Tuesday, September 24, 2024


By Carmelo Morales

Just over five centuries ago, the natives in Mexico stopped feeling pride, their children and their children's children never knew that their grandparents had built an impressive civilization...
Details in comment

Today, more than 500 years after the arrival of those men who possessed a strange way of seeing the world, Mexicans begin to discover things that for decades were sorely omitted in textbooks.

Today it is known that the Olmecs discovered the process of vulcanization 3,500 years before Charles Goodyear, that Teotihuacan was larger than Imperial Rome, and that that Texcoco was a cultural capital of the Nahua world, a city similar to Athens for the Greeks. 

It is known that Tenochtitlan had 700,000 inhabitants, 16 times larger than Seville at that time. It is also known that education among the nahuas began from childhood and that was obligatory, public and universal, unlike the Europeans, who only educated children of nobility.

We know today that the Mayans built observatories and that they designed the only Venus calendar in antiquity and that in the city of Ek Balam they founded the most important painting schools of their culture, and that wixarika and the raramuri learned to connect their heart and thinking to the earth and its essence thanks to medicinal plants that helped fending off physical diseases by healing the mind first.

There were many wars to eradicate native thought and to impose foreign religions and destroy native  customs, or simply use foreign beliefs to conqueror territory. Scientific advances already existed but history is written by the conqueror, so we may never recover that knowledge. Will we ever re-learn who we were before we were invaded? 

From what we know, it is easier to abandon the belief that Europeans discovered a continent and that in addition, they civilized it, because civilization here already existed.


Anonymous said...

Hispanic Heritage Month: Another way Anglos segregate us. Look, Hispanics over there!!! ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

People are not proud to be Aztecs, Mexicas, Mayas, Mexicans. Watch the Mexican TV, American TV mostly blondes, blue eyes, white skin

Anonymous said...

I once had a gringo tell me that they are the smartest people. He further said that it has been scientifically proven. I been to the pyramids in
Mexico. When the gringo made his statement I just looked at him smiled and thought "you are full of BS. I am not wasting my breath and time on you."

Hispanics be proud of who you are. Teach your children and grandchildren to pronounce their name with pride.

Anonymous said...

rediscover WHAT? That we still need an ID to cross over INTO OUR COUNTRY?

Anonymous said...

I need to see your ID before you come into this gringo nation!! Si senor hear ies mi ED senor.

Anonymous said...

September 24, 2024 at 6:59 AM
say it with pride, " MI NOMBRE ES PANCHO PISTOLAS AND I AM AN AN AN forgetit....

Anonymous said...

You are correct in stating that the majority of faces seen on television are white. That in itself is not an indicator of whether people are proud of their
ancestry. Mestizos come in all shapes, hues and flavors. Hollywood and
Madison Avenue are realizing this fact. They will adjust to capture every dollar possible. Don't be so quick to paint all Latinos with a wide brush.
Viva la Raza.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9/24/2024 2:21
Asi es carnal que VIVA LA RAZA
Esos cabrones que besan culo por ser lambicones, se les va apudrir el hocico por tanta mierda que trangan.



Anonymous said...

Juan the Great civilizations were already here before the Spanish
came over and destroyed everything these cultures had, all those whites, blondes and blue eyes came from Spain.
