Monday, September 2, 2024


La Cebolla

WASHINGTON—Bemoaning the terrible course conditions he encountered while visiting the military burial site, Donald Trump called out Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday for its hazard-filled fairways. 

“I’ve played at amazing golf courses all over the world—like Augusta, Pinehurst, and Pebble Beach—and let me tell you, Arlington National Cemetery was the worst 18 holes I’ve ever played,” said the 45th president of the United States, adding that service was terrible at the 639-acre memorial, from the rude and overbearing guards, to the messy gravestones littered everywhere, to the distracting spectators who kept kneeling down and praying.

“Immediately after I teed off, I had no idea where the holes were, my golf cart started sucking up wreaths, and my ball got caught in this huge trap called the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Plus, it was impossible to order a lemonade or a BLT. The waitress I called over just started sobbing.”

 At press time, Trump added that this was exactly why he preferred playing at Trump golf courses, where there was only one grave and it belonged to his late ex-wife.


Anonymous said...

So where was Biden and Kamal? Possibly in hiding. After all, they caused those deaths by they're screwed up withdrawal from Afghanistan. These two idiots can’t do anything right. Yet she will be our next president? Scary!

Anonymous said...

This guy is a narcissistic, sociopathic ,disrespectful fool. He has every right to visit that cemetery, especially if he was invited by the families. But to claim it wasn’t a campaign stunt is preposterous!! Go visit, pay your respects and thats it , WHY?? post a video on TikTok with a campaign message and then claim it wasn’t political???? Those who believe him must be totally bonkers. These MAGA supporters who are in the military ( or have family/relatives) should denounce this lying idiot. This man is politically desperate , but to use the memory of these fallen patriots for his gain is the last straw.

Anonymous said...

An A-Hole in one

Anonymous said...

Failed to publish

Anonymous said...

He is the littered obstacle, to say the least!

Anonymous said...

Trump does not respect himself much less others. The devil is in the details.

His wife, Melanie, does not respect him,trust him, or feel an obligation to support her spouse. Granted he doesn't respect her either.

What else do we need to know?

Anonymous said...

What are you griping about? Those dead soldiers are “suckers and losers “ according to your bone spur orange Jesus. That was just a photo op for
lemmings like you. The “billionaire “ is asking for more money. Buy golden sneakers, trading cards or a bible that he has never opened. Tell your kids
and grandkids that you support a convicted felon, rapist, adulterer conman.

Anonymous said...

USA is so embedded with foreign powers it ain't funny we're burying our own for other countries benefit.

Anonymous said...

As per report, : thousands of respectful visits have occurred at Arlington cemetery WITHOUT incident except for repugnant Trumps visit!!! He posts a TikTok video and then denies it wasn’t a campaign stunt. And to make matters worse and more repulsive , pay attention to Trumps hand gesture —- HE’S GIVING A THUMBS UP ?!?!?!? Who does that ?? Unless you’re posing for something. At a cemetery?? What a piece of shit!!! But ofcourse Trumpers will make excuses and defend him . How sad and pathetic

Anonymous said...

tRump's the fattest idiot ever.

Anonymous said...

You are confused. It was Trump the one that orchestrated the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Why? Putin told him to do it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and the images of the burial plots, flags, flowers, memorials of the other soldiers that are resting in peace were also displayed, without the consent of their families.

Anonymous said...

Enough of your annoying ass comment on every single article. Obviously it has published DA. Rancho Viejo Platinum Truck Guy speaking

Anonymous said...

Next stops Antietam and Gettysburg.

Anonymous said...

To you very stupid democrats including you Montoya! President Trump was invited by the families being honored! Why can't you dummies see that? Why do you have to always find something to critique on him? Biden and the C$%^ have plenty of skeletons in th closet and have documented comments both stupid, racist and full of lies but you dumb asses don't see or accept that, huh? Biden and the C#$% weren't invited because those families felt betrayed! How in your good senses feel that the C$^& becomes, you know? That life will be better? Either, you dumb asses have a lot of money or won't admit that your treasure chest HAS been depleted these last four years that you'd vote for that C$%^!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes he WAS invited. No one is questioning that. He had every right to go and participate in the ceremonies. But maybe you missed the part where they assaulted the cemetery employee, he took pictures ( giving a thumbs up) took video of it all and then posted to Tik Tok . That was the part that WAS ILLEGAL AND DISRESPECTFUL. Arlington cemetery has strict rules/laws against the exploitation of the gravesites of its fallen patriots. That being said ,Trump should have just attended ceremony and just go home afterwards but just couldn’t help himself and turned everything into a disrespectful clusterfuck. You can try and find excuses for your hero Trump and thats your choice, but don’t insult people before getting your facts in order. Have a blessed day

Anonymous said...

Somebody sounds butthurt. We offended the pussy grabber. Pobrecito. : (

Anonymous said...

There are places that are worthy of respect. Arlington Cemetery is one of those places. You don't use the folks that are buried there as props for a political campaign. 47 has no respect or shame.

Anonymous said...

si, he looks like a headstone.
