politicians put fear in democratic voters by telling them that republicans will take their social security benefits, medicare, medicaid and all social service programs away. Really? If democratic voters would be brave and have a little intelligence they would fact check these lies and discover that this has never happened. Lies to the weak and ignorant population.

Anonymous said...

Where did you you get your information? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

A great joke from a great republican president!

Anonymous said...

The cost of fuel effects the economy as a whole. We are currently not producing enough fuel thanks to the democrats green new deal. If you see low gas prices that's because democrats have been tapping into the gas reserve.

Anonymous said...

Because they are smarter than you! Start fact checking the lies from both parties and you will understand WHY!

Anonymous said...

To begin with you're a democrat and therefore don't believe in God. So moving on the green new deal that's been in existence for almost 4 years has done nothing to improve our environment. Instead we're having more powerful hurricanes.

Anonymous said...

She will lose thanks to our electoral college.

Anonymous said...

8:30 AM

It is going to take more than 4 years. I also think it needs to be a world wide effort. Furthermore, I wouldn't be surprised if all we can do now is preserve.

Anonymous said...

racist republicans are the biggest liers ever, just look at who they are supporting, the biggest lier on the planet....

Anonymous said...

the only racist republicans I know of are stupid cocos, the wanna be white idiotas RACIST REPUBLICAN HATE MESCANS LEARN IT MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

Retract this is the link to prove you are LYING (again).

Jose Medina said...

There you go again...lying against the orangeman. Here is a link to that poll:

Anonymous said...

Juan polls are polls, just depends who you are interviewing to get the results you want, anyway even if Trump wins the electorial college will give the victory to Kamala regardless.

Anonymous said...

"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats." Talk about instilling fear and hatred.

Anonymous said...

brown nalas vote racist republican and get a free ticket to a country of your choice only mesco is accepting all others refused!!

Anonymous said...

September 29, 2024 at 11:13 PM
you are a liar all I see is stupid people voting for este idiota.

Anonymous said...

October 1, 2024 at 9:05 AM
Aqui esta tu poll idiota!!!
